Regulations; powers; employees; offices violated NRS 630.306(1)(c) (two counts), NRS 630.306(1)(p) (two counts), NRS 630.301(9) On March 8, 2011, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Joe engaged in conduct that is grounds for discipline pursuant to the Medical Practice Act, to wit: a reciprocal action in Texas, a violation of NRS 630.301(3), as set forth in Count I of the formal Complaint and ordering that Dr. Joe receive a public reprimand; pay a fine; and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this case. It was further ordered that, for a period of three years, Dr. Fredericks shall specifically comply with all laws pertaining to the dispensing, prescribing or administration of controlled substances and dangerous drugs, including, but not limited to, the requirements of NRS 453.163, 453.164, 453.226, 639.23507, 639.23535 and 639.2391 through 639.23916, inclusive, and any regulations adopted by the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy pursuant thereto, and shall specifically comply with the requirements of NRS 630.306(1)(f), and in so doing, shall not perform any procedure or prescribe any therapy which, by the current standards of practice of medicine, is experimental without first obtaining the informed consent of the patient or the patients family. On March 9, 2012, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted the voluntary surrender of the medical license of Bruce Ginier, M.D. On September 6, 2019, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Davis violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint, and ordered that she receive a public reprimand; pay a $1,000.00 fine; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. CME requirements for licensure; he shall perform 100 hours of community hours of CME that may be used towards fulfilling the 20 hours of CME in her NAC 630.540(1), willful and intentional false statement in renewal of license The surrender was made based on Dr. Desai not being competent to safely practice medicine due to physical and mental impairments arising from a series of strokes. (519) 824-5600, Prince Edward Island Veterinary Medical Association Dr. Allen was also ordered to reimburse the Board all costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Complaint filed based on action taken against his medical license in Florida. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Smith violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(4) [malpractice], as set forth in the Complaint filed against him, and ordering that he make a contribution of $2,500 to a medically-related, non-profit entity/organization within 30 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement; complete 8 hours of continuing medical education regarding spinal surgery within 1 year of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement; and reimburse the Board its costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case within 30 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement. hearing held on June 25, 2019, and the Findings and Recommendations of the 12-28540-1 shall be dismissed with prejudice and all Board open investigative complaints and/or open formal complaints as of the date of the Boards approval of the Settlement Agreement shall be fully and finally resolved by the terms and conditions contained in the Settlement Agreement and deemed closed with prejudice without any further action. Dr. Handsfield entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with the Board and it was ordered that his license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada be suspended until further order of the Board, he shall participate in a, program to correct alcohol or drug dependence or any other impairment, he is ordered to enter Talbot Recovery campus for an evaluation and treatment and upon release from Talbot he is to enter into a contract with the Diversion. The Board ordered Dr. Robertson receive a public written reprimand, pay the costs of the investigation and disciplinary proceedings incurred by the Board, and be required to pass a competency examination in the field of practice in which he is currently engaged. This will only proceed if it had serious consequences. Mr. Dunetz shall pay to the Board the costs and expenses incurred by the Board in investigating and prosecuting this matter, which are now in the amount of $14,811.96, and the additional expenses necessary to conclude drafting and approval of this Agreement, all payable to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners within one year of acceptance, adoption and approval of this Agreement by the Board, but a written and signed monthly payment schedule shall be arranged with the Board Compliance Officer for payments of no less than $500.00 per month, and a balloon payment, if needed, on the date one year from the date of Board acceptance, adoption and approval of this Settlement Agreement. The Board found Dr. Molde guilty of a violation of NRS 630.306(2)(b), NAC 630.230(1)(c), and NRS 630.306(7), and ordered Dr. Molde be issued a public reprimand. On March 11, 2011, The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a settlement agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Victoria violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Victoria receive a public reprimand; that he complete 8 hours of AMA Category I continuing medical education (CME), 4 hours of which should include gastroenterology and/or endoscopic procedures and complications, including PEG tube placement, and the other 4 hours focused on Dr. Victoria's area of practice, to be pre-approved by the Chair of the Investigative Committee, to be completed within 12 months of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement, and to be in addition to any other CME required as a condition of licensure; and that he reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, payable within 90 days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement by the Board. The Board ordered that Dr. Arcotta be publicly reprimanded and reimburse the Board the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the matter. Ordered by Board to undergo medical competency exams, including SPEX, on 1/21/92. On September 11, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Lee violated NRS 630.301(3) and NRS 630.306(1)(k), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $250.00 fine; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. On December 6, 2013, The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners found, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Dr. Yee violated Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 630.306(3), NRS 630.3065(2)(a) and NRS 630.301(9). Veterinary Licensing and Disciplinary Board, 320 West Washington Street The Board ordered: 1) Dr. Stein shall be issued a public reprimand; 2) Dr. Stein shall pay a fine of $2,000.00 for each count; 3) Dr. Stein shall complete six units of Continuing Medical Education in Ethics within one year of the Order; and 4) Dr. Stein shall pay all costs incurred by the Board in these disciplinary proceedings in the amount of $2,819.02. Regulators ensure that those entering the practice of veterinary medicine meet a minimum standard of practice by being properly educated, qualified, and are fit to be licensed. second opinions who saw your pet after the vet you are filing on. Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; reimburse On December 1, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Ziaei violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in Counts VIII and IX of the Complaint, NRS 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count XI of the Complaint, NRS 630.306(1)(a), as set forth in Count XII of the Complaint, and NRS 630.306(1)(m), as set forth in Count XIII of the Complaint, and ordering that she receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. On June 5, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted the voluntary surrender of Dr. Acosta's license to practice medicine while under investigation. On December 2, 1994, Dr. Gharavi entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with the Board whereby it was ordered that he receive a public reprimand and perform 20 hours of uncompensated public service. A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners regarding its complaint against Dr. Ahmed. for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the On March 11, 2011, The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Finch violated NRS 630.301(3), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Finch receive a public reprimand and that he reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case within 60 days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement by the Board. 638.0423 Attestation to compliance with requirements; maintenance of documentation of completion. Count II of the Complaint shall be dismissed. (306) 955-7862, United On June 7, 2019, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Blanco-Cuevas violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count III of the Complaint, and ordering that she receive a public reprimand; pay a $1,000.00 fine; complete 4 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure; reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her; and schedule, attend, and participate in the Fitness for Duty (FFD) Evaluation with the Physician Assessment and Clinical Education Program (PACE), located at the University of California, San Diego, and follow the recommendations in the report. These fines and costs are to be paid to the Board within sixty (60) days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Jovanovich violated NRS 630.301(3), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $500.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Ask the vet who his or her insurance On March 5, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Gordon violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $5,000.00 fine; complete 22 hours of continuing medical education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; perform 100 hours of community service, without compensation; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Additionally, all Board open investigative complaints and/or open formal complaints as of the date of the Boards approval of the Settlement Agreement shall be fully and finally resolved by the terms and conditions contained in the Settlement Agreement and deemed closed with prejudice without any further action, and Eighth Judicial District Court Case No. wrong, the vet has likely already contacted their malpractice insurance 9. check on a vet's disciplinary action - in Texas, for example, the board of Law, and Order imposing discipline against Dr. Gabroy is stayed pending The Board Ordered that Mr. Campbell's Physician Assistant Certificate be revoked. board. Application Wizard. The mission of the Veterinary Board of Governors is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and their animals by regulating the competency and quality of veterinary healthcare providers and facilities. On June 10, 2011, a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was accepted and approved by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners in settlement of its Complaint against Dr. Carrol. On June 5, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Stacey violated Nevada Administrative Code 630.370(1)(b), (2) and (5) and NAC 630.230(1)(i), as set forth in the Complaint against her, and ordering the following: that Dr. Stacey receive a public reprimand; that she pay a fine of $5,000.00 within 30 days of the Board's order; that she complete 12 hours of CME regarding the topics of supervising physician assistants (6 hours), prescription abuse and overdose (4 hours) and practicing outside one's scope of practice (2 hours), within 1 year of the Board's order; that she voluntarily agrees never to supervise a physician assistant while licensed in Nevada; that she reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her within 30 days of the Boards order; and that she reimburse the Board any reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Board in monitoring her compliance with the Settlement Agreement. A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby the Board entered an order finding that Mr. Eden violated NAC 630.380(1)(m) and NRS 630.304(4), and ordering that Mr. Eden receive a public reprimand, that he pay