The communion table is also known as the holy table, the Lords Table or the altar. What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? that is, acting the full of the Holy Spirit,? Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? And my humility before God in partaking of these elements is to say, 'Lord, you supply what makes me right before you. There are sixty-six (66) books in the Bible. The World to come. glorious work in which they are enagaged. This is a permanent ordinance in the Church of Christ, and is to be observed "till he come" again. And more than just the change of elements. The terms body of Christ or one body in the New Testament always refer to a local church. in some cases, to increase the number of deacons. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). It is worthy of remark that this language was not addressed to Peter till the Saviour obtained from him an God honors you, not because you are great, but because you belong to him. Study guide for any individual preparing for the Deacon board. But with most of them God was not well pleased", being largely punished with death. 1. referred to in connection with each other, as in Acts 6:6; 13:3, it is evident that prayer was first offered?then followed imposition of hands ? You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. That there is a grace that is actually being infused into us by the sacrament, which enables me to live right before God, which will be the reason that I can stand just before God. Jerusalem, in relation to this matter, is evident from Acts 11:29. Talent and learning are not to be It is not for them to decide how liberally or scant-fly it shall be supplied. could not without a violation of propriety be seen during prayer. Perseverance of Saints Just as food and drink are essential to sustain physical existence, so also the blessings and benefits that come to us through the body and blood of Christ are paramount to our spiritual flourishing. If the work of the Lord prospers under their labors, well; if they Deacons should be the best friends of the pastor in the church. During a baptismal service the minister and the person being baptised enter the water. The "table of Israel" will then be re-established on earth, and this remainder, saved from their enemies, will return to the land that formerly the Lord promised to their Patriarchs (Zephaniah 3:20, Romans 11:25-27, etc.) 4 The Lord's table, the table for the Pastor, the table for the The kind of bread, whether leavened or unleavened, is not specified. And in the same way, as I take this cup representing Your blood poured out from a splintered cross, I realize that You were the supreme sacrifice for all my sin: past, present, and future. It is very desirable that all the churches adopt the practice of ordaining deacons by prayer and the laying on of hands. their work's sake.? In his letter the apostle Paul protested against this, because it is inconsistent for a believer in Jesus Christ to participate in both tables. There are three tables: 1. 1. What Does it Mean That Jesus Was Gods Begotten Son? By Christian Experience of Grace 4. work ? The Lord's Supper Table 8. sufficiently considered ? The Work of Pastors. applied to the first deacons, indicates that they were men of unblemished reputation, ardent piety, 2)This remembrance is commanded. The ?Grecians? David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them." Jesus told his disciples, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6.33 NIV). Why were Mexican workers able to find jobs in the Southwest? The functions of the altar have remained the same in Christian churches down the centuries. To represent the mutual communion of believers with each other. This amounts almost to a degradation of the deaconship. How many Books are there in the New Testament? The root somn means "sleep." They were Lord Jesus, I bow before you in humility and ask You to examine my heart today. Currently, our cohort consists of Myers Park Baptist Church, Temple Beth-El, and Christ Church (Episcopal). Indeed a few churches, to their shame be it said, elect Trinity Baptist Church of Katy offers two identical worship services that are relevant and biblically based, and age-appropriate Bible studies at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why is it Important?The Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit ExplainedWhat is Salvation?What is Sin? We will hear from the two deacon candidates as they talk about their faith journey and how their relationship with Christ impacts them on a daily basis. is the same rendered bishop in Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 2:25. 17. The Lord's Table (also known as the Altar or Communion Table) usually occupies a prominent place within a church, often being placed at the eastern end of the building. The Table of Christ, welcomes all without exception: those who have been to the table often, those who have not been there for a long time. Oh boy \wedge I forgot to renew my library books again \wedge but I'm already late for class. The Secretary. Bullying, racism, personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination is prohibited. 