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En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, General de Proteccin de Datos, ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN S.L. 2.3 - Design teaching and learning plans which take account of_ the individual . Variable manufacturing overhead is applied to products on the basis of direct labor - hours. This document sets forth the Privacy Statement of ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L, S.L. Any group that we teach will contain a diverse mix of learners with their own . be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. The processing and subsequent use of personal data undertaken by third parties outside ELESAPIENS as well as the relevance of the information requested by said parties. Initial assessment takes place when a learner starts a new course. ELESAPIENS informs website users that this privacy policy contains all the aspects relating to the processing of personal data that ELESAPIENS undergoes in its capacity as responsible person for its website. Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners, Learners are different and they usually learn in different ways therefore it is pertinent for teachers to, understand their learners better (Skrzek, 2019). El cliente podr solicitar a ELESAPIENS la factura o el comprobante de la suscripcin contratada. Ms informacin. ELESAPIENS does not assume any liability for the services and contents, nor for the availability and conditions (technical or otherwise) of access thereto, that are offered by third-party service providers, particularly information society service providers. managers, colleagues, teaching support, advisors, etc) and identify areas for improvement in your own planning to meet the individual needs of learners Si se le enva una contrasea, no debe revelarla a nadie ms. Some terms that you will often hear when discussing support for diverse learners are Differentiated Instruction, Inclusive Pedagogy, and Universal Design for Learning. Scheduling and planning sessions cannot be thought of in the same way for all students. Teachers or registered schools must have express authorization from the parents or guardians of minors to link minors to their accounts. CONDICIONES GENERALES DE USO DEL SITIO WEB. ELESAPIENS se reserva el derecho de modificar el contenido la Poltica de Privacidad con el objeto de adaptarlo a las novedades legislativas o jurisprudenciales, as como a las que pudieran derivarse de cdigos tipo existentes en la materia o, en su caso, por decisiones corporativas estratgicas. Utilizar los servicios y contenidos disponibles para su uso exclusivamente particular. ELESAPIENS advierte que no se podrn modificar las facturas de suscripcin una vez emitidas, sin perjuicio del derecho a obtener factura rectificativa en los supuestos previstos en la normativa vigente (Real Decreto 1619/2012, de 30 de noviembre que aprueba el Reglamento por el que se regulan las obligaciones de facturacin). 3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive . Incluye la direccin IP, el proveedor de servicios de Internet, el nombre del dominio, la fecha y hora de la visita, los elementos de bsqueda escritos, el sitio anterior visitado, el tipo de navegador y el tipo de sistema operativo. It will allow you to understand methods and approaches of initial . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ELESAPIENS informa al usuario del sitio web que en esta poltica de privacidad se contienen todos los aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento de datos personales que ELESAPIENS lleva a cabo como responsable del mismo a travs del sitio web. Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training Unit 2: Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training3.3- Explain how own planning meets the individu. The teaching, learning and assessment cycle can be used to identify and help to improve the various stages of teaching and learning. 3.3 Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners Preparation for the lesson as a teacher is very important no matter the level of class they are teaching within a particular period of time. Save Paper; Unit 401 Planning To Meet The Needs Of Learners. Learning is about gaining and using new knowledge to demonstrate a change. 19) for this reason it is essential to provide additional support to meet the individual needs of the learners, for example, providing coloured worksheets for a student with dyslexia, but only if they find them easier to read, providing a deaf student with lecturer notes in preparation for the event they miss sections or being prepared to wear . Question 6 To do that, complete the online form, which will always appear on the store webpage, and follow the instructions provided. Asimismo, el usuario tambin puede ejercitar sus derechos enviando una fotocopia de su D.N.I. HOW OWN PLANNING MEETS THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF LEARNERS, Personal planning as an educator is essential in the general progress of individuals. SUBSCRIBING TO A PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION PLAN. El sitio web puede contener hipervnculos a otros sitios web. The provision of the services and publication of the contents over this website shall not imply on any account the assignment, waiver or transfer, whether total or partial, of the title to the pertinent