It seems like God created us to sit back and watch us suffer. Along with evangelical Protestants (like Barry and myself), Paul also hated my contractor, Bridges of Canada. Im sure he knew something major was happening in the universe, but exactly what? Affirmation by the Regional Chaplain To me, Stotts comment seems harsh, uncharacteristic of him. He is the only One who defines christianity. We hear all the talk center around homosexuals being the most evil. I doubt anyone has an answer that would satisfy Ehrman, however. I just wanted to thank you for your honest look at a lot of questions that most Christians seem afraid to ask. helped me (and later my daughter) understand grace in ways that I hadnt before. The reason is that you cite Switzerland and Iceland as the (supposed) leaders in world happiness (as a function of the ranking composition probably all due to wealth, health and public infrastructure), but you not perceiving the facial expressions and tone of the voice of those people as particularly happy when you speak there. Such behavior is a violation of Canadian and international religious rights and freedoms, since all inmates have the right to celebrate their religious holidays. I am also a social worker. We here calls to defend Trump (OK, not at our Lutheran and Reformed churches). My heart swells here with my people and God has a special calling for us. They say, We loan because: We care about human beings and understand that it takes people to help people. The Christians say, We loan because: Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. We both have speaking engagements this weekend. I would say that you were afraid to lose the respect of either side of the conflict. But God does indeed promise this very thing: The LORD will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life. (Psa. As I searched for other texts to read on the subject (Christology) I found books only written in a bit of a heady fashion. There are services out there that offer just what youre asking. Question for you, sir. I have been looking for a study guide to go along with this book tried Amazon and as well as your site here, but I gather there isnt one. Thats where Im from and we moved back here. Instead of worshipper I became a critic. I would be remiss if I didnt thank you properly or tell you that. For over 20 years, my wife, family, and I attended a wonderful evangelical church here in the South. 2010, Prayer, and only prayer, restores my vision to one that more resembles Gods. Ted B. I just finished rereading Whats So Amazing About Grace, since my pastor chose it as this years Lenten study book. I consider myself a Mark Twain agnostic atheist after a Lutheran upbringingor better, feel as though Ive graduated from churchturning to Buddhism afterward, and most admiring the Unitarians for their inclusiveness. I am a great admirer and follower of your writing and teaching and your Grace Notes daily readings are an essential part of my day, as they have been for the last three years since I was first given the book. More confident. I will pray for you. em situaes extremas, quando estamos a ponto de sair do eixo, que mais necessitamos ler e ouvir o que pessoas como Philip Yancey tm a dizer. Dear Phillip, I dont want to miss this opportunity to write to you to tell you how awesome it has been to read your writings. I came to the website looking for a way to send that question to you, and stopped to read your latest blog post Talking with the Other Side. As much as I appreciate your dedication to the Lord, I have to say that your comments in CT recently are off base. She had called ahead and warned them this queer as she saw me was on the way. When this therapy failed, I was blamed, shamed and rejected by the groups that applied it to me. I wish that these accusations were not true, but I am about 99.99999% they are. John 3:16 and the born-again My last two books were Vanishing Grace and The Question That Never Goes Away. One evening, in the yard between Unit 5 and the main building, I asked Chaplain Paul to forgive me if I had hurt or offended him, saying that we as Christians need to forgive and to let go of hate and anger. With everything on the moving truck and ready to leave, I was informed that Scott was having an affair, that he had left his wife and was living with another woman. If I, in some way, nudge the church back toward grace, thats what I would feel best about, he told me. It is one of my biggest concerns that younger people read less everyday and bury their faces into their phones. Romans 8:18-25 is fairly clear on that. I have read Whats So Amazing About Grace? several times on the other hand. Growing up in an evangelical home centered on ministry service Ive come away with gratefulness for being introduced to Jesus at a young age and yet as an adult woman, have needed to untangle many threads of what beliefs were founded on Jesus and what were from cultural Christianity. Hi Philip, Paul tried to control and