"This visit was very enlightening. By highlighting the power of Carson's voice, we hope to inspire others to add their voices to this essential conversation. Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and the reissued version of her first book, Under the Sea Wind, were also bestsellers. Claudia Joy Wingo is anenvironmental health educator who serves asDepartment Chair of Health PromotionatMaryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) and faculty at Georgetown University in theDepartment of Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology. [60] About DDT and cancer, the subject of so much subsequent debate, Carson says only a little: In laboratory tests on animal subjects, DDT has produced suspicious liver tumors. About President Robert K. Musil, Ph.D., M.P.H. Carson took on the responsibility for Roger when she adopted him, along with caring for her aging mother. Roger believes that spiritual and/or religious use of Cannabis hemp is worthy of First Amendment recognition and protections. "[72] Others went further, attacking Carson's scientific credentials (because her training was in marine biology rather than biochemistry) and her character. To anyone who knows him, the claim that he is a danger to the community is absurd." Died: April 14, 1964. in Silver Spring, Maryland Rachel Carson, writer, scientist, and ecologist, grew up simply in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania. However, further health troubles slowed the final revisions in 1961 and early 1962. [35][5][36], The prosecution resulted from the combined efforts from 2008 to 2010 of the Drug Enforcement Administration; the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigations; Homeland Security Investigations; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; the U.S. That year, she took on a literary agent, Marie Rodell; they formed a close professional relationship that would last the rest of Carson's career. Carson died at her Silver Spring home on April 14, 1964, of a heart attack related to her cancer. I still feel that Christie should be released pending a trial. She also attempted to enlist others to join the cause, such as essayist E. B. John More was a leading environmental attorney and former professor of classics at Brown University. "[24], On April 3, 2013, Roger Christie was visited by Senator Russell Ruderman and Senator Will Espero at the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Honolulu. Originally produced in 2008. Two weeks later, Marjie was dead and her five-year-old son Roger became Carson's responsibility. Silent Spring was published in 1962. The conditions of the supervised release include refraining from use of marijuana or other controlled substances or from being in the presence of using marijuana. Roger is credited with making and returning the holy anointing oil of Moses and the christening oil of Jesus to use in the THC Ministry. White-Stevens labeled her "a fanatic defender of the cult of the balance of nature,"[73] while former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, in a letter to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, reportedly concluded that because she was unmarried despite being physically attractive, she was "probably a Communist. Christie was denied contact with reporters from National Geographic, Newsweek, Honolulu Civil Beat, and others Senator Ruderman stated, "I have known Roger for over 25 years. [34] While Christie was awaiting trial, six co-defendants made plea deals with the prosecution to cooperate with authorities.[21]. Dr. Hueper [author of Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases] now gives DDT the definite rating of a "chemical carcinogen. Rachel Carson was a 20th-century scientist, writer, and public servant. The program included segments of Carson reading from Silent Spring and interviews with several other experts, mostly critics (including White-Stevens); according to biographer Linda Lear, "in juxtaposition to the wild-eyed, loud-voiced Dr. Robert White-Stevens in white lab coat, Carson appeared anything but the hysterical alarmist that her critics contended. [45], As her research progressed, Carson found a sizable community of scientists who were documenting the physiological and environmental effects of pesticides. An international, interdisciplinary center for research and education in the environmental humanities and social sciences, it was established as a joint initiative of Munich's Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt and the Deutsches Museum, with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Her grandnephew, Roger Christie, had visited Carson that summer at her cottage in Maine, and together they had wandered the surrounding woods and tide pools. [16], Carson was inundated with requests for speaking engagements, fan mail and other correspondence regarding The Sea Around Us, along with work on the script that she had secured the right to review. According to court documents, authorities confiscated approximately 30 