intellectual and industrial rights held by ELESAPIENS and/or legitimate third-party holders. social, emotional and . In this sense, it is very important to include the following in daily practice: In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) the identification data of the company are detailed below. Si ELESAPIENS va a utilizar sus datos personales de una manera distinta a lo establecido en la Poltica de Privacidad vigente al momento de facilitarnos sus datos, har todo esfuerzo posible para contactar con usted mediante la direccin de correo electrnico que nos haya facilitado. Finalizar la prestacin de un servicio o suministro de un contenido, sin derecho a indemnizacin, cuando su utilizacin por los usuarios devenga ilcito o contrario a lo establecido en las condiciones que lo regulan, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en las condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido destinado a los usuarios del sitio web. Express this as a goal and keep it in mind when choosing between . Own, planning is core to ensuring that both diagnostic and initial assessments agree with the, individuals' objectives in learning (Guskey, 2014). La validacin de la suscripcin por parte del cliente supone expresamente el conocimiento y aceptacin de estas condiciones generales de contratacin como parte de la celebracin del contrato. Una vez validada la suscripcin no podrn modificarse los datos facilitados para la contratacin del plan y periodo seleccionados por el cliente. . For said purpose, the person concerned should send the written notice to ELESAPIENS indicating the request or right being exercised together with a copy of his/her national identity card or another document that is valid by law to accredit his/her identity. 2.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual How own planning meets the individual needs of learners: E.g. The first is that learner engagement is far more likely to be deeper, as they will feel more intrinsically motivated to complete the online course, knowing that it is tailored to their needs. Should users decide to sign up on the website, their data shall be processed for different purposes, without limitation, since said purposes may vary depending on the services that in each case are offered by ELESAPIENS over a website related to its trademarks and products. Contents and materials published by users. For example I have proposed them to read some books of the Bible which will help to find . Planning to meet the needs of my learners means I must be continually review my teaching practise, improving on lesson content and find new and different ways of meeting my students needs, raise their self esteem . When we get into teaching, initially, we are so overwhelmed by how diverse our learners are. Learning outcome 1: Be able to agree individual learning goals with learners. The student should discuss areas where the teaching and learning plan can be adapted to meet . Assessments have changed and adapted over the years to ensure that they meet the needs of all learners. As you have learned numerous, The below test includes 10 questions, randomly selected from a large inventory. Teaching is about using various approaches and activities to help learners gain the skills and understanding they need for a particular reason e.g. Explain how own planning meets the individual needs. This allows teachers to tailor their instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. Emprender cualquier accin legal o judicial que resulte conveniente para la proteccin de los derechos de ELESAPIENS como de terceros que presten sus servicios o contenidos a travs del sitio, siempre que resulte procedente. Promoting appropriate behaviour help learners to be responsible. En su cuenta online podr comprobar toda la informacin y el estado de su suscripcin. a learner's lack of confidence or resistance to be assessed. ELESAPIENS offers different payment methods so that you can choose the one that best suits you or your requirements: Payment by Credit Card: You can use Visa and Mastercard. En caso de que el usuario contacte con ELESAPIENS para realizar consultas o solicitar informacin, dicho tratamiento de datos se realizar con la finalidad de atender y contestar las comunicaciones recibidas, as como enviar la informacin solicitada a las citadas entidades. Develop a positive attitude toward diversity. Use the services and contents available solely for personal purposes. It is important that the teacher understands this whilst planning a class, delivering and during the assessment process. The learners become more engaged in. It starts with being aware that your classroom contains a multitude of different types . The parties, while expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, submit to the courts of Madrid (Spain) for the resolution of all such litigation that might derive herefrom. In the classroom, there are children with behavioural, emotional, social or other challenges . ELESAPIENS informs the user of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and limitation, by means of a written request addressed to ELESAPIENS at:C/ Orense 20, 2. planta, Oficina 10, 28020 Madrid, Spain. The personal data collected through the website will be incorporated into one or several processes under the responsibility of ELESAPIENS. We should not get intimidated in approaching others and coming together to share resources, strategies, and anything that concerns teaching and learning. Modificar, suprimir o actualizar todo o parte de los contenidos o servicios ofrecidos a travs del sitio, sin necesidad de preaviso, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en las condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido destinado a los usuarios del sitio web. 4.4 - Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners Reasonable adjustment may be made to an assessment on the grounds of disability, cultural/religious issues, work patterns or learning issues where language or technical competence may be a barrier to someone`s learning. 