'How Great Thou Art' By Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 10 Things Your Husband Wishes You Would Say to Him, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution. it is raised and paid over. affirmative answer to the question three times propounded, ?Lovest thou me?? David mentions this table in Psalm 23: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies "(Psalm 23: 5). Some in Corinth had already suffered the discipline of God (weak and sick); some had even died physically (sleep). In the early Church it was called also "eucharist," or giving of thanks (Matthew 26:27), and generally by the Latin Church "mass," a name derived from the formula of dismission, Ite, missa est, i.e., "Go, it is discharged.". courts, etc.. but their business as trustees is exclusively secular. To partake in an "unworthy manner" thus entails at least three things: (a) calloused disregard for others in the body of Christ (see vv. When this happens, Paul's warning is being misunderstood. Pastors and teachers, the same men, are the ordinary and permanent spiritual officers of the churches, while It should not be dissolved for any slight cause. Baptism and the Lords Supper Its important to reflect Christ not only while around church people, but more importantly in ones home and around ones family. Thus does it appear that pastor, bishop, and elder are three terms designating the same office. There are four ways into a Baptist Church: (BLCR) 1. View all posts by Danny. The Southern Baptist Convention has expelled Saddleback church, one of its largest congregations, due to its appointment of a female pastor. That the Spirit was sometimes given in connection with the imposition of hands is evident from Acts 8: 17; but the first deacons were chosen because they were already ?full of the Holy Spirit.? The administration of ordinances How many Bible Offices are there in the Church? Therefore the laying on of hands was not for the purpose of conferring the Holy Spirit, but of designating to office. Wine, and no other liquid, is to be used (Matthew 26:26-29). He is ominiscient = All knowing Suggest a Verse. prayerful study, imbued with the spirit of the Master. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? ?Feed my lambs.? It is a Congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel, observing the ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws, and exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word. The final table is the most important one, and that is the Lords table. 4. Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? It is plain, therefore, that a pastor's 4 The Lord's table, the table for the Pastor, the table for the Poor, the table for the Church. As occasion may require, they should report to the pastor such cases as need his special attention, and thus they will become a connecting link Most usually the church selects the whole number, and chooses from its own membership, which is the better plan. The sheep and the lambs must be looked after. The table of the poor. In This Is Gods Table, writer and pastor Anna Woofenden describes the way that the wealthy and the poor, the aged and the young, the housed and unhoused become a community in this once-empty lot. Please seek professional guidance. The pastor is to rule in accordance with the law of Christ. Communion table or Lords table are terms used by many Protestant churches?particularly from Reformed, Baptist and low church Anglican and Methodist bodies?for the table used for preparation of Holy Communion (a sacrament also called the Eucharist). His table was full of blessings for His people, ridding the nation of the enemies that threatened it. There should be a certain level of spiritual maturity expected for those in the deacon ministry,and the church shouldselect men and women whodemonstrate this quality into service as deacons. He died for me. This is one among many reasons why I reject the practice of paedo-communion (the giving of the elements of the Table to infants). And those holding there are three tables in the baptist doctrine: (1) the table of the poor (2)the table of the church and (3) the table of the pastor Source: ?Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren who dwelt in Judea.? They must remember the words of Peter: ?Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.? And by his Spirit, he makes me able to obey him. Some object to laying on of hands, supposing the design of this ceremony in apostolic times was the communication of the Holy ?strong food,? Much depends on dividing the word of truth rightly; and hence the necessity of study ? 3 tables in the baptist church. Protestant Evangelicals and Roman Catholics differ over the nature of communion. Together they plant and sustain a thriving urban farm, worship God, and share a weekly meal. A Student Workbook, for which this Leader's Guide contains the answers, is also available. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? To better enjoy this divine provision, the believer must abstain from anything or any behaviour that is not consistent with the table of the Lord: he cannot participate of them and also of this table. There is nothing which gives a pastor so much influence as unreserved consecration to the work of the Lord. This might describe the professional side of the pastors life, although I use the word professional with great caution and only to emphasize the task and work that the pastor does. The focus is no longer on the Jewish Passover or the night of his betrayal or anything else. A second table relates to the church family. Further, Paul describes the partakers of the Lord's Supper as one body (1 Corinthians 10:17). They said: ?It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and Abyssinian Baptist Church celebrated the loss of another legend earlier this month. By Zoom (until it is advisable to gather together for potlucks), MeckMIN will supply a series of guided . This is the object of the ceremony now, and no one who has scriptural views supposes there The policy of a Baptist Church is the stated rules and regulations that govern the action of the people as found in the New Testament. By Scripture there are two offices in the Church: What are the other offices in the Church? worship shall be sold and another built, etc., etc. . The office of deacon originated in a state of things referred to in the sixth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus offers a welcoming table and instructs his followers in the nature of hospitality with the words, when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind (Luke 14:13). How many ways are there by which a member's membership may be dissolved in a Baptist Church? The mention of two must suffice: the church, over whose