ounces (845 grams) of processed marijuana in the Wainaku apartment and more than $34,000 cash from the apartment and a bank safe deposit box. Carson was also undergoing radiation therapy to combat her spreading cancer and expected to have little energy to devote to defending her work and responding to critics. Prowling her family's farm with her mother, Maria, she learned to love nature. She was 56 years old. [56], Finding a title for the book proved difficult; "Silent Spring" was initially suggested as a title for the chapter on birds. Richard J. Mandel, Treasurer. [2] On Sept. 27, 2013, Christie pleaded guilty to marijuana trafficking and two counts of failing to file income tax returns. Filmed in September 2007 at Rachel Carson's cottage Southport Island, Maine . She was 56. Her body was cremated and Carson's ashes were divided for burial beside her mother at Parklawn Memorial Gardens, Rockville, Maryland,[84] and the rest scattered along the coast of Squirrel Island, near Sheepscot River in Maine. [55] While writing the book, Carson chose to hide her illness so that the pesticide companies could not use it against her (she worried that if the companies knew, they would use it as ammunition to make her book look untrustworthy and biased). Perhaps most significantly, on June 9, 1980, Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. Roger likes to say, "We believe anointing is a literal thing. A hopeful ruling did come when Judge Kobayashi ruled that Roger and his wife Share were "sincere" and "religious" Cannabis Ministers, but soon afterwards she denied their religious defense because she ruled that the U.S. government had a "compelling interest" in keeping Cannabis illegal, AND that the government used the "least restrictive means" to deny their religious freedom. Celebrate Earth Day 2021 in honor of Rachel Carson's lifelong contributions to an environmental ethic of precaution in protecting the Liked by Roger Christie View Roger's full profile Munich's Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society was founded in 2009. Bob Musil joined the Rachel Carson Council as CEO in 2014 and is the former long-time Executive Director and CEO of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Physicians for Social Responsibility. [46], She also found significant support and extensive evidence from a group of biodynamic agriculture organic market gardeners, their adviser, Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, other contacts, and their suite of legal actions (1957-1960) against the U.S. Government. Roger wrote a chapter in the book called Cannabis and Spirituality by Stephen Gray. Carson never married and had no children. However, Carson had made it clear she was not advocating the banning or complete withdrawal of helpful pesticides but was instead encouraging responsible and carefully managed use with an awareness of the chemicals' impact on the entire ecosystem. Roger has both the original injunction and the government's 37 pages of legal "chess moves" to use to refile the case at an appropriate time. [113] Since 1998, the Society for Social Studies of Science has awarded an annual Rachel Carson Book Prize for "a book length work of social or political relevance in the area of science and technology studies. Instead, her interests were turning to conservation. She originally studied English but switched her major to biology in January 1928. Roger was Rachel's nephew, who she legally adopted after his mother died. Marty Talbot is a biologist, conservationist, ecologist, and explorer with experience in environmental research and advising in about 60 countries, including over 6 years of pioneering research on plainsland ecology in East Africa. By this time, Carson's reputation for clear and poetical prose was well established; The Edge of the Sea received highly favorable reviews, if not quite as enthusiastic as for The Sea Around Us. [92] In 1973, Carson was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.[93]. [8] In 1935, her father died suddenly, worsening their already critical financial situation and leaving Carson to care for her aging mother. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Perfect for classrooms and community events, this 51-minute film features interviews with Rachel Carson's adopted son, Roger Christie, her biographer, Linda Lear, and other notable writers, scientists and advocates. How did Rachel Bradshaws husband Rob Bironas die? They. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Rachel also took care of her mother and two of her nieces for a short time while she was working at the US Bureau of Fisheries. She was previously an ICU nurse for twenty years on-site at Georgetown Hospital in Washington. As quoted in the Star-Advertiser on Feb. 24, Judge Alan Kay remarked: "You would think the light would come on when the first search of his residence was made. May 2020 Roger completed his four-year federal probation with no violations. Thank you. [70], American Cyanamid biochemist Robert White-Stevens and former Cyanamid chemist Thomas Jukes were among the most aggressive critics, especially of Carson's analysis of DDT. [35] The book described the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment, and is widely credited with helping launch the environmental movement. Click Here to Visit our Coasts and Ocean Program, Click Here to Visit our Bird Watch and Wonder Program, Click here for information on the RCC Fellowship Program 2023-2024. All other detainees were speedily released on bail or signature bond before trial. Among many others, Carson also sent a proof copy to Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas, a longtime environmental advocate who had argued against the court's rejection of the Long Island pesticide spraying case (and who had provided Carson with some of the material included in her chapter on herbicides). In mid-1945, Carson first encountered the subject of DDT, a revolutionary new pesticidelauded as the "insect bomb" after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakithat was only beginning to undergo tests for safety and ecological effects. Before the dismissal, however the defendants U.S. government filed a 37-page Motion to Dismiss. However, when The New Yorker commissioned a long and well-paid article on the topic from Carson, she began considering writing more than simply the introduction and conclusion as planned; soon, it was a solo project. The indictment includes additional charges for three sales of marijuana to an undercover officer during 2008 and two charges of his failure to file income tax returns for 2008 and 2009," Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Kawahara, the lead prosecutor, said. [96] Near Pittsburgh, a 35.7 miles (57km) hiking trail, called the Rachel Carson Trail and maintained by the Rachel Carson Trails Conservancy, was dedicated to Carson in 1975. First published a half-century ago, Rachel Carson's award-winning The Sense of Wonder remains the classic guide to introducing children to the marvels of nature. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The book closes with a call for a biotic approach to pest control as an alternative to chemical pesticides.[62]. [6] Though admitted to graduate standing at Johns Hopkins University in 1928, she was forced to remain at the Pennsylvania College for Women for her senior year due to financial difficulties; she graduated magna cum laude in 1929. He was a co-founder of the Hawai'i Hemp Council in 1990 and, with Aaron Anderson (Ernest Allan Anderson), and Dwight Kondo, founded the Hawaiian Hemp Company. "God, that's great.". [21], Concerning the depth of their relationship, commentators have said: "the expression of their love was limited almost wholly to letters and very occasional farewell kisses or holding of hands". By 1948, Carson was working on material for a second book and had made the conscious decision to begin a transition to writing full-time. [12] Carson attempted to leave the Bureau (by then transformed into the United States Fish and Wildlife Service) in 1945. It operated on the Great Lakes. Her longtime agent and literary executor Marie Rodell spent nearly two years organizing and cataloging Carson's papers and correspondence, distributing all the letters to their senders so that only what each correspondent approved would be submitted to the archive. She would have certainly instilled in any child in her orbit a respect for and love of wild nature. "[18] However, she discovered that her right to review the script did not extend to any control over its content. Carson also accuses the chemical industry of intentionally spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting industry claims uncritically. Carson never married and had no children of her own. Roger's grandfather's son (Roger's dad in other words) could be Roger's daughter's grandfather. Carson and her research assistant Jeanne Davis, with the help of NIH librarian Dorothy Algire, found evidence to support the pesticide-cancer connection; to Carson, the evidence for the toxicity of a wide array of synthetic pesticides was clear-cut, though such conclusions were very controversial beyond the small community of scientists studying pesticide carcinogenesis. In 1957, one of her nieces passed away leaving a son, Roger Christie, which Rachel adopted, and she moved to Maryland. However, Carson was so embittered by the experience that she never again sold film rights to her work.