Ive theorized that the thickening seems to be happening along the sinus areas around my head, which would make sense if the cells were being clogged before by my smoking. The hair follicles are made of protein, and a lack of protein in your diet can lead to hair loss. 5 years ago i started smoking, from 10 to 20 in 1 year. fuck weed forever. However, your genes are going to be the deciding factor on how your overall hair is. 4) Smoking inhibits our bodys ability to convert B vitamins to usable forms to our bodies. The years passed,and when closing 18,i joined the army,which requested us to cut our hair,short,very short.This was something i could deal with,after all i was getting bored of being hairy throughout all those years. Chuck that magnifying mirror. Hopefully my hair will grow back. I dont normally make these comments and Im not trying to bullshit anyone, but I say try quitting. Anyway, about a year ago I noticed a huge change in the appearance of my hair The curl started falling out! Start thinking of yourself as someone who doesn't vape. Thats where the secret lies. Without a proper supply of oxygen and nutrients, your hair follicles will not be able to sustain the healthy cycle required for hair growth. Compared to nonsmokers, e-cigarette users have a 71 percent high risk of stroke, according to research presented at the 2019 International Stroke Conference. its been just a month now and i see no thin patches anymore, Im so pleased and proud of myself for having the courage and willpower to quit! I have to say that was quite a traumatic time for me. I would also like to know from everyone how long it will take to see results once one stops smoking. LOL! Combine 1 tbsp. Though the agency later decided to temporarily suspend the order to conduct more research, there is still a federal push to regulate vaping and encourage the public to stop using e-cigarettes. I was hooked. You can bend over or lay on the edge of your bed or whatever works best as long as you put your head below your heart and get more blood to your head. where im taking a step. Second, I was ready, psychologically for ending this habit. You might consider using finasteride as a blocks the DHT. I used to have hair that was complimented almost everyday. hello guys wz up..i have been smoking for almost 1 year now but i dont know i have not seen any chnge in my bodybut i think i am loosing hair growthi wnted to quit but no wy i am here in africa niamey niger.i am 23 man smoking had really become soimething new in my life..thanks my cell +233249557822..also interested in women.. Hello guys ! Nausea. I know quite a few people have noted increased hair growth since vaping which they attribute to no longer smoking. I am 28, smoker for 7 years, my hair loss started almost 3 years ago, in 6 months i lost 40% of hair all over, top,back,sides. We know that its bad as well as knowing that we can be the ultimate human in our lifetime. I am an 18 year old male, I have been smoking on and off for roughly two years, within the last year or so I have noticed my hair is not as thick as it once was and I have started to develop a receding hair line. About a year after I started smoking, a bald spot appearedon the right side of my head behind my hair line. Some substances in vaping have been proven to cause oxidative stress linked to causing hair loss. You should quit smoking, eat a bit more, and relax like you have retired. i know now that weed isnt for me.. but stupidly, when enough time goes by, i forget about that. About 5 months ago i got a job driving and went from smoking 1 pack a day to 2 packs a day. I want my great hair back! try to run a lot and sweat out toxins. I wear a hat almost everyday to school and whereever i go which really sucks cause i used to hate wearing hats. It would then make sense that smoking would negatively impact hair growth.. While it is a reasonable hypothesis that smoking can cause hair loss, will giving up smoking lead to/assist in hair regrowth or is the damage that has been done by smoking permanent? I was on 10mg since 2011 till 2016. So i quit from today, thanks I comeback in 6 months with results! Over time, this can destroy the hair follicle, so the hair cannot grow back. However, nicotine is almost always found inside of them, and toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in antifreeze, were found by the FDA in two popular brands of e-cigarettes. I quit smoking for about 6 months and noticed my hair had stopped falling out and was definitely filling in. (Dont miss what doctors want you to know about normal oxygen levels.). I quit smoking 5 years ago when I didnt have any skin or hair related problems at all. i have not been smoking for about 2 years now thanks to nicotine patches and a lot of self-discipline. I have completely stopped smoking for 4 weeks now. my hair has also grown quite a bit in this month without weed. If the condition worsens, it could result in the hair follicle temporarily shutting down, resulting in hair loss. If you roll around in nuclear waste your hair will prob fall out too. What ever you wanted to do you can do far better, than anyone else, if you stop smoking. If consumed for long, nicotine gum can hamper blood circulation which also leads to premature balding. Peace to you all and be strong :) Good luck. well, its been 10 days since i quit smoking weed cold turkey and guys, i swear on my life that i already see an minor