1. ELESAPIENS ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de proteccin de los datos personales establecidos en la normativa vigente, y ha instalado todos los medios y medidas tcnicas y organizativas a su alcance para evitar la prdida, mal uso, alteracin, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos personales facilitados. Ningn apartado de este sitio web puede ser reproducido, distribuido, transmitido, copiado, comunicado pblicamente, transformado, en todo o en parte mediante ningn sistema o mtodo manual, electrnico o mecnico (incluyendo el fotocopiado, grabacin o cualquier sistema de recuperacin y almacenamiento de informacin) a travs de cualquier soporte actualmente conocido o que se invente en el futuro, sin consentimiento de ELESAPIENS. It is important to maintain discipline inside and outside the classroom. February 29, 2016. Your chosen organization is facing a crisis and so it needs an overall transformation and a presence of strong leadership. The user is informed that any processing of personal data will fall within the scope of the current legislation in Spain on data protection, established by (EU) Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on General Data Protection. All the prices on our webpage include indirect taxes. The copyright and economic operating rights of this site belong to ELESAPIENS and/or third-party entities. 3. Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning, taking account of the views of learners and others Identify areas for improvement in own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning This blog directly links in with my previous log where I analysed the ways in ELESAPIENS provides users with all the technical means required to identify and correct any mistake made while providing details on the different forms that appear on the screen during the subscription process. Students latch onto content that is packaged in an interesting and engaging way. La informacin antedicha permitir al usuario otorgar su consentimiento informado, especfico e inequvoco a fin de que ELESAPIENS proceda al tratamiento de sus datos personales. It is not linked to any personal information that you might provide as described above. Learners have varying levels of ability and some will have their own specific requirements within a classroom. ELESAPIENS garantiza la confidencialidad de los datos de carcter personal facilitados por los usuarios y su tratamiento automatizado de acuerdo con la legislacin vigente sobre proteccin de datos de carcter personal, as como toda la normativa europea y espaola aplicable a esta materia. Therefor I put into place handing . ELESAPIENS S.L queda exenta de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad por daos y perjuicios de toda naturaleza en los siguientes casos: El usuario conoce que los contenidos y servicios ofrecidos a travs del sitio -incluyendo textos, grficos, imgenes, animaciones, creaciones musicales, vdeos, sonidos, dibujos, fotografas, todos los comentarios, exposiciones y cdigo informtico de la misma, sin que esta enumeracin tenga carcter limitativo- se encuentran protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual e industrial. an assessor not taking into account a learner's particular needs. recognition of differences, varied aspects of Kolb's Learning Cycle (activity, reflection, research, planning), planning around Bloom's types of learning (knowledge, attitude, skill), providing flexible approaches, resources-based inclusive learning and teaching are attainable concerning the external and internal requirements. A travs de este aviso legal se pretende regular el acceso y uso, y en general, la relacin entre este sitio web, accesible en la direccin de Internet, y los usuarios del sitio web. 1. Acceder de forma gratuita y sin necesidad de autorizacin previa a los contenidos y servicios del sitio disponibles como tales, sin perjuicio de las condiciones tcnicas, particulares o la necesidad del previo registro respecto de servicios y contenidos especficos segn se determine en estas condiciones generales o en las condiciones particulares de dichos servicios. Users undertake not to introduce, store or disseminate over this website any content that might infringe intellectual or industrial property rights or, in general, any content in respect of which they do not have the right, according to the law, to make available to third parties. 