He could fight off the imperious, for Christ sake but he could do nothing against this. Out of everyone in the family, why her? A silent climb up the staircase, and Harry silently let himself into Tonks room. Dudley, go turn on the telly, and find something fun! He turned to his wife. With both Auror Tonks and Officer Lydia to assist him, he continued to expand his exercise regiment, and over several weeks had added a lot to his strength, stamina, and muscle mass. Julie moaned as the aurors tongue explored her own folds. Petunia came a second time, and was well on her way to a third, as Harry felt his balls start to tighten. Usually, I expect to probably write a couple of chapters a week. Insane and confusing, but very good!. Harry wondered what Hermione might be able to come up with, but Tonks reminded Harry of the strong worries that communication channels might be compromised. Ron Weasley- Messy robs and hand-me Harry is sent to the past to try stop Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort but he doesn't even try because he joins him. I dont own rights to the Harry Potter characters. There was a good chance she might find him in the park. He shifted slightly, pressing his cock more firmly against her for a moment. Hes happy being free., Um Hermione Im not sure that Dobby is all that normal of a House Elf. Ron's face went red as he realized everyone was staring at them now. It has been so damned long! Harry, his girls, and Hogwarts are not dumb. She saw him risk his life against a hideous monster to help the young girl who was constantly annoying he and his new best friend. As the heavy metal stand crashed to the ground with a tremendous clatter, a wizarding painting started caterwauling loudly. Over time, he learned a few things about how the curse worked, and figured ways to avoid triggering it. Julie looked terrified, her thoughts suddenly turning to her husbands reaction if she were suddenly pregnant. Quick note: While Harry is not going to be out of Petunias bed for a while, in this chapter somebody else will join them. Draco was starting to worry under his cool mask of composure when he overheard Longbottom telling Granger that Harry never came to the dorm that night. Harry found them absolutely breathtaking. Gently! Star Wars been done quite a bit, decided to stay away from it. It feels sooo good.. He didnt know what he could do about it, but Vernon better not have hit her, last night! Before she leaves shell kiss him on the cheek and thank him, and after a few moments before it registers, hell run from the hall screaming, realizing he is partly responsible for his parents splitting up. "I love the color on you. When Harry returned from the bathroom, he found his aunt back in her robe, and the snaps done up all the way to the neck. The noise drew Molly, who chased the twins off to bed. He was gently nibbling on her ear, her neck, and slowly moving down her body. The thing that had silenced Petunia was that he was nude, and she found herself staring at what had to be the largest, hardest erection shed ever seen. This is wrong in so many ways! Harry simply nodded. Authors Note: I have redone this chapter and probably come close to doubling its length. At some point, Harry will end up facing Bella, but he wont try to curse her. Fawkes made it sound like something separate, trying to fight the curse. Draco pulled away from me to mutter the password, pulling me into his common room after the wall opened. Even if they cant he will be able to teach the mental skills to anybody he chooses, as will Minerva. He hoped she wasnt crying. Her groans continued non-stop, and as he could tell she was getting close, he paused for just a second, and slapped the side of her ass, hard! Give me a moment to check Ginny over and make sure shes been fully healed from your first time, then I think wed better get Harry back under that invisibility cloak, and let you both get back to my room.. Lucius is much more about his own pleasure than hers, and doesnt give her anywhere near the attention she needs. The reason Draco hates Harry so much is more complicated than it seems. Petunia prepared herself a scotch and soda, drained the glass, and began to mutter to herself, under her breath. This is insane! And when he is in a bad mood, all of the Death Eaters are in a bad mood, as well. The evil git winced. Just as you and Draco had gotten halfway across the room, she sauntered up to the two of you, a triumphant smirk planted on her face. Just as Harry was starting to say Aunt Petunia, Im coming, there was another voice heard in the kitchen at Number Four. That was ridiculous in itself; he'd seen worse. A passionate kiss assured Petunia that she had no reason to worry, at least on that count. Though there were house elf healers, they didnt know enough about humans, house elf healing was a last-ditch effort kind of thing. You are so beautiful, he finally told her. I think its my turn again, she said, hungrily. Harry takes over Dicks body in an AU scene where the Joker has managed to kill him. Though Ill admit when I first started shaving, I hoped someday that youd like it.. With that, he turned and walked quickly out of the Great Hall. The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) the last of the 13 worlds. instead, she felt more loved than shed ever felt in her life. The two glanced at each other, then followed Julie up the stairs. She found herself swept away into yet another orgasm, just from the look in his eyes as he devoured her with his gaze. Soon he felt her spasming around his length as she came again. And then Fawkes hopped onto Harrys shoulder, and leaned its head against Harrys. The curse is hate. That day shed also started crushing on him, just a tiny bit. I could feel the curse reacting, but it had no real power. It had been three years since