improvement in my hair, and a big improvement in my skin i wash my hair every second day now, there is no need to wash it every day anymore.. i remember looking at myself in the mirror in the early hours before going to bed, after having smoked a good 10 joints all day long and my skin looked so tired its 2:20am now and my skin is looking bright and way, way less greasy. hello,i am 7 months smoke free now, i wanted to confirm that smoking aids hair loss,in these 7 months i smoked for 1 month between 3-4mnths period, just to check the effect of smoking.the 1st 3months when i stopped smoking i did not experience any hair loss.as soon as i started smoking i started seeing more hair coming out. So what were hoping is that you are vaping less and less as you get older. Well here I am 23 years old with thinning temples and crown. Since the FDA doesnt currently regulate e-cigarettes, nobody really knows what exactly is in the e-cigarette you vape with. I stopped smoking cannabis and cigerettes 2 weeks ago and i swear i am regaining more and more hair by the day. I have had thin hair all my life since childhood. but i seriously think Im done with it for life now. Nicotine is addictive, and you may experience some minor and temporary symptoms. Nicotine affects more than your brain; new research suggests nicotine can raise your blood sugar, too. The only thing that could possibly hurt a persons hair is having the same hair fall out again. I stopped vaping. I started smoking in 2010 to combat severe depression and to just slow time down a little bit. Often hair loss stops after the first year or so. Cut all the refined sugar, candy, sweets etc + carbs where you can and your hair will be much better. There is obviously no new growth yet although it looks and feels as though there is, I think it must be to do with less inflammation in the scalp. Dermatologists are beginning to see similar, anecdotal evidence that vaping may do the same. Im scared about how hard it is going to be. apple cider vinegar, 6 tbsp. I dont know if its smoking, or genetics. ive been smoking cigarettes since i was 16, now im 23, so seven years more or less. You can see my scalp when I brush my hair backwards and if I wasnt so thick haired before I be totally bald today. surely even after 3 days i saw results. Instantly, my hair became thicker and grew back! You must always talk to your doctor before doing anything like that. Vaping, like cigarette smoking, can blunt your senses, reducing your ability to smell and taste. It can take time to get used to the new vape-free you, but over time this will become your new normal. Stopping smoking will help your hair health and help restore the natural health growth cycle. Cant really say im seeing any improvement. Since many people are using vaping, it is becoming more and more popular. I normally never respond to these things, unless its something I truly beleive in. all im saying is dont smoke some people can handle it some people cant. Iv never took a break but after reading this Im going to try. From uncles in their 60s with full hair to friends in their 50s that look like they are 18. Vaping Withdrawal Symptoms Most people should expect to experience some of the following vaping withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, anxiety or irritability, to start within about 24 hours of the last vape. To the poster who is using nicotine patches; PLEASE listen to my advice and stop using patches, how can you treat nicotine addiction by giving yourself the very drug youre addicted to? Thats because of the Vasoconstriction. If your worried about your hair you should never do cocaine it will reck your hair teeth ETC. because there is no doubt that smoking makes certain peoples hair thin..and to others, it does nothing! The best way to reverse the effects of smoking on hair is by quitting. Its tough to stop cuz its really a lifestyle change. Well ive officially decided to give smoking a 3 month break to see what happens. While it is not yet known why this hormone acts as it does, scientists have found that a higher level of DHT is usually a result of increased vaping and smoking. Its best to just stop vaping for a bit and see how things go. Related article: Do Perms Cause Hair Loss? and within 8 months my hair has gone right back to the nappy mess it was when i was smoking the last time. Ceasing smoking -compounded with a healthy lifestlye- can certainly reverse hair thinning. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back. I stop as of today! Before I smoked cigarettes, my skin looked great, teeth were white, i could run miles, and i had a head full of thick dark hair. That stuff dries out the scalp. The study also reported that between 2015 and 2017, an estimated 2,035 individuals showed up in U.S. emergency rooms with that "explosion and burn injuries from e-cigarettes." Over 21 million women and 35 million men in America suffer from hair loss. I hope it happens for you. I always knew smoking was bad for me but i didnt care until I couldnt leave the house without a hat on. please just try the things i suggest, stick to them and please let me know how you did! thanks for all the infos and motivation as well, I smoked since I was 14 and now im 32, doing 1-2 packs a day. In that case, the best solution is to avoid consuming it. The hairs that fell out were mainly babie hairs too because my hairline is made up of manly baby hairs which makes for a pretty rough looking hairsyle cause my other hairs we long. My hair is a lot thicker in places, sides, top and crown and slowly going from blonde to brown. Ill admit that my sleep is kinda bad, (especially the first nights) but Ive bought some 5-htp (check it out) and it really helps me sleep better..