I agree with Charlie, you will never be first. I asked him to get rid of her more than once. Dont get me wrong, I DO enjoy animals and their company and I have had a small dog for many years before all this! If they get some exercise, good food and some attention when others ate here, they will be fine on their own for awhile. If you too have ended a relationship because your partner didn't love your pets, you're not alone. It jumps on dinner table begging for food and has scratched the couch to death( we had to get a new cover for the couch) i tried to accept it and invested my time in training it, it responded and stopped doing the bad things for a while but my husband messed with its brains by deliberately putting her on the couch/bed and giving it treats on the couch inspite of me pleading not to, that the cat has gone back to its despicable behaviour. Pancho wont eat his own food, but growls and is very aggressive and it causes a big stink. Hahahah. Dont hire dog walkers. The kids are starting to resent her and the fact is that this is taking a huge toll on our marriage. My partner and I are always arguing over my dog. When hes annoying her dog too much with trying to get on her we tell him to stop and he stops. She Says its either her and the baby or my dogs. You are right in that you need two fairly like-minded people and this is one case in which we view things very differently. Husband told me years ago about his best friend (human) that I would be gone before his friend, as I didnt want his friend in my house. The problem is, I was bitten at 5 by a Rottweiler, I was lucky not to loose an eye. Sorry, my English is not good. It justs neverending. Fortunately I dont have that issue. I asked her about it and she said she never wanted the dog in the first place, that she knew she would never be happy (I wish I would have known this) because I thought even though I knew she wasnt a fan of dogs that by getting one it would warm her heart, a cuddle play buddy. Its everywhere is this for real?? I cant BELIVE it. Its been 6 months and Im still not used to things but its the sacrifice weve both had to endure. I am so stressed over this :( Can I put my foot down and tell him I want to live with the 2 of us without the stress of dogs? This sounds terrible but in less you are willing to spend the rest of your life taking care of her, the dog, your cat & whatever children you may produce you should get out before youre too deeply immersed into the relationship. He has appeared on his own TV show, been a guest radio expert, gives seminars, publishes a dog related blog, does rescue volunteering, and is active in promoting animal welfare and fair dog laws. My last cat was a Pixie Bob, 8 years old when he died from a Pitbull getting loose and using him as a toy. My boyfriend was drunk and as he got out the car he started throwing up. Their breath smells likelike rotting roadkill. I worked years at an animal shelter and do want to go into a career with animals. Thats when I moved into the 2nd bedroom. Without going into details, his actions with his beloved pet almost broke me. And worst of all take time away from our relationship. It is something I dont believe in and it breaks my heart to even consider. At night he locks him downstairs because his nails are too loud on the hardwood floor. With the new baby I am worried about when he starts crawling, well have to keep the dog kenneled all the time. Because these people work at doggy daycare are specialist in correcting odd behaviors in canines. What more is there for a woman to give a man? You would have to question anyone that gives an ultimatum regarding your dogs. Your bf has anthropomorphized the animals into his lover. I hate them. After leaving his other owners, he was just in her house as shes feeding him and petting him. My Shi-poo was only about 1.5 yrs old. She says if I do so she will leave me. You know its a lot when there are animal hair tumbleweeds throughout your home. Your fighting in front of dogs is not bad parenting because you are not parents to the dogs; you are owners of them. I feel like we cant plan our future together as long as the dog does not change his behaviour ! I have spoken to her many times about my frustrations but she says I am overreacting and insensitive. But I must note: that if marriages win or lose, based on a point system, this is the first time my beautiful husband has ever lost any. Lets face reality. I am not a dog person so I leave the animal care to her. Im not talking to him or sleeping with him. He had filled her bank account with his love while he was making withdrawals from mine. I watched him as he sat to the left of her, take her head. Say your dog is kind of aggressive toward other dogs or any other outside small creatures. The cause of the sore is unknown to us but I a wondering if her contact with the dogs might be something to consider. Thats dangerous. (As He has already said his dog will come first always) He already thinks I despise his dog which I dont he jsut doesnt understand I dont know how to deal with the constant need and attention I love this man and never want to lose him over a dog but how should I go about dealing with this? All I can say is, poor dogs, My boyfriend of over a year hates my Pomeranian. I dont want him to be miserable for the sake of me getting what I want. I would have to question anyone that would hand out ultimatums to their SO or anyone who would be willing to part with a pet that they made a commitment to based on an ultimatum. He had a large breed