3.3 - 3.4 The student should complete a reflective piece explaining how their planning meets the individual goals and needs of all learners and also curriculum requirements. The term 'additional need ' or 'disability' refers to an individual who either/or has a physical cognitive or a sensory impairment. It is advised to categorise the Individual support plan into the following areas of need. The use of hyperlinks to this website shall only be approved by ELESAPIENS by written authorization and provided that the hyperlink is created in accordance with the terms set forth hereunder: ELESAPIENS guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by users and their processing in accordance with the current legislation on personal data protection: EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on General Data Protection. The learner can: Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners. The sheer number of instructional strategies at a . Part 2 Within the report explain: * Analyse your own role and responsibilities in education and training * How does . Entre ellas, pero no de forma limitativa, las huelgas, tanto de sus propios trabajadores como de trabajadores ajenos, insurrecciones o revueltas, as como normas dictadas por cualquier autoridad civil o militar, catstrofes naturales como terremotos, inundaciones, rayos o incendios, guerras, cierres patronales o cualquier otra situacin de fuerza mayor. Similar to goal-setting, a personalized learning plan is more detailed-a clear and documented plan right from the beginning of the year to create curriculum and use learning models and teaching and learning strategies to meet the individual needs of that student. As a trainer, relating to real life circumstances and situations is one of the simplest means of making learning more accessible to both the learners and trainers. Due to the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website as well as reasons of availability and continuity of the functioning of the site or the services and/or contents thereon when this arises from (i) either an interruption of the service for technical maintenance work on the website (ii) or for a reason beyond the control of ELESAPIENS whether this is attributed direct or indirectly to the latter. You will teach, and your learners will learn. Teachers need to prepare for the lessons for effective deliverance of the content. Si solicitamos informacin de registro al usuario, este deber ofrecernos una informacin verdadera, precisa, actual y completa. The Professional Standards as set out by the ETF (2014) state it is a teacher's responsibility to reflect on what works best in their teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners. Asimismo, tambin se entendern incluidos en este sitio web todos los microsites a los que se pueda acceder desde el presente sitio web, excepto que dicho microsite, expresamente recoja unas condiciones de uso propias, en cuyo caso se le aplicarn stas. Therefore, it is necessary to attend to the needs of each individual, which can be a rather difficult and laborious task when youre teaching an entire group. Modificar las condiciones de acceso al sitio, tcnicas o no, de forma unilateral y sin preaviso a los usuarios, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en las condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido destinado a los usuarios del sitio web. If you change one attitude, everyones changes. The following are 5 reasons why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs when teaching. No seremos responsables de cualquier prdida o dao originado por su incumplimiento de estos requisitos. Once the client has made the subscription payment for the plan chosen, said client will receive an email confirming the corresponding subscription to the address given. Its important to be interdisciplinary with reading and writing because they are synergistic and develop from one another. 3.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners. In the event that users do not accept these general terms or the specific terms that govern the use of a particular service and/or content intended for website users that said company requires, they shall refrain from accessing the website or, as the case may be, leave said site. Creating a safe environment is necessary for learning to take place. Kenyatta University Parklands Campus School of Law, TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING.edited.doc, Unit 426 Assignment - Kenneth Elendu (AutoRecovered).docx, tZCwPcj4Qvm6i3pbkNNT_DET007_Roles_Responsibilities_Relationships (1).docx, xRVAetepRVepSI2Bna5N_reddet007_.roles_responsibilities_relationships_1_autosave.docx, Order 1729704-HOW OWN PLANNING MEETS THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF LEARNERS.edited.edited.docx, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, EDUC110-MODULE-THE-MOST-COMPLETE (4).docx, chapters-Caday-Elarcosa-Itulid.edited.docx, ACCT 1035 Week 4 Group Activity 1 Amortization Schedule Solution.xlsx, 4.1 Lesson 1_ Working with Identities_ Discovery Precalculus - HS - Sanchez, Alejandro.pdf, The way that online media has turned into a necessary piece of current presence is, necessary is the least costly alternative course of diagnosis or treatment that, I also like Constant Contact httpconstantcontactcom which I believe is excellent, Unit 6- Marketing Portfolio Activity.docx, Persuasive Performance outline (final).docx, Pelabuhan laut sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam Undang Undang Nomor 21 tahun 2002, Copy of Everyone's a Critic Assignment.pdf, FINAL_Week 5 - Chapters 12, 13, 14, and 15.docx, item-231-2-valvulopathies-insuffisance-aortique-ecni - copie.pdf. Entendemos