a fine in the amount of $1,000, and reimburse the Board's costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, in the amount of $1,039.45, within 90 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement. mood-altering substances for the duration of her contract with PRN; she undergo Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law and Order on REMAND **11-21-01** wherein the Court granted Dr. Cohen's Petition for Judicial Review as to Count Two of the Complaint in this case, remanding Count One back to the Board for reconsideration of the penalty and the costs associated therewith in light of Count Two having been dismissed by the Court. Mr. Witkowski's license to practice respiratory therapy in Nevada was revoked, and he was ordered to reimburse the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, in the amount of $3,696.17, payable within 120 days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. On June 8, 2012, a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Board) in which the Board entered an order finding that Dr. Phillips engaged in conduct which is grounds for discipline pursuant to the Medical Practice Act, to wit: engaging in conduct intended to deceive, a violation of NRS 630.306(2)(a), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint; and failure to maintain timely, legible, accurate and complete medical records, a violation of NRS 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count IV of the Complaint. a psychiatric examination by PRN within 60 days; and she reimburse the Board's Count I, and one of the two counts in Count II, of the Complaint, were dismissed. On December 2, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Board) accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Haslett violated NRS 630.301(4) and NRS 630.304(1), as set forth in Counts I and III of the Complaint, and ordering the following: that she shall receive a public reprimand; pay a fine in the amount of $2,000; complete three hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. Dr. Ahmed shall complete four (4) hours of continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of medical record keeping and six (6) hours of CME regarding his specialty of practice, to be pre-approved by the Investigative Committee Chair, to be completed within the probationary period, and in addition to any other CME required as a condition of licensure. 14-10032-1. NRS 630.301(4) and NRS 630.306(1)(o) as set forth in the Complaint, and On March 5, 2010, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Board) reviewed and considered Dr. Tate's Petition for Modification of the Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement entered into on 12/5/08. Quick Reference for New Controlled Substance Prescribing Requirements. guilty of a violation of NRS 630.306(12), failure to report in writing, within 30 days, any criminal action taken or conviction obtained against a licensee; and a violation NRS 630.304(1), obtaining, maintaining, or renewing a license to practice medicine by an inaccurate or incomplete statement. On September 6, 2019, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Morales violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint, and ordering that she receive a public reprimand; complete 3 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. you discover that a vet has no disciplinary action, this does not mean that Veterinary licensing boards will review any complaint about a veterinarian or veterinary technicians (in . Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 Phone: 573.751.0031 If Dr. Kaplan otherwise meets the will bring no accountability. Dr. Jain's Nevada license to practice medicine is suspended for a period of 1 year commencing from the date of her original temporary injunction (November 14, 2008) and terminating on November 14, 2009; upon termination of the suspension, Dr. Jain shall be placed on probation for a period of 3 years according to the following conditions: Dr. Jain shall commit no violation of the Medical Practice Act or any other laws, she shall practice solely within her medical specialty (physiatry), and she shall complete a course in medical ethics within 1 year from the date of this order; Dr. Jain shall be issued a Public Reprimand; she shall reimburse the Board all costs and fees, in the amount of $14,370.45, payable within 1 year of the date of the order. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners entered a Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order whereby Dr. Fani-Salek was found guilty of violating NRS 630.304(1), i.e., for obtaining a license to practice medicine by fraud, misrepresentation or by false, misleading inaccurate or incomplete statements. On June 1, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. O'Gara violated NRS 630.3062(1) (12 counts), as set forth in Counts II, IV, VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XVI, XVIII, XX, XXII and XXIV of the Complaint, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $1,000.00 fine; complete six hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. On November 30, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Mr. Luckette violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he complete 22 hours of CME and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Board, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1310 It was further ordered that if Dr. Ziaei chooses to apply for reinstatement of her license to practice medicine in Nevada, or if she applies for licensure anew after expiration of the reinstatement period, and if she satisfies all other applicable licensing requirements, she will be required to undergo an evaluation to determine her fitness to practice medicine, at her own expense. State Board of Veterinary Medicine, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 investigation and prosecution of the case against her. Dr. Seldon's Nevada license to practice medicine was revoked; Dr. Seldon shall reimburse the Board for all costs and fees in the amount of $10,967.91, payable within 90 days of this order, and shall pay a fine in the amount of $15,000, payable within 90 days of this order.

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