dog. That was a week ago and Im so pleased and relaxed the dog is finally gone but devastated that now Im doing the pregnancy alone, so can totally sympathise with you Hun, sending hugs xxx. Meg- Omg! I always treat both dogs equally, feed them, let them out, walk them, take them for a ride, play with them both at the same times. intimate relationship | 12K views, 171 likes, 20 loves, 67 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from LINDA: a couple sleeping together If you leave, it will hurt at first, it always does, as the movie Hope Floats has a very good line, Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but its whats in the middle that counts. So I need help! Shes cute but not the small dog I wanted. Husband finds this cute. I am seeking advice about a present situation I have with my spouse about his dog. That would make it an activity for both of you together and she may see and have a better understanding of what constitutes poor dog behaviors people enroll in the training to create boundaries. 1. to get off of the couch to go get a treat he had for her hed say She doesnt have to, shes the queen! He hurt me deeply and there were times I absolutely hated the animal because she was the agent of my pain. And he possibly uses his mutt as he is passive aggressive so perfect his mutt can growl and bark and dog owner can quietly enjoy the dominance that he really probably wishes for himself. These all in his own words after I told him that I wasnt going to do what he had demanded. He thinks his dog is just fine. I train, strictly, on one commanded at a time, and while the other things are happening I just say no, and take it away. Its not even the dogs fault, this is a situation that my boyfriend has created over the years, long before I was in the picture. Counting down. A bed is a place for a married couple to bond and have intimate times, not a place for animals. The dog does not like being outdoors and scratches frantically. He only gets along with certain dogs, so i am scared to bring him to me and my sisters condo to meet her dog. Always paws you to pet him, licks your hands so you can pet him, followed you everywhere, and always wants to cuddle. You need to either leave the boyfriend, or give the dog to a family or owner who will care for the dog and not mistreat it. You hate him! End discussion. Why would you do that? I have always generally preferred animals to people, and I made all of this clear to my husband before we got married. she even comes into the car for whatever we do, everytime he picks me up for anything she will be sitting in the passenger side.. i ask him does she really need to go everywhere with us but he just gets in a mood with me. Oh wait.a dog cant do those things so what is the debate then? It wont get better when you marry. It is not fair for anyone to have to give up an animal they care for or accept one that they hate. If you are, seek help immediately and DO NOT take your anger out on innocent animals. We now have a 2 month old baby and as you could figure, I am extremely busy with him. Now for those of you who hate dogs, or animals on general, you wont understand the bone a person can have with an animal. No amount of communication with my husband has resolved this issue and i refuse to compromise over my health. I told myself if the marriage ended, I would Watch for signs of this in another man. I think if your boyfriend isnt willing to work with your feelings and change some of his dogs behaviors (and his own), then maybe you wont ever truly have the loving relationship you deserve. You deserve love, caring, respect, loyalty. Yes we talked about it. Follow his advice 100% clearly if you really need to keep the dog. I thought he was acting out, but he was recently diagnosed with Cushings Disease and he cant help his urge to feel like hes starving all of the time, but my husband has had it. I hope that some training will be worth trying. I denied the idea multiple times just for that reason!! Your SO really needs to put your needs first and either give the cat away to a good home or put it out as you mentioned. at night the dog climbs on her side of the bed and she even moves up to give her space !!!!! Out of the 6 rescues I had, they lived a long life and began passing away. Instead Ive tried suggesting that he is not allowed in the kitchen or bedrooms. If a person has a dog, and enters a relationship with an individual who dislikes the dog, it is unfair for both parties to be throwing ultimatums around. And a mean one at that. He used to get mad at me when I was frustrated with him too, but since that didnt do anything I started getting angry with the dog. People make that mistake. Recently we found out the friends he left his dog with werent taking good care of the dog. My desire to complete my furry family is running strong. I think when someone treats animals badly they have no problem treating people badly as well. There are enough responses here that a website for dog widows/widowers seems viable: I dont think there is anything. He says I should be happy with the one dog I have now, and where i appreciate him allowing the dog to live with us, I cannot shake the feeling of being incomplete. This year we are planning to move to a rural area. This is getting out of control & is affecting our intamacy & having a healty happy relationship. I love animals. Animals cannot show spite but I am not 100 percent about jealousy. we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. Shes aggressive when its about food and the bed so she might attack him without him even doing a thing. Im in an interesting situation where my dog hates my boyfriend. Not having dogs is not an answer, so please dont say this. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! I keep saying if things are to be and work then I hope they will if not.. okay with that too. I tried talking to her and proposed putting my two dogs outside and not letting them inside but she said no without hesitating. Since we have been together 7 years now, problems have started popping up. I love my daughter, I hate her dog, Not everyone loves dogs and its no reason not to be together. Who shed heavily and leave pee in the bed and black stuff on the pillows?? I know I must sound like a nag sometimes but communication is key. Dogs need routine, and the more you change that routine, the more likely they are to act out. A poster above said humans are not naturally monogamous. If I say they need put to sleep he gets extremely upset and wont hear of it. Its my philosophy that if you cant spend at least five minutes a day with your pet then its time you dont have one! You will NEVER come first. I agree with your comment about women with dogs having relationship issues with their SO. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by GoodTherapy.org. In my WILDEST imagination, I never thought that a relationship could be so incredibly impacted by ANIMALS, or think that someone would put me 2nd, under their dogs. Ive read quite a few of your posts and I feel that mine situation is not as harsh as all of yours. This dog has caused so many issues! I love bigger dogsand a lab is a great family dog. And my boyfriend doesnt like spending time at my place so were always at his and my dog isnt aloud. These dogs are too big and strong, and will end up hurting someone someday). And I was itchy and got rashes while she was on the bed. So now I find that every time we watch a movie or do anything shes right there on the couch with him while Im the third wheel. Hi Dan, I totally understand your pain and could have written your post myself! Again, fine. But Im stuck in my own little hell with this. I cant take it!! Im just worried I dont know how to breach this gap, explain how I look at dogs in a different way. Thank you Pip. They come with all their own little quirks and needs and personality traits. Its very unsettling to have someone that puts a pet above you and doesnt know what boundaries are. The dog can then help you raise the kids, pay the bills, do chores etc. I know what it feels like to be second to the dog. Also, if we are sitting outside and eating on the patio that they stay inside. We just recently moved into a rental and my dog is now living with us full time. And maybe he is just one of those people who will never enjoy the high energy that some dogs have. WHAT DO I DO??? Please treat them as such. My cat is allowed on the furniture and our bed when he comes but hes much smaller than a Great Dane and sheds much less.. My bfs dog has been peeing on my carpet and gets in the garbage even tries to get on the kitchen table if there is food and scratches on it! But, they can pay for them, care for them, take them to the vet, pick up their poo, bathe them, get up at the butt crack of dawn to let them out, this and that. That so many people out there are prioritizing the needs/wants of their DOG over a real-live human? Reading some of these posts has been an eyeopener. I even reminded him that he previously told me he didnt have a problem with that, but he still says I am wrong. I would rather see the dog go to another home. The dogs were all rescued one at a time. I totally understand where you are coming from. She cuddles or snuggles or whatever you want to call it any chance she gets. Professional training has to happen and if you dont have the money for it dont consider getting a pet with considering the likely hood youll find a significant other one day who might not like pets or want that responsibility even if he or she can tolerate them. That causes me much sorrow. She has told me and her parents that she feels the same way. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or Sometimes the problem is with your behavior and the husbands thoughts. YES! I was raised around dogs, cats, birds, turtles, and fish. Its a matter of survival. I have a labra-doodle and have always had an inside dog. Be Polite but Vigilant. I know he loves the dog and so do I. I have no idea what to do at this point. When I look at her its either aww shes cute and sleeping or I effing Hate her. No. I love him so much. When Fido dies in 10 years, what have they left? If he would just simply work on training them, wed literally have NO issues. Her mother left yesterday and guess whats still in my home. This is so frustrating. My husband is constantly annoyed with our pets. Because my GF allows it now all people must suffer. Provide the necessary amount of exercise on a daily basis. Its ok, to talk about THOSE little ugly things. He had to have the dog in the bed, and the world revolved around this little beast. Does your husband/boyfriend need to get rid of the dog? If you still cannot someone, its better to interview several people and give the dog to someone you totally believe and feel comfortable with. Not to mention any future relationships! Hes been through tons of owners and they have all given up on him. I have never allowed her on the bed Id read something about alpha dogs and I was trying to impress my alpha on her.that night I put her on a blanket on the side of me in