[19]. So I read today that Rachel Carson participated in a kinship adoption of her nephew, Roger Christie, who was the son of Rachel Carsons niece Marjorie. You know, first she had to . The THC Ministry blessing is: "God, that's great! He is one of the most peaceful persons I know. [120] Carson was featured during the "HerStory" video tribute to notable women on U2's tour in 2017 for the 30th anniversary of The Joshua Tree during a performance of "Ultraviolet (Light My Way)"[121] from the band's 1991 album Achtung Baby. Between 1964 and 1990, 650 acres (263ha) near Brookeville in Montgomery County, Maryland were acquired and set aside as the Rachel Carson Conservation Park, administered by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. It went on to win the 1953 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Rich Mandel has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Rachel Carson Council since 2003 and served as a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Solid Waste Advisory Committee from 1993 1995. Rachel Carson had a brother named Robert and a sister named Marian. No one since would be able to sell pollution as the necessary underside of progress so easily or uncritically. The title of the book alludes to the disappearance of birds and thus their songs as a result . Her condition worsened, and in February, doctors found that she had severe anemia from her radiation treatments and in March they discovered that the cancer had reached her liver. During the proceedings U.S. District Court Judge Leslie Kobayashi denied Roger's motion that "marihuana" was misclassified as a Schedule 1 most dangerous substance with "no recognized medical use in treatment in the U.S.A." despite medical Cannabis being legal in Hawai'i since June 2000 and in many other jurisdictions. Her mother was always the most important person in her life, sharing her home and acting as her housekeeper and secretary. However, the United States federal government's 1957 gypsy moth (now called spongy moth) eradication program prompted Carson to devote her research and her next book to pesticides and environmental poisons. She had her first story published at age ten. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Half of her ashes were buried in her mothers grave at Parklawn Memorial Cemetery in Rockville, Maryland, and the other half were scattered by Dorothy Freeman on the coast of Sheepscot Bay. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Roger Christie is the grandnephew and adopted son of Rachel Carson. "The major claims of Miss Rachel Carson's book, 'Silent Spring,' are gross distortions of the actual facts, completely unsupported by scientific, experimental evidence, and general practical experience in the field. The University of California, Santa Cruz, named one of its colleges (formerly known as College Eight) Rachel Carson College in 2016. In the spring of 1964, Dorothy received half of Rachel's ashes in the mail sent to her by Robert Carson. John H. More, Ph.D., J.D., (1945-2022). The kit includes a Letter of Good Standing which can be used by Ministers in many states to get a license to marry people from their state government specifically as a "Cannabis sacrament" Minister, legal precedents, Roger's considerable activist history and track record of accomplishment in helping to end the war on marijuana and to repeal prohibition. The book was published July 2, 1951, by Oxford University Press. [124][125], American marine biologist and conservationist (19071964), Collected papers and posthumous publications. He was subject to drug testing and always tested negative. [66], Most of the book's scientific chapters were reviewed by scientists with relevant expertise, among whom Carson found strong support. Her plan for the next book was to address evolution. Services included counseling, fellowship, weddings, funerals and more. She also wondered about the possible "financial inducements behind certain pesticide programs. On Sept. 27, 2013, Christie pleaded guilty to marijuana trafficking and two counts of failing to fi [81], Weakened from breast cancer and her treatment regimen, Carson became ill with a respiratory virus in January 1964. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". [9], Carson's supervisor, pleased with the success of the radio series, asked her to write the introduction to a public brochure about the fisheries bureau; he also worked to secure her the first full-time position that became available. However, the publication of Julian Huxley's Evolution in Actionand her own difficulty in finding a clear and compelling approach to the topicled her to abandon the project. Did Rachel Carson have a child? It marked a major turning point in Carson's writing career. Freeman had written to Carson welcoming her to the area when she had heard that the famous author was to become her neighbor. The Edge of the Sea (1955) Silent Spring (1962) Rachel Louise Carson (May 27, 1907 - April 14, 1964) was an American marine biologist, writer, and conservationist whose influential book Silent Spring (1962) and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement . Who were rachel Carson's siblings? [58], As biographer Mark Hamilton Lytle writes, Carson "quite self-consciously decided to write a book calling into question the paradigm of scientific progress that defined post-war American culture." Roger Christie (born June 15, 1949) is an American ordained minister in the Religion of Jesus Church, which regards marijuana as a "sacramental herb. Fooling with nature: special reports: Silent Spring revisited: "2003 National Women's History Month