Arthur Scargill celebrated that he had outlived his old foe Lady Thatcher when he heard of her death, it was revealed last night. They divorced in 2001. "And I tell you summat: when I come out of there, I thought to myself, 'Right they can't do owt any worse to me now. They made a final offer of 16,000." He understood the plight of the workers, and chose to stay and remain a self-appointed representative of the workers. The militant former leader of the National Union of Mineworkers was the Tory prime ministers most bitter enemy during the miners' strike of 1984 but has not commented publicly on her demise. He also stated regarding Brexit that "we should just invoke the first clause of Article 50 and that means we could leave the EU tomorrow". The one who very secretly tried for two decades to buy a council flat in Londons fashionable Barbican so he could pocket a fortune. I got my mobile phone, and I sent him a text. "He's OK," says Capstick. Scargill joined the Labour Party in 1962. But apparently not. In a 1975 interview with New Left Review Scargill said: I was in the Young Communist League for about six or seven years and I became a member of its National Executive Committee responsible for industrial work. His application was blocked at the time as it was not his primary residence. 'We now have a situation where the government and the establishment have a funeral on their hands which they wish they didnt have. The hidden ingredient in your supermarket loaf that might put you off bread for good. [29], In 1998, Scargill and his wife, Anne, separated.[30]. He was responsible for leading two pivotal miners' strikes: one in 1937 and another in the mid-1980s. "I am writing a book, but he'snot mentioned in it. Thereafter Scargill led the NUM through the 19841985 miners' strike. Before I set off for Yorkshire, I email her to request an interview with him, citing the fact that my own grandfather was a coalminer and union activist, and many of my close relatives were actively involved in the strike. His policy alienated most of the Nottinghamshire miners, undermined his position with the leaders of the trade union movement, hurt the union's reputation in British public opinion, and led to violence along the picket line. Labours Lord Gilbert hailed Lady Thatchers good fortune in facing Mr Scargill. Mr Capstick told ITV News: Id been talking to Arthur some ten minutes earlier so I sent him a text message, a very short one, just said Thatcher dead. He studied security videotapes and saw Mrs Scargill sneaking along a corridor with a tube of glue in her hands. He keeps a home close to the pit village where he was born, and is said to be close to Nell Myers, the American-born woman who was the NUM's national press officer during the strike, and continues to assist Scargill in his political and media dealings. He was the representative of the Yorkshire miners. I hate all women. You've been found out. [5] In 1957 he was elected NUM Yorkshire Area Youth Delegate, and attended the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow as a representative of the Yorkshire miners. He listens to all this with an air of mild amusement. After the miners' strike in 1984, there were accusations that Arthur Scargill had misappropriated National Union of Mineworkers funds and that money which sh. 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I'm working on article about the 30th anniversary of the strike, I say. "One day last year, I was talking to him on the phone. He felt that the Labour Party had betrayed the basic principles of the party`s constitution. The doors to Parliament open to show Scargill's wife and daughter. He is best known for leading the UK miners' strike (198485), a major event in the history of the British labour movement. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? If you were on the minimum wage it would take 100 years to earn the 1,500,000 you needed to buy that flat. "[28] This was in the Prime Minister's rejection of Labour calls for an apology for government actions during the 19841985 miners' strike. And then there is the real Arthur Scargill. Former Scargill loyalist Jimmy Kelly, a miner at the Edlington Main pit near Doncaster in the 1980s, said he was astonished to learn of the attempt to buy the flat. He had no means of calling a strike in Yorkshire.[27]. After the miners' strike, Scargill was elected to lifetime presidency of the NUM by an overwhelming national majority, in a controversial election in which some[who?] "Five years ago, when I first started, if we got 30 or 40, we thought we'd got a lot," she says. ARTHUR SCARGILL has two faces. Is it time Harry & Meghan accept Clarkson's apology and move on? Former miners' leader Arthur Scargill loses his High Court fight to have the NUM continue to meet the costs of his London flat for his lifetime. [33], In July 1990, the NUM executive voted unanimously to sue Scargill and general secretary Peter Heathfield. [26], There is a prevailing view that Arthur Scargill, the NUM National President, called the strike. All rights reserved. In Fridays column I wrote about the difficulty forces were having in finding officers good enough to step up to Chief Constable with both Lincolnshire and the Met struggling to find the right calibre of applicant. The miners` strike of 1974 eventually brought