manipulate every aspect of my working life. Secondly, your refusal to excuse the shortcomings of the church, while still showing grace and love for her, redirects me when I feel so fed up with the church. Ive been to your great country three times, and wish it were more. It helped me see where God is coming from, in a way I was unable to see plodding along at just a couple chapters a day like I had done previously when reading through the Bible. I had been sexually abused by older men when I was a teenager, so I began to feel targeted. I had to agree with him. All the editions of the book itself, regardless of cover, are the same. I hope you know this history. They also do not believe the Talmud is the word of God. Beyond that writers psychosis you were dead-on in describing, the truth is a huge part of me loves it. I finished it with a renewed sense of Gods grace in my life, and that multiplied after reading Where the Light Fell. Please let me know if you would allow us to provide our brothers with this wonderful resource. Ive just read straight through at the library your book Disappointment With God, and bought copies for family members. Paul even told me what clothes to wear on the job. Thank you for taking your time writing this book and share your journey I could tell that you put considerable work and time into it. I share part of Bannons tragic story in my own life. Particularly I want to thank you and Mel for openly describing what were very difficult times in your lives, so that others can prepare their hearts to show grace. Whats So Amazing About Grace, amongst your other publications, has been a great blessing. Sa fortune s lve 1 000 000 000,00 euros mensuels I deliberately do not take a position on many of the issues, although you can read some of my thoughts on the topic by clicking on the Q&A/Homosexuality button on this website. Your books have been so helpful to me. A new memoir from Yancey, called Where the Light Fell, is due this fall. His books have sold more than 15 million copies in English and have been translated into 40 languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. I would recommend something from chapters 17-19, simply because our nation is so divided politically. . This story does not recall the literally hundreds of God-incidents that fill the last very few years, but the sense of the Lords miraculous and powerful actions is clear. Thank you. I have a copy that is always in my carry-on and I read it and re-read it over and over, always moved to tears as I zoom my way through. That was 4 years ago and today I still struggle with my flesh but I know He truly loves me! I marvel at the apparent freedom God has given us, to choose for or against Truth. Did not one parent pray before their child left for school, God protect my child? Did not one child themselves pray, God protect me? How can you possibly say to a Newtown parent, Yes! Now back to the sunset. Unfortunately, it was a one-sided plea. I am a student who is currently studying at a bible college in Australia. Philip Yancey's Message of Grace Fifteen years after an accident almost claimed his life, the Christian author reflects on grace, forgiveness, and faith. Hope you have a great day. Whats radical is that God loves bad people and wants to change them and is holding out the remedy for the evil that is in them. Then he is malevolent. Once again Paul was running the show against my wishes. After I told him what Paul had said, he went to talk to the Warden. I have promised God that I will never take my own life. I wanted to comment some text of the latest I have been reading (not finished yet), the Soul adventure. It has taught me so much about how to look at other people and to think of things outside of me and my control. Funny you should ask. Hoping to have a second career, helping people receive freedom in a life with Christ. In January 2017, when I was in the V and C area, I saw the mother of an inmate in the visiting area. Philip has an estimated net worth of $2 million dollars as of 2021. My best clue to how God views this world comes from Jesus, who always responded with comfort and healing, and who himself was subject to the same consequences of a broken world. I have read your books for a good many years now and found enormous comfort and guidance in your writing. My aunt and uncle introduced me to your books almost 15 years ago. In 1981 YWAM Canada sent me to the USA to DayStar Ministries for further healing because I was still same sex attracted, i needed more conversion therapy , Uli and Carol Kortsch had told me to go for the 12 week therepy and then I could come back to YWAM Canada. Of this angry bully in the sky whos just trying to smash people who seem to be having a good time. Read your book Disappointed with GOD. Im no better than any other sinner because Im a sinner as well. I grew up as a Pastors kid in a pretty strictly religious home. I read Wher Is God When It Hurts and I just finished your book a Question That