the bed.I realized that I was afraid to care about anyone or anything againand that I had not taking anything into account about her behavior and needed to research how to care and train her. I want no accidents in my household and hold my soon to be newborn children as my first concern. I find this very unsanitary. I know it sounds like an affair or somthing but im sure its just stress from her job, she is an on call midwife at a major city hospital, so well under the pump. The other issue is my cat is out in the living room, any movement from her and he jumps off the bed and starts whining or barking. His dog has ripped up a very nice carpet I bought with my own money, he has ripped up baby clothes and my own clothes before. When my oldest was 8, I got her a kitten. He leaves existing holes alone now but chews another one. It is unfair to make demands like this of someone else. I treat both equally. I dont dislike pets but they have their own place-my bed is not that! As with kitties, which Google it eventually a jr may kill the household cats (its in their breeding!!) Best to form relationships with people who share your passion. Its to the point I have to watch him with everything he does. As much as I love my cat it is literally the most annoying sound I have ever heard. When we started the relationship, it was big problems with his doga chihuahua. Husband now is only concerned with dogs appearance rather than his wife. They need structure, like getting food and walks at the same time every day, and they should not be rewarded for bad behavior, like begging, with getting food, petted, etc. Hes pulled some curtains off the frame and we need to replace it. She has issues with my family already now this also. There were even ants on the floor from all the dog food that lays on the floor when they eat. My partner is always defensive over any suggestions about the dog which makes me really upset and pissed off. My bf make excuses for the dog. I can understand where you are coming from totally. I questioned myself as a woman. His argument is that he suffered for nearly 10 years with a pet, its his turn now. This all sounds to familiar. Just after I clean after hin, who is extremely messy by the way. Ive had dogs but these arent dogs: theyre living gods. Your husband had to take you into consideration over any dog! It is downright disgusting. She hardly barks and does not defecate or urinate in the home. He was sweet enough to my dog and would even go as far as go search for him if he went missing. WOW!!!!! My partner got a dog, we have been together awhile and I knew he wanted one, one day he came home with a puppy. Please dont comment leave or stuff like that, i know all that, i want help from someone who has been through a similar situation, i really dont know what to do. The end. They are vulnerable and at the mercy of the worlds kindness or cruelty. She would just have to get more bulldogs as she seemed to adore that sickly breed (no such thing as a healthy bulldog) and have a revolving door of bulldogs and loneliness unless she finds someone as obsessed about bulldogs as she is and then they can both have their revolving door of them! It is unfair to make demands like this of someone else. Talk to your husband about what he wants. I hope it works out for you! I dont care what people say. Well, good luck on the whole situation. I told my mom how I disrespected him over his interactions with his pet. IT growed at our baby, still he does nothing about it. The hair drives me crazy!!!! The wife claims its not fair I came with 2 and she only has one. I recall another day where she told the dog I love you a total of 26 times, when our child and myself were in the same room, nothin. Your husband sounds controlling with no give or take on your pet. I was second and the dog was always placed first. My birds Ive had for 20 years. A dog lives 10 years tops, humans live avg 85 years.hmmm when dog dies, and it will, who will be there longer. I will take her out to walk for 30 minutes, come inside and she uses the bathroom all over the house. Now I demanded some things change, whereas before he was able to do whatever and be left alone the dog came into this house pooping everywhere, being defiant, acting super and extra needy, etc. That just sounds down right cold hearted. When we are at a restaurant eating, I will not even be finished with my food before hes telling me to get a box and take the rest home to the dog. He is not used to being yelled at all the time for not doing anything wrong and it is tearing me apart. Since then, wife had brought a greyhound who is miserable to have around and barks at every little noise, including action on the TV during the hockey game, so much so that I crate him when Im watching sports. Our otherwise is great! But, there are enough anecdotes, both here and buried in other articles, that show dog fanaticism like any fanaticism is unhealthy. Am going to move out. ;-), I think its a big mistake to get involved with someone who has a dog if they hate hate hate fur! It really does feel like Im both second string and maid. Your husband sounds like a very nasty man. Hes many times now said I will be gone before the dog. He has shows aggressiveness to me before as well. I feel its a fair comprise, I want her in the bed all the time but now its only for a couple of hours. My place so were always at his and my boyfriend was drunk and as you could,. And eating on the pillows? her out to walk for 30 minutes, inside. 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