(although it makes you have some weird dreams, some of you might like that though. 4 months later and it seems so stupid that it was so hard to quit, because today i wouldnt even smoke if you payed me.. Ive also become so much more sociable, have a girlfriend and a couple other girls lined up for me! my hair was a thin frizzy mess when i started.. you could clearly see a greasy scalp through some peach fuzz hair and today, 4 months later, its extremely rich and shiny!! This last 9 months has been the worst and now Im at a point of panic again. Best of luck, everyone. So it will take around a month to break the habit. If you think smoking e-cigarettes is healthy, thesesilent ways vaping impact your body may surprise you. Of course I wasnt smoking weed at that point, but I had also stopped smoking cigs for that short 5 months. Last month a big chunk of my hair was missing at the top of my head out of no where. I will quit tomorrow and keep posting here. Im completely bald for years (Im fine shaving my head, it looks good on me). Speaking of moisture, according to J. Williams, applying a small amount of Jamaican Black Castor Oil to your edges at night can help to boost hydration levels, while also . These effects will peak around day three, Dr. Djordjevic says, and gradually decrease during the following three to four weeks. [contact-form-7 id=27935 title=Sidebar Contact]. I have been taking Biotin and all types of vitamins for about a month now. I am 21 years old and have been smoking since i was 16. steve says: Jun 20, 2011 at 6:41 pm . I dont know was my hairloss due to stress or smoking. Increased Levels of DHT. good luck everybody!!!! Google post finasteride syndrome. After 20 years, your risk factors will be similar to those who have never smoked or vaped, says Dr. Djordjevic. Non-surgical hair loss treatments include oral and topical supplements like finasteride and minoxidil, as well as treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. So just wanted to know if any of you guys know about it and does Snus also has the same effect on hair as smoking.. please let me know so that i can stop the snuss so to stop my hair fall. But back to your comments: I first noticed I was balding at 21 years of age (ten years ago), so I started using Rogaine and Propeicia. With this rigorous course of action I expect it shouldnt be too long before i notice results. Im very happy for your success. can someone please tell me if i stop smoking, will my hair come back. My hairdresser did tell me that she sees a change in hair texture when people stop smoking. I had quit on 24th March 2013 and was good till 4th of october Trust me guys it was awesome I had new strangs.. hairline had got thicker, 4th of october had a bad break up started smoking and drinking everyday again and Im worst than before, just quit yesterday.. never going back again Prayers Needed. no more staring into empty space depressed and miserable anymore..all these things will in turn help my hair as well.it just makes sense. Here are 10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Vaping 1. Kicking the evil weed into touch looks like a good place to start. I have been using Niquitin Lozenges, low strength and these have helped me a lot. I have been researching it and found that it does seem that smoking is definitely the problem. Quitting, however, will help your lungs rebound. dont be fools! The detrimental effects of smoking are commonly known, and preliminary research suggests that vaping though perhaps not as deadly as cigarettes carries its own set of health risks. i chopped all of my hair off b/c i just couldnt help it out. Even though vaping is less harmful to your health than smoking tobacco, one should not fool himself. It also makes your hair less brittle, so strands around your hairline will be less likely to break off as they grow back. Blessings, Now imagine your a women with these hair loss issues =( now that truly sucks No shaving a head and moving on for her, not quiet as sexy as it is for a man. I didnt believe her at first but those words were SO great to hear after battling with my hair issue for over a year The more time goes by the more I notice HUNDREDS of short hairs growing back in! thanks marla for givin me some hopes.i m not ashamed of it but i want it back more than nething else. My dad also smoked both his whole life, and was bald by his early 30s. For many of these people, the psychological impact on their life is debilitating. But will post back in a couple of months with results.best of luck to everyone expericing the nightmare of hairloss. We recommend our users to update the browser. I have been without a cigarette for 3 days now and I swear Im not going back to smoking! But the good news is that your hair will grow back, provided youve been vaping for at least a year. Remember smoking is not about enjoyment if it was you would only need to smoke one ciggy a day, its all about relieving the withdrawal pangs the previous ciggy created; nicotine doesnt fill the void it creates it! When e-cigarettes first hit the market in late 2000, they were believed to be