the War, and somehow, someway, they had rebuilt. It's actually the. He was nearly there, himself. He also seemed to be trembling. Once Harry was safely back at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore asked him to stay away from the rest of the students, until Dumbledore had a chance to let the student body of the prestigious School of Wizardry know what had happened. The moment her mind had been reminded of how badly shed needed to go to the bathroom, she couldnt have held it in another second. Bella has been heavily abused, and is seriously messed up. For the most part, there wont be too many more scenes anywhere near as bad as this one. Whatever it was, telepathy, or some other form of communication, Fawkes was communicating with him. There will be romance, but it is not the main focus of the story. He reached toward the collar of her robe and tugged violently. and utter disaster Breakfast had been simple and basic, then Petunia had taken Dudley off to the doctors office, and had gotten some information on how much she ought to be cutting back on Dudleys food, and a few tips on things she might give him more of when he insisted he was starving from the portions he was receiving. Soul fails, all is lost.. He pushed his shafts head along her slit until it parted before him, stretching her painfully. He wondered how Lydia would taste. He snorted to himself. And finally, he felt her anger and pain as he raped her. You dont, Harry replied, as he wrapped his arms around the older woman. what if harry had a brother? She was approaching her first orgasm before he even reached her waist, and when he switched to her feet, she was almost disappointed. I cant leave you, Harry, Hermione screamed, horrified, as she watched the auror crumple to the ground. She tried to move, and the horrible pain stabbing through her told her that she had at least a couple of broken bones. He finds us hideous! No dont stop! Potter! It dripped with a mixture of her juices and his, and he was ashamed to see just a hint of blood from his rough treatment. Aunt Petunia, Im so sorry, Harry sobbed again and again. After a couple of hours asleep, Harry woke to find he was once again erect. Harry was still between her legs, his massive cock was still inside her, and while she didnt know if it was a case of still or again, not having the slightest idea of how much time had passed, Harry was rock-hard. Harrys eyes cleared, though there was a dark, angry quality in them that she had never seen before. Pain and fear flowing away on a river of bright light, Ginny found herself living the life of the Boy-Who-Lived, and as shed already suspected, the stories got almost nothing right. There was an end table covered in various alcoholic beverages that was surrounded by students. Though it affected the bucking of his hips not at all, after about the first three minutes Harry noticed the pulsating feeling around his cock that convinced him that Mrs. Polkiss had had an orgasm. And then Chapter Nine, the dementors, Grimmauld Place, and Hermione. During the meal, Petunia revealed she had made doctors appointments for both Dudley and Vernon. The victim would violently attack woman after woman, until he is put down like a rabid dog! That love gave him a sliver of control. 2. He pulled away slowly, and used your shocked silence as an opportunity to talk. AUTHORS NOTE: I have reviews! The thefts at the local Tesco and other shops, the cigarettes, the vandalism of some of the homes in the neighborhood. Harry takes her, and learns of the prophecy. She tried not to do this too often, but every few days, she just took the chance to relax herself. As he began to hit bottom on each thrust, she would tense her legs. Me encanta el fanfic Drarry que estoy leyendo porque, por una vez, Ron no es un hijo de puta y, a la vez, tiene un papel significativo que no es el de cabrearse porque a Harry le gusta Draco. He tried to dodge out of the way, but in this instance, the curses control actually dulled his natural reflexes, and he took a minor blow to the temple, even as his hand thrust out at her chest. We both told ourselves better the freak she looked apologetically at Harry for a moment than Dudley. Her eyes widened in shock and pleasure. I dont own Harry Potter. And that takes things to a whole new level. She decided to reward Harry with another deep kiss, her tongue doing battle with his. She felt so wonderful around his cock, as he slowly pushed inch after inch into her. Bedroom? she asked. I dont own Harry Potter oh, wait, I already said that last one. He then switched his gaze to her shaved mound and gently started to stroke his thumb along her flower. Shed been faithful to whatever boyfriend she had at the time, but when she broke up with one, it wasnt long before she had another. That made five no, six times hed cum since arriving at Grimmauld Place! Turn-abouts fair play lets see if you like my mouth as much as I like yours? She crawled between his legs, and her hands on the bed to either side of his, she took his head in her hot mouth. The sun was on its way down for the night, the sky beginning to darken behind you as you opened one of the large oak doors. Malfoy sees just enough to suspect something, and at the welcoming feast, tells Snape and then Dumbledore that he thinks Harry raped somebody on the train. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy The sensation was enough to send Harry over the edge in his own third. Harry gasped as she leaned forward and took his head in her mouth, applied a little suction, and then pulled her mouth off him with a very light popping sound. When he returns, he will be able to create lenses that have all the properties of the original, except that they may even be able to be worn by women. His lips felt just like they always had: warm, gentle, and slightly chapped from the cold weather. If youve killed Potter, you may have signed our death certificates! He wasnt pleased, but I managed to really get him thinking. He couldnt possibly swallow it all, and it was soon running down his face as he pulled back to breath. Petunia, Julie and Lydia couldnt really suggest much in regards to a return to Hogwarts. Ron was supposed to live a normal life then figured out he could see the future. Except for a brief visit from Malfoy and his cronies (they left them on the train, victims of a wide variety of conflicting curses) the three students talked quietly about what Harry had gone through. I dont own rights to the Harry Potter characters. As their lips sought and met and fought in battle where there could be no possible losers, lust was spiking through each of them. Harry! Nobody saw me. Shed been denying herself ever since shed gotten home from Hogwarts, but this morning she finally allowed herself to think on the hug shed given Harry on their last day at the school. I dont want Vernon getting too upset with you, he replied. var sc_text=2; You know as well as I do, if he went to the constabulary a look of horror crossed Vernons face, and he started desperately trying to wave Petunia to silence. ", "I know, but that's enough reason for him to hate himself.". Im good for another round, he told her, but youll have to do the work, this time.. It is not for a lack of trying. Eventually she steals one of the Hogwarts portkeys. His eyes raked her nude body, and as he gazed at the juices gently running down her thighs, he knew he had to taste them. I discovered what a misleading fake you really are. Too hard, she gasped. By this point she had been in Harrys arms for less than three seconds, and her mind was scrambling to process the information she was receiving. Still red with embarrassment, he was accompanied by Fawkes, Professor Dumbledores phoenix. His lips pressed against the side of her neck, gently kissing against her carotid artery, and for just a second his tongue slid between his lips and gently poked same artery. So do you like my mouth? She asked after the first couple of minutes. Mad Bee:https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5J7Z/DgrXmja8X. Harry gave her a hand in setting the table, but that was about it. Status: In Progress Harry? his new lover asked, How much do you exercise?. AUTHORS NOTE Yes, I am getting slower and slower in writing and posting this. He was furious that his pouting wasnt working, and he still wanted more to eat, but he could spare enough thought to be fairly certain he didnt want to go to prison. And secondly, the ministry cannot track magic use so specifically. She saw her Dinky Dudders as Harry saw him. What the hell did you just The flustered teen was interrupted. And as usual, he left about the time his blond jogger was really starting to get to him. Hed hoped Ginny was too young for this, but obviously not according to the curse. Dont ask, he replied. Morning, Nym, he whispered in her ear. Hermiones mom was a different story it wasnt just a random thing, but instead to save her parents marriage and by that time they had more down as to how to lessen the pain and damage of the curse, what with the spells and potions and all. The pace was far slower than before, and Petunia couldnt help but spread her legs a little further, and began moving her own hips in rhythm with his. And, she blushed to see, how he wished shed learn to relax just a little bit. Harry and the girls will stress and push for protection charms. (Pay no mind to the one-eyed beast that seems to be lurking in the shadows- it's almost certainly nothing to worry about. He hadnt really had the time or the mental capacity to examine her before hed raped her. Secondly, I am looking for a story I read a couple/three months ago, but havent been able to find again, since then. She refused to acknowledge her fear, but just sublimated it into a rage as she cursed him, struggled inside the cloak, and started to enlarge her vagina around him, allowing him less and less traction with each stroke, until . My spell had plenty of power to it, never you fear! It felt like he was dying, and Draco wished that he was. Harry just kept thrusting into her, loving the feeling of her incredibly hot pussy. With Harrys memories she sees a different way, and she finds she can no longer stand the attentions of the various Death Eaters she used to put up with. Gods of Magic Love the Youngest Weasley Son, Ron Weasley & Harry Potter & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini, Sometimes when your friends are scheming you need to make your own schemes, no major character death (i dont plan on it at least), How to Succeed in Dark Wizardry (Without Really Trying), minor Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom - Relationship, Ron Weasley & Daphne Greengrass & Marcus Belby & Hannah Abbott, Golden Trio | Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley Friendship, Divorced Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione Granger pulls all the guys (real). That. NSFW art will be tagged in titles. Draco's smirk fell and Hermione had already decided that Ron went too far. But Nym, here, needs to see how I can treat her when Im not under the influence of that bloody curse! He returned his attention to the auror. As the two women dressed, Harry just grabbed his trousers and staggered to his room. Julie pulled him back into her mouth as his shaft started to pulse, and he fired several sticky bursts of cum in her mouth before she just couldnt handle any more. Nothing, I just - I thought of something funny. He still couldnt join his classmates for perhaps another twenty minutes, and in truth he hadnt had the privacy for a good jerk-off since before the end of the Tournament. A couple of witches that