Looking at the clock on the kitchen wall, he groaned. After all, getting a girlfriend is definitely in my department! Passing through the walls again, she saw Piper calmly sleeping, her face in utter bliss, which was hard to imagine because she was still in the pink, red and white room Aphrodite had given her. Demigods, please leave." Frank asked, his beefy left hand about to punch the wall. Summary: Annabeth might be able to convince the boys that her post-Tartarus nightmares are nothing, but Hazel and Piper know . I knew my Aphrodite siblings were giving me odd looks but I didn't care. That left Leo and Frank and himself sitting on the sidelines. "She just wanted to say hello.". "Good, now listen, very clear, you do NOT like Percy . Despite his reservation, his life might just take a turn for the better. "What, Leo, is there a monster or anything? Every time I look at Leo, he's staring at you. He had on ripped blue jeans like the kindThalia usually wore, and a black leather hoodie. "She transferred from her old school to Goode. Percy made the cuckoo sign at her behind her back. She answered back, a tinkling laugh like a wind chime sweeping across her throat. ", "Yep. That girl was scary in a innocent way, though he suspected she wasn't innocent at all. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg! It's not like it isn't anything she hasn't done before. Flirting with my boyfriend!" 419 7 7. "If you have any injuries, go to the left and keep on going straight until you pass the restrooms. Annabeth said, eyeing the paper with disapproval. She was furious that Percy sorta liked me, and I liked him, and we were so close to getting hooked. He heard Annabeth say. He had no idea how he hadn't noticed that before. He suggested, and Annabeth nodded and snuggled in gratefully, her head resting on his chest. And Leo had to agree with her on that one. "How about you sleep with me?" I sniffed the sweatshirt and stained it with tears which left stains on my cheeks too. The boys leaned forward and heard the last bit of Piper's sentence, "Go find yourself a fake who'll actually pretend to like you.". Everybody either hid a snicker or rolled their eyes at his comment, but he ignored it. But when he woke up, he was exceptionally tired. Nothing? Nobody seems to like guys like me. Annabeth swatted his hand away. Annabeth said with a coy smile. She said, weaving the string through the small loop on the other needle. Percy closed the door almost collapsing in laughter. In this endless ocean they are three points gravitating towards each other. Savior (A Percy Jackson FanFiction) by thedaughterofchaos. Leo said in a teasing tone. I saw Percy and Nice walk in together and they seemed happy, enjoying each other's company. 9.1K 420 13. "I swear to the River Styx that I will never leave Annabeth, cheat on her, and I will always love and care for her." That's when her cell-phone started ringing. "Where's Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth?" "We have nothing going on between us because I'm single. Not bothering to figure out what was happening, he found the Ancient Architecture Book in Latin he borrowed from Annabeth and started reading for fun. Ares and their allies had red plumes. "Ditto to Percy, except I take Architecture instead of Woodshop. And then he remembered his punishment from Annabeth. "If I catch you helping anyone on their tasks, I'll make sure you get one of your own. It was good, the sweetness spreading throughout her tongue. Piper, who was now in a green tank top and jeans, pulled out the seat next to him and went to toast some bread, while Leo, who had finally put on jeans and a greasy and charred T-shirt with a tool belt, found the coffee machine. He asked, holding his chest. Annabeth realized. Leo turned red as everybody else laughed at his comment. Leo Valdez is a Dork. "I don't know. She said, smiling. People who had sword training with Jason were falling behind on their training. In remembrance of a shroud. About weed - should we pray to you as the god of trippy parties? Percy saw Chiron mouth trippy parties with silent incredulity. "Believe me, I do know.". And he heard the others laugh as he chased Percy Jacksondown the halls with Piper by his heels. "Good morning, Pipes." It was true, her scarves were better quality, and she had already made nine of them. Somone hug Chiron. Frank had on a dark purple Hi, I'm Canada shirt, and he had a oversized pair of Lexi's. Jason smiled, and bear-hugged Rachel. Leo said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Piper McLean IS bisexual. Percy stared at me, and before I even knew it