Honorees: Rachel Carlson", National Women's Hall of Fame, Rachel Carson, "College Eight becomes Rachel Carson College using a gift from the Helen and Will Webster Foundation", "Environmentalist Rachel Carson's legacy remembered on Earth Day", "Rachel Carson Environmental Middle School", "Find a School - New York City Department of Education", "Appendix 19 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan", "N. C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve", Award RecipientsAmerican Society for Environmental History, "Winners: SEJ 11th Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment", "Fellowships - Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society - LMU Munich", "RACHEL LOUISE CARSON: Google lets fly a Doodle true to 'Silent Spring' writer's nature", "u2songs - The Women of Ultra Violet: Light My (Mysterious) Ways: Leg 1 -". "[87] Carson's work, and the activism it inspired, are at least partly responsible for the deep ecology movement and the overall strength of the grassroots environmental movement since the 1960s. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael K. Carson adopted Roger at age five after Marjories sudden death. [7], After her first year of graduate school, Carson became a part-time student, taking an assistantship in Raymond Pearl's laboratory, where she worked with rats and Drosophila, to earn money for tuition. They shared summers for the remainder of Carson's life and meet whenever else their schedules permitted. After two years of college studies and flight training school in Miami, Florida he received an associate's degree in Science and a Commercial Pilot certificate. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The committee issued its report on May 15, 1963, largely backing Carson's scientific claims. from the Yale School of the Environment where she studied environmental peace building in post-conflict regions. The result was the book Silent Spring (1962), which brought environmental concerns to an unprecedented share of the American people. The THC Ministry spiritual practices include: confession, forgiveness, gratitude and love. [63], Carson further noted that "Malaria programmes are threatened by resistance among mosquitoes"[64] and emphasized the advice given by the director of Holland's Plant Protection Service: "Practical advice should be 'Spray as little as you possibly can' rather than 'Spray to the limit of your capacity' Pressure on the pest population should always be as slight as possible. [8] Others, such as Yaakov Garb, suggest that in addition to not being a women's rights activist, Carson also had no anti-capitalist agenda and that such attacks were unwarranted. Many of these were published in the book Always, Rachel, published in 1995 by Beacon Press. Thesis: "The Development of the Pronephyros During the Embryonic and Early Larval Life of the Catfish." Summer 1932 US Fisheries Laboratory, Woods Hole with Grace Lippy. The autopsy report revealed that he had a blood-alcohol level of.218, and also had traces of Valium in his system. [53] Her research was also delayed by revision work for a new edition of The Sea Around Us and by a collaborative photo essay with Erich Hartmann. "[3] In 2000, he founded the THC Ministry, which offered cannabis as a part of its services. Silver Spring, Maryland Example: "I apologize for my part in _________ . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The family moves to a house in Silver Spring, Md. Roger's goal includes the acceptance of home growing of safe and natural Cannabis in a similar way, using the concepts of Equal Justice Under Law, the First Amendment for religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "[68] Other publicity included a positive editorial in The New York Times and excerpts of the serialized version in Audubon magazine, with another round of publicity in July and August as chemical companies responded. In 1955, acclaimed conservationist Rachel Carsonauthor of Silent Springbegan work on an essay that she would come to consider one of her life's most important projects.Her grandnephew, Roger Christie, had visited Carson that . Despite Carson's requests to resolve these problems, Allen went forward with the script. Rachel Carson died of a heart attack on April 14, 1964 in Silver Spring, Maryland. [54] Most of the research and writing was done by the fall of 1960, except for the discussion of recent research on biological pest controls and investigations of a handful of new pesticides. [80] Following the report's release, she also testified before a United States Senate subcommittee to make policy recommendations. In 1996, Christie ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Hawaii County Council. In their later years, they lived at the northern tip of Washington D.C in Silver Spring, Maryland. By the time Rachel Carson died on April 14, 1964, at the age of 56, the modern environmental movement already was stirring. In 1955, acclaimed conservationist Rachel Carson began work on an essay that she would come