ROBERT: Well, let us say you have a yard in front of your house. say they're very curious, but want to see these experiments repeated. Yeah. ROBERT: But the drop was just shocking and sudden enough for the little plant to ROBERT: Do its reflex defense thing. You do. Landing very comfortably onto a padded base made of foam. Radiolab: Smarty Plants. Smarty Plants. Now, you might think that the plant sends out roots in every direction. ROBERT: Connecting your house to the main city water line that's in the middle of the street. It's like a savings account? Like, how can a plant -- how does a plant do that? ROBERT: And this? Because if I let you go it's gonna be another 20 minutes until I get to talk. It's almost as if the forest is acting as an organism itself. Where would the -- a little plant even store a memory? Like what she saw in the outhouse? ROBERT: Now, you might think that the plant sends out roots in every direction. ROBERT: But that scientist I mentioned MONICA GAGLIANO: My name is Monica Gagliano. But this one plays ROBERT: So she's got her plants in the pot, and we're going to now wait to see what happens. ], And Alvin Ubell. On one side, instead of the pipe with water, she attaches an MP3 player with a little speaker playing a recording of And then on the other side, Monica has another MP3 player with a speaker. ], Our staff includes Simon Adler, Becca Bressler, Rachael Cusick ], Bethel Habte, Tracie Hunte, Matt Kielty ], Matt Kielly. MONICA GAGLIANO: I wonder if that was maybe a bit too much. One time, the plant literally flew out of the pot and upended with roots exposed. You mean you got down on all fours and just And so my mom always talks about how she had to constantly be giving me worm medicine because I was -- I always had worms. JAD: Coming up on the Plant Parade, we get to the heart -- or better yet, the root -- of a very specific type of plant. And then Monica would Just about, you know, seven or eight inches. I know. And if you don't have one, by default you can't do much in general. Then she takes the little light and the little fan and moves them to the other side of the plant. ], [JENNIFER FRAZER: And lastly, a friendly reminder. And if you just touch it Where all the leaves close in, like do do do do do do. ALVIN UBELL: And I've been in the construction industry ever since I'm about 16 years old. Then she takes the little light and the little fan and moves them to the other side of the plant. JAD: Wait. ANNIE MCEWEN: What was your reaction when you saw this happen? On the fifth day, they take a look and discover most of the roots, a majority of the roots were heading toward the sound of water. Jad and Robert, theyare split on this one. She says we now know that trees give each other loans. ROBERT: And then she waited a few more days and came back. Yeah. ROBERT: They're sort of flea-sized and they spend lots of time munching leaves on the forest floor. That was my reaction. That's what she says. Today, Robert drags Jad along on a parade for the surprising feats of brainless plants. Pretty much like the concept of Pavlov with his dog applied. Maybe there's some kind of signal? Oh, so it says to the newer, the healthier trees, "Here's my food. ROBERT: And we dropped it once, and twice. The part where the water pipe was, the pipe was on the outside of the pot? I've been looking around lately, and I know that intelligence is not unique to humans. They were actually JENNIFER FRAZER: Tubes. It spits out the O2. ROBERT: But that scientist I mentioned MONICA GAGLIANO: My name is Monica Gagliano. The point here is that the scale of this is so vast, and we didn't know this until very, very recently. Well, it depends on who you ask. I found a little water! And so we're digging away, and Jigs was, you know, looking up with his paws, you know, and looking at us, waiting. And we were all like, "Oh, my goodness! And after not a whole lot of drops the plant, she noticed, stopped closing its leaves. ], Maria Matasar-Padilla is our Managing Director. So they might remember even for a much longer time than 28 days. This is not so good" signal through the network. And the classic case of this is if you go back a few centuries ago, someone noticed that plants have sex. She says one of the weirdest parts of this though, is when sick trees give up their food, the food doesn't usually go to their kids or even to trees of the same species. Ring, meat, eat. SUZANNE SIMARD: Yes, we don't normally ascribe intelligence to plants, and plants are not thought to have brains. I just listened to this Radiolab episode called "Smarty Plants". As abundant as what was going on above ground. ROBERT: And right in the middle of the yard is a tree. The whole thing immediately closes up and makes it look like, "Oh, there's no plant here. Jul 30, 2016. And then Monica would ROBERT: Just about, you know, seven or eight inches. ROBERT: The point here is that the scale of this is so vast, and we didn't know this until very, very recently. It's doing like a triple double axel backflip or something into the sky. Jun 3, 2019 - In our Animal Minds episode, we met a group of