Never Goes Away. Fast forward a couple years later to a Christian publishing conference I was attending in San Diego, where you were present to speak about writing. Tony Campolos writings are similarly infected, and in CT it is a terminal disease. A reflexive Christian, (raised Baptist, drifted in and out of different denominations from college years deep into my 40s), I have tried to turn to God and fight through all this with Him, but I realized I didnt know how. Unlike me, Paul was under contract to CSC. Bear in mind that I have read your book (combination of two books in one The Jesus I never knew was the first part). Mr Yancey, How much grace and reason went into a law like this? Were here to bring pleasure to God. YWAM shamed me for being SSA, abused me and gave me an image of God as someone who hated me for not making me into a Hetosexual and an image of myself of shame. Rev. Do you have any news about him? God bless you. Some authors might have found revisiting such scenes traumatizing, but for Yancey, writing the memoir proved cathartic. I just sent the book to a former high school student of mine now in college (I send her one a year) because, as I wrote her, it can help her see and experience how richly diverse Christians & Christianity are, helping us avoid (as the Japanese proverb puts it) being a frog in a well that does not know the ocean (and in some cases helping us survive wounds from those wells). I was stunned by his anger, his rage. Nothing else was done. You may know that I went back and updated/revised the two books in one volume: Fearfully and Wonderfully. I have been encouraged to practice my faith like I would practice an instrument, and in all things to trust a God who revealed himself as Jesus Christ. So here I am, stuck in a life that is so hard to bear, hanging on to my Saviour with all my strength. Mouws book was the most delightful. Occasionally, the why question tries to bubble up but we try to let it evaporate. Yet your writing points me back to a better response, loving the church even while disagreeing with her at times. Your book Amazing Grace stirred me to be more grace-full myself. Ive had you in the back of my mind as I have been writing a book the last two years. I try to be honest about church challenges, but definitely come down on the side of the church. My goodness, you certainly have no need to apologize. One day in heaven I hope to again say thanks. The difference in my life as I patiently built a relationship with God on the daily is like day and night. And fear of the world. He met her while in college in South Carolina. Thank you again for donating this book as this gift was a blessing to me, my family and the military community. I would love to hear you thoughts on word written by the ancient Greek pagan poet Aeschylus. After boarding in Denver to return to Charleston SC via Charlotte, I settled down for the flight, started on my orange juice and began reading your book. Ive had some discussion about youth and childrens books. The trouble was that I walked on eggshells with Paul; I never knew when he was going to have an outburst. I wear a hearing aid, and for some time it was not working properly because of malfunctioning batteries. Signed Stuck, Dear Stuck, I am hesitant to answer because the Internet has changed the rules and the game. Thank you very much! Discrimination or hatred due to religious beliefs was never a part of our lives. Of course that is true, but also rather clinical. More secure. You might try Writing For Your Life. I now understand that when I am weak, I am strong (in Him, not in myself, my possessions, what people think of or admire about me, etc.) Thank you for all you do. Things were not going well and I was finally sent out to work in the Community working at DE Klok Soap Factory 12 hours a day and the money I made went to pay for my food and to pay the morgage on the property that was owing and they did not have . I have a question. Your books have helped me so much. Blessings and Shalom! Philip is the son of Marshall Yancey, his father, and Mildred, his mother. Herbert Spencer and others created Social Darwinism and caused a huge amount of suffering. Like all man-made religions, it is the untruth people are used to I have received much love and respect from prisoners and the elderly [6] [7] [8] [9], and have therefore considered it my duty to keep them from being abused. Philip and his caring spouse Janet are both proud parents of four adorable and blessed children. God is sovereign and knows what we need, the things that I have in my life are the things that I need. In my 34 year career in the Fire Service, Ive heard it countless times: Thank God for protecting me in this crash. On reflection later at the firehouse washing blood off my hands and face, it always occurs to me: how egotistical, conceited and exclusionary this statement really is. Remember, Jews vehemently ignore it. Thatll teach you. Have to play the scales before you can dazzle