down the Conservative government of Edward Heath. [43] In February 2012, Scargill won 13,000 in a court action against the NUM, primarily for car expenses, and for the earlier temporary denial of membership. Frederik White with his wife Jennifer and 16-month-old daughter Nicky. He had been a Communist and retained strong Marxist views and a penchant for denouncing anyone who disagreed with him as a traitor Scargill had indeed been elected by a vast margin and he set about turning the NUM's once moderate executive into a reliably militant group By adopting a position that no pits should be closed on economic grounds, even if the coal was exhausted more investment would always find more coal, and from his point of view, the losses were irrelevant he made sure confrontation would not be avoided. We now know, for example, that until late 2012, the NUM paid 34,000 a year in rent for his council flat in the Barbican in London and that in 1993, he tried to use the Right to Buy scheme pioneered by Thatcher to buy it. And Scargill, 60, has been dividing his time between a granny flat over his union's HQ in Barnsley, Yorks, and his pounds 300,000 London apartment. The man's had 30 years of decent living out of the union, and he's got a pension that's second to none. "It's strange, because Arthur was a media person. Hero of the working classes, Arthur Scargill, has joined the Conservative Party after they allowed the opening of a new coal mine in Cumbria. After his return to Britain, he joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. And yesterday, do you know what? Several dispirited strikers decided to return to work after around a year, and the strike ended in a failure. "Analysing the British miners' strike of 19845.". "It was Thatcher's legislation, actually giving council tenants the right to buy their own houses. Mr Scargill replied simply: 'Scargill Alive! [58][59] Scargill's appearance on the picket line was alluded to by Prime Minister Boris Johnson the next day at Prime Minister's Questions, accusing the Labour Party of "literally holding hands with Arthur Scargill". By 1984 however the police were ready and neutralized the tactic with superior force. Does that include him? This was a complete reversal of the policy that was promised by the Labour Government before it was put into office this represents a betrayal of the mining industry. Arthur Scargill at a mass rally in 1984, during his time as NUM leader (PA) Margaret Thatcher: . To his detractors, by contrast, the fact that he understood what was at stake is no excuse for a series of elemental mistakes that sealed his union's fate and marked a huge turning point in postwar history. It was a major political victory for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party. [31] In addition, it was alleged that he had taken 1,000,000 of cash donated by the Soviet Union for the Welsh miners and placed it in a Dublin bank account for the "International Miners' Organisation", where it stayed until a year after the strike had finished. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. And did we win that? The strike began on 12 March 1984, and became known for being one of the most violent events in British labour history. HAVING just been charged 349.20 to replace a rear brake light unit on my Mercedes ML 250. Why Arthur Scargill is reluctant to leave his 1.5m Barbican flat The National Union of Mineworkers is fed up of forking out for their former president, but he clearly likes his home among the. Arthur Scargill's net worth estimate is $100,000 - $1M. The intended title, she and Cook tell me, is Only a Miner's Daughter, and it will tell the story of her entire life, with a seeming focus on the strike. But my father never forced me to be involved in politics at all.[5]. The daughter of National Union of Mineworkers' president Arthur Scargill is to marry the man who helped close down the last pit in the NUM's South Yorkshire heartland, it was disclosed yesterday. If reports are true that British women volunteers are flocking to the Calais Jungle specifically to have sex with migrants, expect the camp to grow from the current 10,000 to the size of Africa in no time at all. "[46] Kitchen says that Scargill "has had 30 years of decent living out of the union, and he's got a pension that's second to none. It began in Yorkshire, and eventually spread to the rest of the country. Along with Tony Benn, veteran left-wing MP from the Labour Party, he campaigned to free the two strikers Russell Shankland and Dean Hancock, who were convicted of killing a taxi driver named David Wilkie. They brought down Jim Callaghans Government. "I don't know what a deal would have been," he says. A lot of other people on the National Executive at that time went on and became very respectable Labour MPs in Parliament. He was on television all the time: a charismatic character. "I don't see much difference betweenthe way Arthur has lived his life and thecapitalist system he built areputation for fighting in that he's allout for his self. Arthur's dad lived with us as well: there were me, Arthur, Margaret [their daughter] and Arthur's dad. "I would have thought that someone who was public enemy number one, with MI5 tapping his calls and following him, and everything else they were allegedly doing to him I'm very surprised he managed to live the life hedid and get away with what he did without being pulled up," he says. [9] Scargill saw this strike as a turning point in the union's attitude to militancy.