divers who rescued a humpback whale, then shared a really incredible moment.a moment in which the divers are convinced that the whale . I guess you could call it a mimosa plant drop box. ROBERT: Okay. JAD: Are you bringing the plant parade again? And this is what makes it even more gruesome. An expert. SUZANNE SIMARD: You do. You need the nutrients that are in the soil. They still did not close when she dropped them. JAD: If the -- if the tube system is giving the trees the minerals, how is it getting it, the minerals? ROBERT: And then later, scientists finally looked at these things under much more powerful microscopes, and realized the threads weren't threads, really. Submitted by Irene Kaufman on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 12:58pm. Find us at 10900 W Jefferson Blvd or call (310) 390-5120 to learn more. But it was originally done with -- with a dog. They don't do well in warm temperatures and their needles turn all sickly yellow. And for a long time, they were thought of as plants. Like so -- and I think that, you know, the whole forest then, there's an intelligence there that's beyond just the species. Oh! It's yours." And then those little tubes will wrap themselves into place. Did Jigs emerge? MONICA GAGLIANO: Yeah, plants really like light, you know? MONICA GAGLIANO: Light is obviously representing dinner. ROBERT: So you just did what Pavlov did to a plant. Now, you might think that the plant sends out roots in every direction. I've always loved Radiolab. And then all of a sudden, she says she looks down into the ground and she notices all around them where the soil has been cleared away there are roots upon roots upon roots in this thick, crazy tangle. ROBERT: All right, that's it, I think. So for three days, three times a day, she would shine these little blue lights on the plants. . Very similar to the sorts of vitamins and minerals that humans need. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information int JAD: So she's saying they remembered for almost a month? We dropped. Fan, light, lean. JENNIFER FRAZER: Oh, yeah. ROBERT: And Monica wondered in the plant's case MONICA GAGLIANO: If there was only the fan, would the plant ROBERT: Anticipate the light and lean toward it? Exactly. Listen to this episode from Radiolab: Viper Members on Spotify. ROBERT: Had indeed turned and moved toward the fan, stretching up their little leaves as if they were sure that at any moment now light would arrive. ROBERT: Nothing happened at all. So it's predicting something to arrive. Image credits: Photo Credit: Flickred! LARRY UBELL: Me first. They have to -- have to edit in this together. Here's the water.". But they do have root hairs. In this story, a dog introduces us to a strange creature that burrows . I'm a research associate professor at the University of Sydney. So just give me some birds. ROBERT: When people first began thinking about these things, and we're talking in the late 1800s, they had no idea what they were or what they did, but ultimately they figured out that these things were very ancient, because if you look at 400-million-year-old fossils of some of the very first plants JENNIFER FRAZER: You can see, even in the roots of these earliest land plants JENNIFER FRAZER: This is a really ancient association. Sugar. Couldn't it just be an entirely different interpretation here? JAD: What exchange would that be, Robert? Like what she saw in the outhouse? What is the tree giving back to the fungus? Today, Robert drags Jad along ona parade for the surprising feats of brainless plants. So let's go to the first. I think there are some cases where romanticizing something could possibly lead you to some interesting results. So what they're saying is even if she's totally sealed the pipe so there's no leak at all, the difference in temperature will create some condensation on the outside. Dedicated to enhancing the lives of the citizens in the communities it serves by responding to their need to be engaged, educated, entertained & enlightened. And so why is that? It was like -- it was like a huge network. I mean, I think there's something to that. He's looking up at us quite scared and very unhappy that he was covered in And toilet paper. Well, some of them can first of all, and big deal. MONICA GAGLIANO: All of them know already what to do. He's not a huge fan of. She's working in the timber industry at the time. Except in this case instead of a chair, they've got a little plant-sized box. It's like -- it's just a massive mat of intertwining exposed roots that you could walk across and never fall through. ROBERT: So these trees were basically covered with bags that were then filled with radioactive gas. Each one an ounce, an ounce, an ounce, an ounce, an ounce. And the pea plant leans toward them. Ring, meat, eat. JENNIFER FRAZER: The whole thing immediately closes up and makes it look like, "Oh, there's no plant here. Maybe each root is -- is like a little ear for the plant. These guys are actually doing it." MONICA GAGLIANO: Light is obviously representing dinner. And the tree happens to be a weeping willow. Oh. Exactly. To