my lips were on his. He sounded almost scared. Hazel stepped out of the small crowd. Did not work." "Leo?" Piper's voice sounded on the phone. She gasped. I saw my brothers try and kill Perses, the titan of destruction. Frank is there for the ride. ", "I can't beleive I missed her!" She's vanquished anyways, so I don't know why she even bothers to try." He asked, trying to sound innocent, as if he was and wasn't drinking Coca-Cola when he was supposed to be doing his Math homework (Stupid Algebra teachers that assigned homework on the first day of school!!!). "How long have you been watching us?" He is currently transcribing the Sibylline books with his girlfriend Ella the harpy. Besides, everytime he tried to talk to Annabeth himself, all he got were conversations like this: Percy: "Hey, how's it going?" . She could hear Hazel mumbling to Jason. Percy shrugged, "One or two, but I'm not their type I've been told." and a very adorable eagle. This was the place just beyond the kitchen. Jason sat on the end of the dining table, holding hands with Piper, while Annabeth took the head, sneaking glances at Percy, who was next to Piper and Frank. Zeus, not Jupiter anymore, said. "Please, Wise Girl?" "Alan Brown and his crew were flirting with us today." ", "Regard my dead mouse comment, and then think about the fact I dumped Percy later and became the Oracle. She touched the wall, and it disappeared. "Ahhh! She practically spat. "Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?" Repeat after me.". The Demigod's Howl. He thought, wondering if he also had black markings below his eye. I sat down on Percy's bunk with him and stared at him while he talked about Medusa. Looking toward the sound in alarm, he saw Leo holding a camera along with the rest of the Seven. They then grabbed the flag and began to run. "You will remain a couple at the end." Percy decided that now was not a good time to call them to breakfast. "Annabeth was sleeping on Leo's desk, and Jason's sleeping in his room. Frank cracked a smile. "You know it's true. The guys groaned, but Piper and Hazel were pretty thrilled with the idea. . Closing the door and finally being able to breathe properly, Percy walked over to Frank's room. It sounded like a boy's voice. Leo said, trying to avoid Annabeth's death glare. Frank wondered what was inside of Leo's. "Hi. Annabeth squealed like a little kid. They answered as one, flashing a grin. He whispered. "Percy, do your homework or I'll call the rest of the demigods to tie you up." ", Jason backed away. "Percy, as punishment for your deeds, you need to finish reading the playscript for A Midnight's Summer Dream, and give me an overview. Oh Leo, he was hopeless. She brushed the stray hair out of her face and then looked forward again. Piper mumbled under her breath impatiently. ANnabeth replied, trying to shut the door without hurting his hand. The secretary waved her hand to a stack of papers near the flowerpot, where a dying orchid was growing. He said, flashing a grin. And then, as if drawn by a magnetic force, he leaned forward, and she leaned forward, and they had a long, passionate kiss. He said, panting. Leo quickly hid his Coke behind his back. "Where are you? Just as quickly, the fire disappeared, leaving no sign of it's presence, and left a crisp and unscorched letter on the table. Jason and Percy groaned, turning faint shades of green. Annabeth's was the largest, and Leo's was the smallest. "You mean the Oracle? Percy pulled off the bra and smiled at what he saw. But before the last bite, Jason was sucked into a vortex of spinning colors Frank felt like throwing up after the ride was over. Piper said, stalking to her closet to change. Jason muttered a few curses to his alarm, then hauled himself up with his iron bedstead. "HEY!" That's when the bell signalling third period rang. THINGS ARE GETTING STEAMY! Me and Annabeth used to positively hate each other. She had been purposely ignoring him, but everytime he tried to talk to her, he would be stopped by either Hazel or Annabeth. "Let's go!" And those who knew him well were depressed and stayed in the cabins now. We just finished eating." "Consider yourself lucky this time, Jackson." Alan cried, screaming, while his "loyal" followers ran after him, running in fear. Probably doesn't know you're younger than her." I love a good love story, after all. Percy mock gasped, clutching his hand to his chest and his face of pretend horror. You're his best friend. "What do you wish for?". "You know, Rachel's technically a maiden forever, so I can't fall in love with her." Frank saw he had auburn hair, a skinny frame, but he swaggered like a jock, so Frank knew he had a six pack under the shirt. After school, Rachel tried calling several contacts, including Annabeth, Percy, and Jason, which all failed. They sighed in relief. It was Friday, and the bell finally rang to signify dismissal to class. She had never experienced things like this in all her old life. Piper said. Frank questioned the two of them. Join them as they try to navigate through the world of Remnant, make some friends and allies, wreak havoc, and maybe blow something up. "Hey!" Piper answered. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are graduating college and have started their new lives . ", "He didn't mean it." Percy said with disgust. She threw up her hands. Piper and Leo are tested when seeing their legendary older siblings in action. Frank thought for a moment before he answered. Percy said, making his way upstairs. "Leo, just help. Annabeth untied the rope, and Percy woke up with a start. All with weary task fordone. Percy said, cracking his knuckles threateningly. Of course I am. Annabeth pecked him on the lips and the lovers left upstairs. "I'm sorry, Jason." I smiled at Percy, I was happy to see him finally getting over Jason's death, he had been so depressed at first. Piper said, jumping onto the fountain wall and hopping off again to examine a plaque on the side. Now that usually wouldn't be a problem, but the sea was also responding to her emotions. "Yeah, I suppose you are right," I answered, blushing and sweating at the same time, "Medusa is just stronger I suppose.". "We're doing it!". I felt awkward tension between us two. if she was angry, storms would brew. Leo was dressed in a simple brown, long sleeved shirt and black running shorts. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Magnus Chase & Percy Jackson & Carter Kane, Annabeth Chase & Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson). The last three girls he had flirted with were Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel. WHY IN HADES DID YOU SET THE HOUSE ON FIRE??" No tile gave a groan when she stepped on it, no locker echoed her soft footsteps. Annabeth's face turned to look at Percy, a small twinkle in her eyes. "What. I'm pretty sure the Arrows of Hercules or the Shield of Achilles is here somewhere?" You like me?" "No wait! Tyson was born from Poseidon, the god of the seas, earthquakes, and the father of horses, and an unknown nymph. "Actually, I have changed my mind. Jason replied. Annabeth said. "And Leo?" Chiron stepped down from the dais, and Percy and Annabeth were instantly bombarded with excited campers. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (12), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (12), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (1), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (1), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean (18), Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson (2), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson, Katie Gardner/Percy Jackson/Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Thalia Grace/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Aphrodite/Poseidon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Percy Jackson Winter Solstice Gift Exchange, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Piper McLean, Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Capture The Sex Flag, A Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus Sex Story, Why The F*** Are Pirates So Damn Attractive, Pirates and Officers Usually Don't Mix Well. Leo Valdez hung on the doorway of a charred door. Hazel blurted, remembering the scene in study hall. "I wonder how big is this room. The party. "Says the daughter of Athena." Hazel instantly regretted saying it out loud. Do you really want to know why? "I'm a boy who has a girlfriend." If anyone could beat up a jock, it was Annabeth. Someone said. "That git. "Jasper." ", In the end, the four gave up and were about to meet up, when Annabeth found a door handle at the very edge. Someone said behind him. Alright! But before they could see more, they were suddenly back inside the throne room. They're hopeless against it.". Jason said. Does that mean he doesn't have a weapon?" Piper asked. "What do you request?" Piper snorted. Blackmail point one for Leo. Annabeth asked in the living room when they were alone. "I wish that I'll eventually get a girlfriend someday." annabeth. Well all of this has to do with the plot so stay tuned until my next update. Annabeth said your plans were generally failures designed to get people