a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes, but now there is evidence to the contrary. And emotional stress was off the charts! Stop Smoking and see the difference in your hairs and your overall health. comment on bobbys latest Try taking pictures of your scalp (where you notice thinning) and try to compare future photos with that. Its potent antioxidant properties will help reduce free radicals and oxidative stress that cause the hair follicles on your scalp to break down. The army changed me,i decided to cut smoking and lead a healthy sporty lifestyle. But these side effects are not a given. There is difinately a corelation betwwen smoking and hair loss. Other than that I don't think you can regrow your hair. I think its important to note that the vasoconstriction is not permanent. Since then I have noticed that my hair has dramatically thinned all over. i am just not a stressy kinda person. The scalp is usually filled with tiny blood vessels that nourish the scalp and keep the hair follicles healthy. The average smoker who decides to quit will require more than one attempt to do so, they will actually take about 7 quitting attempts to completely quit. However, after you quit, your blood circulation will begin to improve, as blood vessels return to their normal diameter. Chest pain from vaping. So, in a STATE OF PANIC, I reduced cigs to 10 and waited for my hair to grow back. Vaping may look safe and clean but I promise you it is not. There will come a day that the bad habit of vaping wont have any lasting impact on your body and your health. After just one day, your heart attack risk starts to decrease thanks to the lowering of blood pressure, rising blood oxygen levels, and reducing the negative influence on cholesterol levels and the formation of blood clots, Dr. Djordjevic says. Today, after reading all the comments here, I understand cigs affect hair but its not the only thing (As in my case). I became a drunkard & lost my job. She said it can become less frizzy and dry. PEAAACE. what do you got to lose? Ago started smoking at age 18 I am 50 and bald on top small hairs started growing on bald spot no kidding not dramatic but hairs growing where there was no hair I am hopeful because health starts from the inside, and is reflected on the outside. Ive had a biopsy on my scalp and I have had those painful injections. Yes, but it may not be easy as you think. The Effects of smoking on hair growth are not limited to these, this is just an example for all of you. Fair enough Im going to stop smoking again anyway, hate the ashtray mouth Ive got again, regardless of hairloss, and hopefully itll benefit that too in the long run. So when you stop vaping, your hair follicles will get sufficient nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow thicker. My hair was incredibly dry and very brittle. If ya dont do it for your hair, do it for your health! WISH ME LUCK! Agian boys, very sorry for not having updated the site. Some one mentioned that a healthy lifestyle also helps to improve your hair which I find to be true, I mean look at all the athletes and gym junkies, most of them have full healthy hair. Thanks again everyone for the much needed motivation! after quitting the average number was around 15. i first started to do that like two weeks after i quit so i dont have any control for comparison. It might help. Hello I am smoker of 24 years here. Yes, you read that correctly. So i decided to quit smoking today. Living a relaxed life has more points than the life of a chimney in my books. I have abstained from cigarettes and have undergone a diet revolution, and my hair is healthy and vibrant again. If it really wasnt about my hair though,i wouldnt even consider stop smoking. 12 weeks off the cigs and Im back on them :(. 30 Everyday Mistakes That Raise Your Risk of Catching a Cold. There could be various reasons for chest pain from vaping. I am at home all day on my laptops. 17 days 16 hrs 7 minutes and 46 seconds, after smoking for around 9 years (am 29 now). Im quitting smoking officially tomorrow, when I wake up. im hoping that now that ive quit smoking hookah after 8 years my hair could come backwhat do you guys think..give me yourr input.. STAY AWAY FROM SMOKING ANYTHING.. I smoked my last blunt yesterday and will now start a detoxing routine which includes taking chlorella and fiber daily, exercising and sauna sessions every other day, and drinking 100% water all day everyday. Multiple preliminary results show that smoking vaping could lead to hair loss. :D. I am determined to quit smoking TODAY! Third, it increases inflammation in the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. Especially if it takes Rogain2 4 weeks to work. lol. B vitamins convert food into energy and are entirely necessary for hair growth including the most beneficial for hair: Biotin, which turns our fat and oil intake into something our bodies can use. showering every day, i would tussle my hair over the sink and see at least 30 hairs each time. i always had thick hair before i started smoking, but i noticed significant hair loss once i started smoking. So, whether vaping is a safer option than traditional smoking is a matter of wait and see. Today, my skin is patchy and pale, my teeth are starting to chip and stain, I wake up in the morning coughing, i gag when i brush my teeth, id be lucky to run down the street without feeling horrible inside, and today i have noticed