he was already connected with made at least a slight difference in how much control he could maintain. First off, this house is hidden, and the ministry cannot detect anything that happens here. Riddle sabe o que quer; ele s precisa de um certo algum para obt-lo Ou a histria de como Tom s queria um filho e conseguiu uma famlia em trocaaviso essa fanfic no minha todos os crditos so de TenshiBabelink da original https://archiveofourown.org/works/10075892/chapters/22452293, Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley- He lit my soul on fire- MANIP/ART. He couldnt help but be slightly nervous because of Malfoys confidence, but he couldnt find anything wrong with himself. He drew it up and down against her slit, until hed gotten lots of her juices all over it, then eased the head in, and started to push forward. She discarded her own robe, and began to lift the hem of the vastly over-sized t-shirt she was swimming in, when she suddenly found herself violently bent over the sink. With Hogwarts help, they design some kind of coin, amulet, or the like with which they can call for help, and it can draw the others to them. Bu wha did ou hink o i? Julie demanded again. Soon Dudley was off to spend time with his gang, and it took Harry and his aunt only a couple of minutes to wash the few plates theyd used for the mid-day meal. She couldnt blame herself for trying to protect the muggle, but she couldnt blame Harry for what happened, either. It looked like it was probably a foot long, and true to the words Harry had just cried out, he was cumming. "I took that too far back there. She saw the seven-year-old who was desperate to make friends at school, but who was only taunted and ridiculed for his messy hair and huge, ill-fitting clothes. She gave a start as she heard a snarky Thanks, Tonks! It was still a fairly quiet neighborhood. Meanwhile, sometime in the next few weeks, I hope to come back to this chapter and actually fully write all of the above. Only this time, Pansy was prepared and waiting for you. Would you stop staring at Harry! Ron looked at the floor again. He was amazed to find his erection rising again. Harry slammed into her for another six minutes, while she experienced three further orgasms, each one more intense, and each one forcing him out of her and sending more fluids streaming down her legs. He was still wearing Dudleys cast-offs, so it took only a second for him to slide his trousers over his hips and drop them to the floor. So tomorrow morning, Harry, start exercising, Julie insisted. He might find himself deciding rather suddenly that it was time to return home, but he was able to avoid any further rapes. When Harry leaned over, pulled her left nipple into his mouth, and gently bit down on it, she went over the edge. People have asked about Doesnt Harry know everything, now? The info-dump is too much. They just lay there for a few moments, then he had to ask. We dosed Harry with a tremendously strong calming potion right before we started the trip to Grimmauld Place. If he wanted to go out in public, in an area where there were lots of women around, Harry found it was easier if hed shagged himself out first, then made his trip to the market or the chemists, or wherever else. Little weasel! The two of them utterly exhausted from the combination of nearly an hour of continuous sex and little sleep the night before, they fell asleep in one anothers arms. They lay there with him positioned over her for a couple seconds, then he pulled himself back a bit. She gently kissed him to shut him up. Nothing important to the plot here, just not leaving the early characters out in the cold. He saw the tiny beads of sweat starting to gather on her chest, and couldnt believe how erotic it was as one drop was soon swaying on the tip of her left nipple. Though he would miss his friends, and was not looking forward to returning to the Dursleys, he couldnt wait to get to his room and try to sleep off this miserable headache. Hermione grabbed the vial from the table, and raised it to her lips. He was able to last several minutes, this time, as he gently moved in an out, not pushing himself in nearly as far, as he could tell hed hurt his aunt, before. She and half the other girls in Gryffindor! Every child develops earlier, and has the same magic in greater force. OFFICIAL FANFIC HP READING LIST!!! But hed known it wasnt going to be an overnight thing. You turned on your heel, storming away from the scene. Dull, and occasionally highly annoying. Once they reached the bedroom, Harry instantly had himself wrapped around Tonks. His tongue swirled around her nub again, and her hips bucked a third time as she cried out Oh God! Her orgasm flooded Harrys face with juices. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Shed had a few boyfriends, but none had ever been able to make her feel like that! (See, I told you there was a reason none of his early women got pregnant.). I dont own Harry Potter. This one is more like the regular model, Snape cant touch anything in it, but is has a lot of other enchantments on it. It pushed her just too close to the edge. She saw how, even with the belt he wore, Dudleys clothes would not stay up. The reason why Hogwarts watches out for Harry so much he helped in her creation. Slamming up and down on his cock. But in the back of his head, Harry was noticing some very odd sensations. She now has the increased lust twice over, and is now an uncontrollable nympho. For a bare moment she tried to struggle, but as that huge mass tore through her barrier and forced its way deeper into her, in one long painful stroke, than she ever would have imagined, her legs gave way. Love and acceptance and a determination to protect her from any trace of Riddle that might be left in her. 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