[10]. In 1990, Scargill was accused in a series of Daily Mirror articles of mishandling money donated for the striking miners during the 19841985 strike, with many of the sources being those who had previously worked with him in the NUM such as Kim Howells, Jim Parker and Roger Windsor. [4] He joined the Young Communist League in 1955, becoming its Yorkshire District Chair in 1956 and shortly after a member of its National Executive Committee. Dr Margaret Scargill has announced her plans to marry former Grimethorpe Colliery under-manager James Logan. It turned into a confrontation with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher in which the miners' union was defeated. 10 Dec 2012. [47], In 1996, Scargill founded the Socialist Labour Party after the Labour Party abandoned the original wording of Clause IV advocating the public democratic ownership[48] of key industries and utilities from their constitution. He soon started demanding an improvement in the working conditions, and wrote letters to several agencies and newspapers. His eyes have sunk a little into his face; the voice is deeper and huskier than it once was. [45], For years the NUM had been paying 34,000 annual rent for the flat on Scargill's instructions, without the knowledge of NUM members or many senior officials; Scargill claimed the NUM should continue funding his flat for the rest of his life, and thereafter for any widow who survived him. [36] In September 1990, the Certification Officer brought criminal charges against Scargill and Heathfield for wilfully neglecting to perform the union's duty to keep proper accounting records. In the 2001 general election, he ran against Peter Mandelson in Hartlepool. [37], The South Wales area leader, Des Dutfield, moved that Scargill should stand down and face re-election, but the motion was defeated. [9][11], A few months later, the president of the Yorkshire NUM died unexpectedly, and Scargill won the election for his replacement; the two posts were then combined and he held them until 1981. The political power of the NUM and of most British trade unions was severely reduced. He wouldn't say another word. Or are the Scargills effectively hoping to make a quick return by flogging the joint immediately and trousering 1million tax free? Capstick also reiterates something he has said in the past: that somehow, for all that the miners lost the strike, "the victory was in the struggle itself". They divorced in 2001. Had he done the humble thing and walked away with what he were entitled to, his reputation would still be intact.". having received a 500,000 discount. They were released from prison in November 1989. His father, Harold, was a miner and a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Chris Kitchen said: "I would say it's time to walk away, Mr Scargill. [53], Scargill still occasionally gives interviews and makes appearances. The secretary at this time was a very good friend of mine called Jimmy Reid, and we're still close friends. THE man set to marry the daughter of miners' leader Arthur Scargill was yesterday branded a love cheat - by his own daughter. Like me you wont have heard of Ms Tandoh since she last appeared in the show a couple of years back and the only reason she would have made any impression was a suggestion she was flirting with Mr Hollywood. ", "And that," says Capstick, "was the only thing he said about Thatcher. It's the last place Ivisit in Yorkshire before I turn the car round and head south: a low, long, stone-clad cottage only 50 or so yards from the M1, with a silver 4x4 parked outside, and a modest set of gates. [55], In 2017, Scargill spoke at an event in Cardiff setting out how British manufacturing could be rebuilt after Britain had left the European Union. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. [3] The couple had a daughter together, Margaret Scargill, in 1962 who is now a practicing GP. Arthur Scargill, the union boss who led the 1984 miner's strike, reacted to the death of Margaret Thatcher by pointing out he was still alive, it has emerged. "Well, you've knocked on my door," he says. So they shouldn't think they've scared me. He was succeeded by Ian Lavery. Scargill decided to turn his attention to politics. As late as 2009, it was said that Scargill was estranged not just from Anne, but his daughter, Margaret, and her husband and, by extension, his twin grandsons. TOY shop in Bromsgrove, Worcs Hoyti Toyti, Beauty salon in Catterick, North Yorks Saving Face, Wool shop in Redcar, North Yorks Wool N Knit Be Nice, Chippie in Bedminster, Bristol Smileys Plaice, Seen on a lorry Cant Move Heaven But Can Move Earth, Mac computer repair shop in Penzance, Cornwall Apple Crumble, On the side of a van in Cam, Gloucs Copse And Loggers. It was alleged that, of the money donated from Libya, Scargill took 29,000 for his own bridging loan and 25,000 for his home in Yorkshire, but gave only 10,000 to the striking Nottinghamshire miners. 16-Month-Old daughter Nicky against Peter Mandelson in Hartlepool the strike ended in a failure labours Lord Gilbert hailed Thatchers! 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