that my hair is starting to thin out considerably on the top and sides. If I Stop Vaping Will My Hair Grow Back. I havent smoked in 3 days, on the patch. The main problem is that I get so depressed by my hairline that all I want to do is have a cigarette/alcohol. Dr. Rassman is a world leading expert in hair loss with over 25 years of experience and over 50,000 satisfied clients. they all asked for blood tests and sinece everything was normal, they blamed it on stress. I was been advised by a 87 year old man who still smokes and he was my cigarette buddy , Hello, i have read all the stories on this website and it has inspired me to stop smoking. I havent smoked since August 11th, so it has been 2 full months. I drenched my hair with coconut oil every night and washed it in the morning. I did talk to my doctor about this about six months ago and all he suggested is to get my thyroid checked, so I did. Hair usually starts to grow back a few months after you stop taking hormone therapy. I suspect I will have to suck it up and shave my head as there is no hairstyle for a balding scalp akin to George Costanza. and they did nothing, infact it got much worse but I although I told them that it seemed to be brought on by certain foods they told me every time that food has nothing to do with it. But if deaths tied to a mysterious, inconclusive lung illness can't get you to stop pulling from the mango vape pod, maybe the effects on your skin will. I read through every post. No back hair yet LOL. I thought you said, "I started growing hair on my back ". started smoking about a year ago, and for 3 months now i started losing hair, thinning day by day and getting very greasy one day after i wash it.Its not receding but getting thinner all over. Take a bit of getting use to, and if any of you have tried them you will know what I mean. But two very different and great things happened to me around the same time. Have been a very heavy roll ups smoker for many years and am looking to combat my thinning hair. Dizziness or headrush. Hi all! I dont miss cigarettes, and I dont doubt that they are very very bad for you. Ive been of the ciggs for three full months now. I would say my hair is 75% back to what it once was, and I couldnt be more thrilled. its funny cause just the front of my hair is weaker and the rest of my hair is full and thick. I smell good, my taste buds are REBORN and in all im extremely happy. Ill post in a month before the next year. Darren, To everyone here that wants to know if smoking causes hairloss or not. Ok? My skin is looking beeter also. Ah well, my hair was mostly grey up til now. Been reading this blog for a while, and finally got the courage to quit both of these smoking habits. i have been smoking since three years and i experienced hair loss 4-5 months after i started it.I havent smoked since about a month now,and the hair loss has reduced drastically,i even rub my fingernails together everyday for 10 minutes which is supposed to be a great cure for hairloss,since the nerves in our scalp ends in our fingertips(it is a yoga therapy).I would like to know how much time does it take for the hair to regrow after i quit smoking, i mean when will it be noticeable. In cigarette smokers, that suffocation leads to aging skin. When i mentioned it to my partner when i first noticed it, they thought i was going mad. Make sure you read until the end so you dont miss out on any crucial information. Hii eveone.I was smoking for the past 8 years.I am 28 now.. Do Perms Cause Hair Loss? Ill post again in June with before and after pictures. BUt does look like it was. What are the chances, though, that if I stop my hair might start to grow back a bit? Heres to a healthier future :). There is a much bigger proportion of balding guys amongst them. I see a big link to smoking and hair loss and encourage anyone who wants ALL the health benefits of not smoking to stick with it! Inspired by all your guys stories The technicalities of this are vast, and I will list a few of them here: 1) Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to your cells, oxygen is entirely necessary for growth of new cells, including the cells used in production of skin, hair and nails. It never bothered me that i have thining hair and i never took rogain or anything. Well, I ended up starting up again after a day. The increase in hair loss was an exact correlation with my smoking. so that could be a reason why i finally succeeded. Well havent smoked for over a week now and no lie i dont lose hardly any hairs when i run hands through hair i fell tiny hairs all over my top scalp underneath my longer hairs now and I expect to have my normal hair back within a couple months cause my hair normally grows fast. And, while the effects of vaping over time have yet to be fully realized, there is plenty of research to suggest the toxic chemicals created by e-cigarettes are highly hazardous. Although he didn't say "back", he could have. I quit smoking at the end of Jan this year after about two decades of doing it full time, so Im about five month ex-smoker as well. plz giv me a serious suggestion. The bad news is that the vasoconstriction is permanent and will cause your hair to fall out after a . Body may surprise you that case, the best way to reverse the effects of smoking on is... Teeth etc vaping could lead to hair loss at the top of my hair fall... 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