play the message, press two. And I'm wondering whether Monica is gonna run into, as she tries to make plants more animal-like, whether she's just going to run into this malice from the scientific -- I'm just wondering, do you share any of that? The next one goes, "Uh-oh." So that voice belongs to Aatish Bhatia, who is with Princeton University's Council on Science and Technology. ROBERT: And some of them, this is Lincoln Taiz LINCOLN TAIZ: I'm a professor emeritus of plant biology at UC Santa Cruz. But maybe it makes her sort of more open-minded than -- than someone who's just looking at a notebook. ], [ROY HALLING: Dylan Keefe is our Director of Sound Design. MONICA GAGLIANO: I don't know. ROBERT: Well of course, there could be a whole -- any number of reasons why, you know, one tree's affected by another. Or even learn? Does it threaten my sense of myself or my place as a human that a plant can do this? Do you have the lens? Charts. And she was willing to entertain the possibility that plants can do something like hear. And so we are under the impression or I would say the conviction that the brain is the center of the universe, and -- and if you have a brain and a nervous system you are good and you can do amazing stuff. So there's these little insects that lives in the soil, these just adorable little creatures called springtails. And Roy by the way, comes out with this strange -- it's like a rake. I mean again, it's a tree. This is the plant and pipe mystery. Annie McWen or McEwen ], Latif Nasser, Malissa O'Donnell, Arianne Wack ], With help from Amanda Aronczyk, Shima Oliaee ], Niles Hughes, Jake Arlow, Nigar Fatali ], And lastly, a friendly reminder. If you look at a root under a microscope, what you see is all these thousands of feelers like hairs on your head looking for water. ], [JENNIFER FRAZER: Dylan Keefe is our Director of Sound Design. And why would -- why would the fungi want to make this network? That's what she says. ROBERT: So you are related and you're both in the plumbing business? Like, the plant is hunting? ALVIN UBELL: Testing one, two. I don't know where you were that day. Each one an ounce, an ounce, an ounce, an ounce, an ounce. ROBERT: So there seemed to be, under the ground, this fungal freeway system connecting one tree to the next to the next to the next. He shoves away the leaves, he shoves away the topsoil. ROBERT: They shade each other. And look, and beyond that there are forests, there are trees that the scientists have found where up to 75 percent of the nitrogen in the tree turns out to be fish food. ROBERT: Picture one of those parachute drops that they have at the -- at state fairs or amusement parks where you're hoisted up to the top. But after five days, she found that 80% of the time, the plants went -- or maybe chose -- to head toward the dry pipe that has water in it. You should definitely go out and check out her blog, The Artful Amoeba, especially to the posts, the forlorn ones about plants. ROBERT: Actually, Monica's dog leads perfectly into her third experiment, which again will be with a plant. How does it know which way to turn and grow its roots so that it can find the water? So they can't move. ROBERT: No, no, no, no, no. They still did not close when she dropped them. Like so -- and I think that, you know, the whole forest then, there's an intelligence there that's beyond just the species. No. She went into the forest, got some trees. In this case, a little blue LED light. More information about Sloan at]. Then she takes the little light and the little fan and moves them to the other side of the plant. "I'm under attack!". They would salivate and then eat the meat. It's gone. JAD: Where would the -- a little plant even store a memory? Fan first, light after. Plants are amazing, and this world is amazing and that living creatures have this ability for reasons we don't understand, can't comprehend yet." The tree has a lot of sugar. You mean you got down on all fours and just SUZANNE SIMARD: Yeah, I would just eat the dirt. So Monica moves the fans to a new place one more time. So he brought them some meat. ALVIN UBELL: And the tree happens to be a weeping willow. Thanks to Jennifer Frazer who helped us make sense of all this. I don't know if you're a bank or if you're an -- so it's not necessarily saying, "Give it to the new guy." She's not gonna use hot water because you don't want to cook your plants, you know? MONICA GAGLIANO: Yeah. Like the bell for the dog. And with these two stimuli, she put the plants, the little pea plants through a kind of training regime. It just kept curling. Says to the sorts of vitamins and minerals that humans need too much FRAZER helped! Frazer who helped us make sense of myself or my place as a human that a plant that... Give each other loans -- why would the -- if the -- if tube. She says we now know that intelligence is not so good '' signal through the network here. Radioactive gas above ground will wrap themselves into place says we now know that is... Mean you got down on all fours and just suzanne SIMARD:,! 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