que, al registrarse y proporcionarnos informacin a travs de este sitio Web, nos autoriza expresamente para efectuar tales comunicaciones y/o cesiones. To fulfill the above purposes, it may be necessary to communicate or disclose the information you have provided us to other collaborating companies, for example, technology providers for incident resolution and service management and integrated payment processing services such as Stripe and Paypal. Deber actualizar a tiempo su informacin de registro para mantenerla exacta, actual y completa. After, Consider the same case scenario in your assignment 2. Users shall not use other peoples passwords and they shall be responsible for keeping their accounts and passwords confidential. . Users accept to notify us immediately about any unauthorized use of their passwords, accounts or any other security breach. They shall update their signing-up information to keep it current, accurate and complete. The objectives, contents, activities, methodology, resources, etc. Get access to all 3 pages and additional benefits: Think about the aspects that influence children's lives today and those that have influenced them in the past. Inclusive learning provides individual needs of the learners; therefore allowing the trainer to develop lesson and activities associated with learner's needs. adapted to meet the individual needs of learners To restrict, exclude or make conditional the access of users in the event that all the guarantees of correct usage of the website by said users are not operative in accordance with the obligations and prohibitions undertaken by said users. ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., the tax number (CIF) of which is B-86432101 and the registered office of which is atc/ Orense 20, 2-10, 28020, Madrid, Spain, and which is listed on the Register of Commerce of Madrid as at 24th April 2012 in volume 29,859, on sheet 143 and on page M-537264, (the 1stentry), is a company that produces and places digital educational and entertainment products on the market. En cualquier caso, los datos personales de los alumnos nicamente se utilizan para la gestin de grupos y asignaciones por parte del docente. Reproducir total o parcialmente el presente sitio web en otro sitio web distinto; no podr realizar enmarcados al presente sitio o los sitios web accesibles a travs del mismo que oculten o modifiquen con carcter delimitativo, pero no limitativo- contenidos, espacios publicitarios y marcas de ELESAPIENS o de terceros, con independencia o no de que supongan actos de competencia desleal o de confusi. Confirmation of the subscription by the client entails his or her express acknowledgement and acceptance of the general contracting conditions as a part of formalizing the agreement. Cuando visite nuestro sitio web, nuestros servidores grabarn diversa informacin de manera annima. (hereinafter ELESAPIENS) wishes to inform the user of the website of its policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of those persons who voluntarily communicate via email with ELESAPIENS, fill out data collection forms or use any other service available on the website which involves the communication of the users personal data to ELESAPIENS. explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners Consequent on the foregoing, should users not agree to the processing of their data by ELESAPIENS, they shall refrain from communicating or sending their personal data to this company over any medium such as, without limitation, electronic mail, signing up for the website or completion of forms, while they should navigate the website anonymously. The classroom should be a safe place for the students to express their ideas and thoughts. La utilizacin, bajo cualquier modalidad, de todo o parte del contenido del sitio queda sujeta a la necesidad de solicitar autorizacin previa de ELESAPIENS y/o terceros titulares legtimos y la aceptacin de la correspondiente licencia, en su caso, excepto para lo dispuesto respecto de los derechos reconocidos y concedidos al usuario en estas condiciones generales o lo que as se determine en las condiciones particulares que ELESAPIENS tenga a bien establecer para regular el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido ofrecido a travs del sitio web. Access the contents and services of the site available as such free of charge and without prior authorization notwithstanding the technical and specific terms or the need for prior signing-up for specific services and contents as required by these general terms or the specific terms of said services. ELESAPIENSguarantees the confidentiality of any personal data provided by users and the automated processing thereof in accordance with the laws in force in Spain at the present time governing personal data protection as well as all European regulations and any other Spanish regulations applicable thereto. However, they cannot and should not completely eliminate failure. Hacer un uso correcto y lcito del sitio, de conformidad con la legislacin vigente, la moral, las buenas costumbres y el orden pblico. the individual goals and needs of all learners; curriculum requirements; Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners; Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners; Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice
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