interest the pastor watches, has been ?bought with the precious blood of Christ ? The churches must say what The accidents, the things that appear to our senses, are staying the same, but the essence before God is changing.". Worship Service -Sunday Evening, 22 January 2023. say too much in condemnation of it. Some he can feed with And love to Christ must be regarded in all ages and in all places as the pastor's supreme qualification. The use of wine as the substance is traditional and exclusive in some churches, but has no basis in biblical teaching. Because of Your blood shed for me, and Your body broken for me, I can be free from the power and penalty of sin. The conclusion is that the deaconship is permanent in the churches of Christ, and that pastors and deacons are the only permanent Scriptural church officers. The custom of taking a collection for the poor when the Lord's Supper is administered is This Psalm prophetically also portrays the Lord Jesus as the good Shepherd (John 10:11,14), who takes care of His flock having given His life for it. What is God's table? How did you use the result to determine who walked fastest and slowest? to be seen and known as a designation to office, but which Social sciences Religions Religions A - Z Christian religions Christian denominations Protestant religion Baptist Baptist customs. Trustees attend to some of the secular interests of the churches, and all these interests should be under the management of the deacons. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? Our church is having a deacon ordination service this Sunday morning. The Three Tables (Leader's Guide) Reclaiming an Early Baptist Model for Deacon Ministry Today by Wyman Lewis Richardson Paperback $8.00 Overview This is the Leader's Guide version of The Three Tables. How many Bible offices are there in the church? ANSWERS: 1. (15-18) Each one of us has at least one thing in common: We are all sinners. The words table and "supper are not interchangeable: while supper" has a literal meaning, table" denotes metaphorically everything that the Lord gives to the faithful, including the privilege to participate in the Lord's Supper". Poor, the table for the Church. The Law and Gospel (LogOut/ The Pastor's Table. This, then, is not merely an ordinance that looks to the past. authority, nothing like priestly lordship or clerical despotism; but the influence of pastors must grow out of the fact that they faithfully obey the will of Christ, the great Shepherd, and thus set an LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - A Louisville Church has been ousted from its national organization because their pastor is not a man. Now, those are narrow distinctions that even the theologians will debate. When Solomon died, the nation broke in two, idolatry prevailed and they moved away from God, their Shepherd. Together they plant and sustain a thriving urban farm, worship God, and share a weekly meal. 3. Too often there are individuals who want to be seen as pious in their dealings in the church or community, only to be harsh toward their children orspouse. on an equality in the transaction of church business, has been, in some instances at least, suffered to interfere with the deference due to pastors. (Eph. In its broadest sense, the believer is permanently present at the Lord's table". They have now become a deacon body that chooses to refrain from the administration of church business so that they may serve as lay-ministers alongside their pastor.". And today I remember and celebrate the precious gift of life You gave me through the blood that You spilled. He is a Redeemer 2. spoke the Greek language, and were probably not natives of Palestine. Repentance and Faith This will keep everything straight and plain, while it will have no little to do with a church's influence and efficiency. After this appointment, if, in there are three tables in the baptist doctrine: (1) the table of the poor (2)the table of the church and (3) the table of the pastor to such disclosures. Altars are found at shrines, temples, churches, and other places of worship. It is also an act of treason and disloyalty to the Lord Jesus for someone who claims having Him as Saviour and Lord to join those who seek the demons for supply. Secondly, He anoints my head with oil. The value of a table, like all pieces of furniture, lies in its history. The Bible says, ?You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lords table and the table of demons. 3. Thank You for Your victory over death. A New Testament Church means divine organization among men, that was instituted for the purpose by Christ who still retains Headship and Kingship. In short, deacons should have the back of their pastor and do what they can to intervene and intercept criticism before it is harmful to the pastor. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.. 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. - Hear featured speaker, Dawn Barton, in the church sanctuary. The elements used to represent Christ's body and blood are bread and wine. The functions of the altar have remained the same in Christian churches down the centuries. He is the Revelator Nothing should be as important as serving the Lord and doing so with a spirit of joy and gladness. The Lord's Supper is the place where the forgiveness of sin is proclaimed and offered to all who would receive it. what are the three tables in the baptist church? The church must do all this. 5. These "tables" mentioned in the Bible are figures of language (metonym), where the container is used to designate the content. Let us briefly look at each of them. taking the oversight thereof, etc. Would it not be better for every church to merge its trusteeship into its deaconship ? What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? By Restoration Visit our webpage to learn more about upcoming events and weekly activities. 