to consider one of her life's most important projects. She seems to have kept Roger out of the public eye as there is little one can find out about him. The two women had common interests, nature chief among them, and began exchanging letters regularly while apart. There were often "Aloha bags" of Cannabis trimmings given for free to those in need. The essay, which was combined with photographs by Charles Pratt and others, exhorts parents to help their children experience the "lasting pleasures of contact with the natural world available to anyone who will place himself under the influence of earth, sea, and sky and their amazing life. The court accepted this argument because marijuana was found again in a new search of Christie's home in June 2010, leading the court to conclude that Christie would continue to violate the law while out on bail. Cannabis sacraments included holy anointing oil (See Exodus 30:23, and Mark 6:13), Cannabis tinctures made with French cognacs, and a non-alcoholic tincture made with vegetable glycerine and Cannabis flowers. Her mother was always the most important person in her life, sharing her home and acting as her housekeeper and secretary. David J. McGarvey, Ph.D. David McGarvey is a research toxicologist who has served as the Principal Investigator for the U.S. Army Analytical Toxicology and Chemical Methodology Branches in Chemical Biological Defense and other issues. He received his license to perform marriages in the State of Hawaii as a "Cannabis Sacrament" Minister and founded the THC Ministry. An avid reader, she began writing stories (often involving animals) at age eight. [16], Christie was arrested on Thursday July 8, 2010, along with 13 others from the Big Island, and charged with possession and sale of cannabis. Carson also raised a grand-nephew, Roger Christie, whom she adopted as a son. The Sea's success led to the republication of Under the Sea Wind, which became a bestseller itself. After his arrest, Christie was taken to Oahu and incarcerated at the Honolulu Federal Detention Center. Musil is also a leader in national peace campaigns on nuclear weapons and non-proliferation, the military budget, the arms trade and the Iraq War. Carson died at her Silver Spring home on April 14, 1964, of a heart attack related to her cancer. She also made plans to buy and preserve from development an area in Maine she and Freeman called the "Lost Woods."[33]. In 1986, he became a resident of Big Island, Hawaii. He was also a leader in community-based activities in the District of Columbia including the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), a multi-racial interfaith grassroots organization concerned with affordable housing and neighborhood redevelopment and green jobs. For $250, the donor would get a "Cannabis Sanctuary Kit" which also included the "THC Ministry Cannabis Religion Guide". [98] The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection State Office Building in Harrisburg is named in her honor. The purpose of this visit was to discuss Christie's incarceration, health, and rights as a United States citizen under the United States Constitution. "[65], Carson and the others involved with the publication of Silent Spring expected fierce criticism. Carsons will provided generously for the future of her adopted son Roger Christie who came under the guardianship of Carsons close friend Paul Brooks, senior editor at Carsons publishers Houghton Mifflin, and his wife Susie. [88], While there remains no evidence that Carson was openly a women's rights activist, her work and its subsequent criticisms have left an iconic legacy for the ecofeminist movement. Carson attended Springdale's small school through tenth grade, then completed high school in nearby Parnassus, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1925 at the top of her class of forty-four students. Rachel Carson was an American biologist well known for her writings on environmental pollution and the natural history of the sea. DuPont compiled an extensive report on the book's press coverage and estimated impact on public opinion. Please show me the blessings in this situation and hurry! in marine zoology, 1932; never. [41], Starting in the mid-1940s, Carson had become concerned about the use of synthetic pesticides, many of which had been developed through the military funding of science since World War II. Each member, patient or visitor was required to wash their hands with hemp soap upon entering and to have good manners and respect while visiting the offices in the Moses Building in Hilo. Son Roger became Carson & # x27 ; s responsibility of Big Island, Hawaii sell pollution as the underside. Legally adopted after his mother died Tumors and Allied Diseases ] now gives DDT definite! The blessings in this situation and hurry her aging mother songs as a result his four-year federal probation with violations... In 2000, he founded the THC Ministry spiritual practices include: confession, forgiveness, and. 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