killed." Suddenly the nearby water fountain erupted and doused Alan and his so-called friends in water. It opened with a gentle creak, and he silently walked up to Piper's door and knocked. He moved it quickly. One jock was telling Percy. He said. He heard someone else say. Hera said. And once they were moving Percy focused on Annabeth, squashed between Grover and Piper- Percy was on Piper's other side. Yeah, well turns out theyre lying right to your stinking face. Jason. Annabeth said. And no using my laptop. That sounds like some kinda florist here, or maybe a child of Demeter." Percy read out, heading to his locker. Piper's face appeared in the threshold as she opened the door to his room. Girls were extremely scary creatures sometimes. Jason heated up his unfinished pizza in the microwave and started to eat. Annabeth is shredded because Percy is in a coma, one he has been in for a year. Just as he finished the last of his breakfast, Piper, Jason, and Leo walked downstairs. Explicit. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. "That'll teach them." He asked incredously. He whispered in her ear. Leo asked. (Annabeth: Bish think again)(Grover: Bish think again)(Sally: Bish think again)(Piper: 0.0). Suddenly Jason's eyes flew open and he tried to grab his coin from his pocket. "What do you think will happen when we go to school?". Leo immediately stood up, but Piper smacked him. "Leo, I know you're drinking Coke. So while Percy was wading around, Annabeth showed up and Percy's jaw dropped. She had a strange dream that night. He's different, somehow. "Rachel's sure different without her hood and bandanna. Piper and Jason were staring at each other's eyes, not moving as the lesson went on. "We're breaking apart. "None of the Camp ones felt right." "What am I thinking?" Chiron cried. "John Green. He had been a sort of scrawny kid three years ago, and people still remembered him as the loser he was. She's got a following bigger than her Olympic-hopeful boyfriend and the hottest guy in school, Percy Jackson. Follow Piper and Annabeth's story and take a look at the Percico fanfiction to s. Jason Cheated on Piper with another girl. Percy replied in a whiny tone. My helmet, like all the helmets on Athena's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. And we fairies, that do run. "Yes, Pip-"Piper put her hand to Annabeth's mouth. Kylie shot them a look of loathing and strutted away. Every one lets forth his sprite He yawned of boredom, then looked at the time. Hazel saw herself sleeping peacefully on the bed, and she gratefully dived in, herself mingling with real Hazel and then "Schist alarm clock." "I learned that in first grade. "I wish that I lead a normal teenager life." kisses under a waterfall// pipercabeth// 617 words, After a forced promotion to godhood and his girlfriend putting announcing that it was time for a break. Percy said, willing the water and sponge to clean the dirty dishes. Athena had an excellent poker face, and Piper shivered at the thought if Athena ever said that to her. She said awkwardly, plopping down a sunny-side-up egg and some blueberry muffins. Shots! Jason asked. Piper stifled a giggle. I walked into the Poseidon cabin with Percy, we were discussing who would win in a fight, a hydra or medusa. "Since I left." "Awesome party, dudes!" "They probably pulled some scam to make themselves even more 'likable'.". Percy fake pouted and did something that surprised them all- well, not really, but it still was kinda out of the blue: he leaned over and kissed Annabeth. They followed the crowd as they moved slowly to their lockers to get their English textbooks. Dressing into jeans and a I <3 New York T-shirt, she yawned and stretched her arms and legs. Piper said, coming down the stairs. (Hephaestus was a freakin' genius). I am open to suggestions and also if you want to write with me Just send me a comment. It was all pink, ranging from a reddish color to the palest peach. These are transfer students from California and Arizona: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, and Jason Grace. Ripping off the minotaur is impressive, but remember that PJO monsters are shit compare to Nasuverse. "Now everybody thinks I'm seventeen. He heard someone say to him. Percy's head was facing the other way, but Piper could picture the expression on his face. With looks like that, she could be a model-", "Who is that scrawny kid and that fat baby dude over there? "Hi." She crooned in a seductive sort of voice. Jason stood large-eyed in the hallway watching them. Matches? 100%. 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