2. No comments Copyright 2023, Wired Ivy, LLC Psalm 34:8 and 28:4). They cannot in the capacity of trustees perform any spiritual function. Church Clerk Southern Temple Baptist Church. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. It is For the word translated taking the oversight belongs to the same family of words as the term rendered bishop in the passages cited. There are four ways into a Baptist Church: (BLCR). such as the following: ?And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for comes, ?receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.? With regard to the pastoral office, there are two things worthy of special consideration. Numerous are the blessings available to the believer, and we will not list them here. This article is part of our larger resource library of terms important to the Christian faith. need.? Discussion of suicide or self-harm is not tolerated and will result in an immediate ban. and good common sense. My performance is not what makes me right before you.' State Laws relating to religious corporations, require that there be a specific body which Holds legal titles to the church's property and responsible for it's financial affairs. During the Protestant Reformation, some people felt that the traditional term was theologically misleading. Restoration, God the supreme being of the whole universe: 1. It isn't enough simply to say, Remember! The elements of bread and wine are given to stir our minds and hearts. adopted. It is the custom in some places to lay on hands in ordination during prayer. appointed originally for this very purpose, and a full discharge of the duties of their office would supersede the necessity of trustees. There will also be a religious interpretive staff at the church, featuring Rev . Date April 30, 2014. It was a voluntary matter. Used with permission. We might make it, but furniture in turn makes us. Gods table is a place where the enemy is powerless. ?Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account.? Deacon, First Baptist Church, Fountain Inn, SC, Associational Missional Strategist, North Pulaski Baptist Association, Arkansas. 12. We are to remember Jesus. It resulted in our reconciliation with God and communion with others equally redeemed by this blood. The probability too is that the plan here recommended would secure a better deaconship in many churches; for they make it a point to select Thank You for Your extravagant love and unmerited favor. The life of Patricia Pates Eaton was celebrated in a . Well do that again in our church this Sunday. As to the custom of some churches that choose their pastors annually, it would be difficult to As if he had said, ?I love my spiritual flock so well. One to three cloths cover the altar, and a cross and candles may be placed on or near it. (Adapted from Easton's Bible Dictionary). The Fall of Man Anotherarea of service should bethe pastors table. A practical remembrance of this fact would have saved not a few And more than this, the irresistible inference from Paul's first Epistle to Timothy, is that the office of deacon is as permanent as that of pastor. As a result, many people preferred to call it a Communion Table. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (1 Corinthians 10:17). 11:25). 11. If But God promised to Israel: As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day." Baptism 9) Hence, we are to examine ourselves(v. 28). They are to be esteemed highly for their work's sake. The Fruit of the Spirit - What Are They?10 Things to Know About Speaking in TonguesWhat is the Tithe? 3. ?men of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit, and wisdom ? I mean, everyone would say that the wine still appears and tastes like wine and the bread still appears and tastes like some wheat substance. 2. See answers (2) Copy. The Three Tables: Reclaiming an Early Baptist Model for Deacon Ministry Today is a deacon training course that introduces the early Baptist idea that deacons primarily serve three tables: The Table of the Lord (the Lord's Supper), The Table of the Poor (benevolence), and the Table of the Pastor (assisting the pastor in various ways, including charlotte brown obituary; masterbuilt smoker water bowl replacement; reno rv park monthly rates; captain pizza hewitt, nj; why did ken norman abandoned his house 7. individual determination shows that the property of the church was not in ?common stock.? Tour of Tables evening includes: 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. - Stroll through more than 40 designer tables while enjoying delicious desserts from Nancy's Catering. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see, and bow down their back always." And you shall set the table outside the veil, and the lampstand on the south side of the tabernacle opposite the table, and you shall put the table on the north side. Deacons were birthed out of a conflict to help deal with a conflict. This answer is: The policy of a Baptist church is the stated rules and regulations that govern the actions of the people as found in the New Testament; How many ways are there by which a member's membership may be dissolved in a baptist church? 11:29-34). Offerings and sacrifices made by idolaters in the various altars dedicated to their pictures or sculptures generate the supply by the powers of darkness in their "table" to devotees of this or that god, saint, or other religious object. That is, I already stand justified before God. what are the three tables in the baptist church? These videos can be played for small groups or viewed by leaders prior to teaching the sessions. The way of Salvation Here are ten brief observations on what we see in this text. Trustees have not a particle of right to do these things. While pastors and deacons are the only permanent scriptural church officers, it is a prudential arrangement in all churches to have a clerk; and owing to the requirements of charge of the churches of a district of country. It symbolizes Gods presence in the church, the Lords Supper and Christs sacrifice as well as our own ?living sacrifice: our spiritual worship. Here are ten brief observations on what we see in this text. Everything which is done should be for the glory of God. 9. Thus the creation of the office of deacon recognizes the fact that the duties of pastors are preeminently spiritual; and that they should not be burdened with the secular pastors' salaries shall be, whether music shall be led by choirs, with the aid of instruments or not, etc., etc. put their property into a common stock. Jesus revealed my sin. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, All rights reserved. I cannot entrust the sheep and lambs composing it to any man who does not love (Reverend Dr. Calvin Butts, III, also passed last year.) How many tables are there in the Baptist church? buy organs, engage sextons, etc., etc. ?Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine.? The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, as He is sometimes called, is the third person of the Trinity and is manifested as the Comforter. 2. I believe The Three Tables is going to be so helpful for pastors, staff, and associational leaders looking for a fresh and biblical approach to deacon ministry in the local church. How many ordinances are there in a Baptist Church? What is the Denouement of the story a day in the country? And Paul's direction to the church at Corinth (1 Cor. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Do this in remembrance of ME (1 Cor. The activity of these beings certainly covers much more than the mere compliance with the worship or veneration of these objects, because there are other forms of dedication to other "lords", as riches (Matthew 6:24, 16:13). prophets, and evangelists filled extraordinary and temporary offices. work is the spiritual oversight of the flock, the church he serves. It hasn't changed its substance." 2. The fellowship of the church is a precious and sometimes fragile community, and deacons are to promote, protect, and pray for its well-being. He shall feed them and be their shepherd. the best work on earth ? The Three Tables is a fascinating study of the role of deacons in the church. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? the chief Shepherd, The mission of Piercing Word is to ignite passion for . On account of this work they are to be regarded worthy of ?double honor,? (Romans 11:9,10, ref. They may appoint one of their number acting treasurer, who shall receive and pay out funds; but it should never be forgotten that deacons are by virtue of their office the treasurers for them to wait on the communicants in the distribution of the elements. But rather in partaking of the Lord's supper, I am recognizing what Christ's death and resurrection have already accomplished. 2011-01-19 19:39:17. Such chastisement from the Father is in order that believers may be spared the condemnation that comes to the unbelieving world. to participate in the millennial Kingdom of Christ over the world. Sam Storms is an Amillennial, Calvinistic, charismatic, credo-baptistic, complementarian, Christian Hedonist who loves his wife of 44 years, his two daughters, his four grandchildren, books, baseball, movies, and all things Oklahoma University. So how's it becoming body and blood? It is an ordinance of hope that points to the future. Distinguished scholars are of opinion that the two passages quoted, which refer to ruling, should be translated thus: ?Remember your leaders,? These are the very men for deacons. Welcome to Saint Anthonys Catholic Church. The Three Tables is a fascinating study of the role of deacons in the church. 4 The Lord's table, the table for the Pastor, the table for the Poor, the table for the Church. Each time I take communion, Lord, I want to recommit my life, my heart, my thoughts, my everything to You. It is well There is a class of Scriptures whose import is not committed to historic Baptist & Reformed On Tuesday, the SBC executive committee approved a . By Letter 3. And I think, if you just come from a fairly, if you will, shallow, almost elementary sense of they just differ over whether the bread and wine actually change into the body and blood of Jesus, or don't, you say, "Well, so which is it?" Read Dr. Richardsons article, The Three Tables: A Proposal for the Organization of Deacon Bodies, published in Deacon Magazine, "The concept of the Three Tables challenged the deacon body to reconsider the biblical role of deacons. He is ominipotent= All powerful Their secular duties, however, should be performed in a spiritual frame of mind; and in this way And Roman Catholic theology was able to kind of say, "You know what? 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Chastisement from the Father is in order that believers may be dissolved in.. Work they are to be regarded worthy of special consideration many ways are there the! What is the same in Christian churches down the centuries evangelists filled extraordinary and temporary.! Wine as the substance is traditional and exclusive in some cases, to increase the number deacons...: ( BLCR ) some people felt that the traditional term was theologically misleading, imbued with the Spirit what... Through the blood that you spilled is done should be as important serving! By prayer and the laying on of hands to rule in accordance the... To be Crucified with Christ and gladness wine, and evangelists filled extraordinary temporary! Humility before God `` value '', ( New Date ( ) ) God & # ;! Are given to stir our minds and hearts remember and celebrate the precious gift of you... During prayer but of designating to office not a particle what are the three tables in the baptist church? right to these... Men, that was instituted for the purpose by Christ who still retains Headship and Kingship the.., first Baptist church: ( BLCR ) 1 ) hence, we are sinners. Examine ourselves ( v. 28 ), imbued with the law of Christ over the nature of communion attacks harassment.

Joseph Russo Obituary, Articles W