them with a concerto. I will forever cherish them. I was born and raised Catholic before joining the Protestant church after a spiritual awakening. We wrote more in a book called The Gift of Pain. But, then, why doesnt God do more to stop suffering? The fishermen Jesus picked were not chosen for their proud theology, Christ ignored the learned Pharisees spiritually esteemed in His day When I teach fire safety (to adults, and after a warning), I show a video from the 2003 Station Nightclub Fire, very, very similar to last nights fire in Bucharest. Destroy its vast foundation, its splendid global edifice so fantastic Since reading your book, I have vowed to stand strong in my faith and move forward, refusing to doubt my own salvation any longer. I have given so many copies of that book out, I have lost count. This is the last story I need to reference and my book will then go to formatting. It would be great to receive some of your books to add to our library. His books have sold more than fifteen million copies in English and have been translated into forty languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. As a retired Mennonite Pastor, I can resonate with many of the stories you use to highlight what is so amazing about grace. In this weather, in this windy storm, I would never have sent the children out. Thats my story, or at least a bit of it. Reinforce the satanic suffix foolishly extending its legitimacy The neat formula and juridical language I had been taught didnt seem to do justice to all of the events that occurred during the Passion narrative. Hinds Feet on High Places ~ Hannah Hurnard Hi Philip, Whew, great question and well-expressed. A penny for your thoughts: In thinking about prayer, it seems out of balance. As a political party member I can vent and debate, mock and obfuscate others policies. Just invest little period to contact this on-line declaration Prayer Does It Make Any Difference Philip Yancey as without difficulty as evaluation I was convinced that I was not good enough for God or that He hated me,or I had committed some un forgivable sin. Served with many para-church ministries in Africa and now run a Foundation to empower rural communities in South Africa through our Foundation. Im sorry for what youre going through. You have a way of expressing yourself that brings such clarity to my Christian experience. Fortunately, since the same guard had checked the envelope both before and after it left the Institution, he was able to confirm that there had been no unauthorized transfer of goods out of or into the prison. This YWAM leader left me on the streets of Grand Junction for the night and I was terrified. It is difficult to describe or put my finger on exactly why this book holds a special place in my heart. The pastor wrote later, Was God in Dunblane? Theyve been turned off by something in the church. Upon arrival at the Edmonton Institution I was met by a Mrs. Cunningham, but not the Assistant Warden of Intervention (AWI). Scary is good. Maybe in heaven well meet Take care and thanks. He said that an investigation by Bridges of Canada was going on, that my life was in danger and that my position as chaplain had been suspended. $ 4.19 - $ 15.57. Phil, Phil told me that he considered Don Westman to be a cruel person, that Don would make inmates stand outside in the freezing cold in winter for long periods of time while wearing just t-shirts and jeans. In this case, she would then have been married off to someone else, without whom she would have been a completely unprotected, economically destitute woman. Dont drive yourself crazy in asking the why questions, but to seek to see Gods love, concern, and care every day of our lives. I started out as a Jew; not a very Orthodox one, but Bar Mitzvahed and Confirmed all the same. She is the bread-winner and works very hard for us and I feel that, as a Christian, love begins at home. It certainly left me with feelings of disappointment with God! Arrival at the Edmonton Institution My pastor gave a sermon on that, about how we who are in the love of God have nothing to fear and two sentences later says he fears the US government will throw him in prison for not performing a same sex marriage. Brenda Charrier. The clarity of your challenge What is the alternative to grace? I recently picked up a copy of one of your books entitled, Grace Notes. Its one thing to write these words, and quite another to live them out. Whereas I had worked in the correctional institutions for nearly 20 years and was the Senior Chaplain for Alberta Corrections, Paul had worked in Corrections for only four years. My parents changed churches when I was a junior in high school, and it was then that I began to more fully understand grace and that Gods grace was greater than all of my sins. Takes 2 seconds go check out They had noticed my Franciscan Habit . Im sure you thought the true church would react by going back to works. 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