Admin Street3: Instead of addressing any of my comments, you go and reel off a series of questions that you say is from Whites site. Who are you replying to? Afterall, how do you know if hes repented or not? what can you add? . If there were genuine principles involved here then Jimmy would sanction a distancing from James White and Mark Shea but we know that Jimmys boss is bankrolling publication of some upcoming books from the very same Mark Shea. This is a rather convient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word you say. No, Bear. Name Server: Thats been refuted time and time again. Hey, phone him up and see. Carebear, comments like: *see above posts for examples* It is an effective way to shut down all communication with your opponents though. Considerable time and work are required to get such a tattoo, but it is completely worth the hassle! James White chose an approach I would not have. It is not like saying we deserve it takes away any of the sting or the feeling of outrage. CareBear, Revised Standard Version 1947, 1952. Matthew Siekierski: The point is that there is just no reason to talk to White anymore, because he is beyond reasoning. Jesus did not give us a physical book, he gave us the Church. Unless for some reason I swam the Tiber and didnt know it, then I couldnt be the one in a mob frenzy, as Im not exactly in the majority here. You shouldnt cut-and-paste a huge amount of garbage into someone elses com box. A. Ed, you really need to stop looking in the mirror so much. Claim your healingTell your doctor that If so, then please provide a specific example. I am sorry for my tone. The alpha symbol is the first letter in the Greek alphabet as already mentioned, and this stands for the spiritual essence of ones existence. It seems only fair, then, that just as you would like people to listen to you for your expertise in apologetics, so you owe it to me to listen to my expert, although necessarily brief, evaluation of your blog pictures which is what Jimmy asked to be the topic under Its easy to come across badly in writing because you cant see their facial expressions like you can in person if they werte talking to you. Hence the frustration. Id non faciam, definitum est. every denomination and every independent church has its own magesterium, tradition. True to form, the Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him?. In this context, it is a weak connection that can be made between Catholic bloggers and Moslem radicals, at best, and an insulting connection, at worst, given the number of christians, both Catholic and Protestants, who are dying by the sword in the Middle East. that, to the weak, I became weak Dr. White, even should he think that Catholics are merely unredeemed fallen human beings, in order not to give scandal to his own ministry, Esau, . Ill fix your quote for you. As for those who are not rational, discourse is not the way into their soul. And that, having ordained what is Holy Scripture, God will not allow us to misunderstand it. He can think youre going to hell and still treat you as decent human beings. No, I havent read Whites books. You can go for this tattoo pictured above, which illustrates the literal meaning of both the symbols. I deny it. 5 days and counting and no one has interacted with Dr. Whites pointsCareBear, August 13, 2007 Tiber swim team 2005. Begging the question of when you proved that such a thing was true. See above comment. That doesnt mean everything he does is bad. Even God does not forgive those who do not repent; therefore, He does not command us to do what He doesnt do. Christ said: Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into, the kingdom of God (John 3:5). So its slander first and ask questions later. After all, they ascribe infallibilityindeed, impeccabilityto White in all his dealings with Catholics, as this thread amply bears out. With each passing phase of His unfolding of revelation in Scripture, canon (infalible) remained current and infallible, fully reflective (by necessity) of the ongoing work of enscripturation. // Posts are filled with illustrations of the situation that make White out ot be the devil and yet Akin seems to have clean hands. For instance, at times White comes across as sarcastic or arrogant when writing online but i think that is not a true indicator of his character. And then were gonna to Francis Beckwith! Now, as I believe, Ive addressed Mr. Whites quotations. Sola Scriptura is Scripture used as the sole measure of faith. 2. His incarnation is consistent with that. Their memory isnt infallible. Francis 03 wondered if anyone would stick up for White. There it says punishment is sufficient, now forgive. But for those who don't know him, he is a world-renowned apologist who serves as the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. GL, Brett Jesus forgave those who repented. When one happens upon a URL that leads direcrtly to Catholic Answers, what is one to assume? Jill, Im not going to read White, however, since there are such a lot of other Protestant authors out there whom I personally judge as more scholarly. Well reasoned criticism soberly offered is a blessing. In Numbers 21:4-9, the people complained and died when snakes bit them. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church (Matt. To say that man cooperates with God in writing Scripture takes away from Gods sovereignty. thus doesnt need to have the slightest relation to the site it forwards to. Thanks for your above post. ASU is a Pac 10 school. As someone active in the pro-life movement, I have to tell you that I am accustomed to violent shrieking, rude gestures, angry insults, and even guys in tricked out VW buses getting so upset they nearly rip the rearview mirror out. Hello, is that just priceless or what? The one Gwen tried to hijack.). On what evidence do you make this assertion? Did The Early Church Believe in a Papacy? Tattoo T-Shirts my alpha omega tattoo and no i was Casa Reality Rental Properties Fort Hood Tx, Alpha Omega Tattoos, alpha omega tattoos How to Draw Alpha and Omega enlarge Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Assembly of God preacher from New York on the Characterize it pejoratively as such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though Id say youre doing Magna Cum Laude work, with the prospects for a good minor in nitpicking. Seriously, folks, ignore the Trademarked toy. FAT CHANCE!!!! This is simply NOT funny. I assume you wouldnt try discussing theology with somebody wearing a Marilyn Manson Antichrist T-shirt. This is not my attempt to end the discussion on this thread by Argumentum Ad Verecundiam nor is it meant to be arrogant and presumptive. But having said that, White has shown he is a gentleman just look at the debates with Pacwa, for instance. Are you sure youre in the Vast Angelwing Conspiracy? But I didnt ignore the thrust of the argument. Is that the same as being a liar to you? My reason to believe this involves trusting the authority of the Church to determine authentic scripture. And don't buy into the nonsense from any pastor or Bible college (e.g., Moody Bible Its kind of part of the package deal of being a confessing sinner. ******************** The priest sits there, stares at the floor for a second, thinks, and after a long pause, finally speaks. And then you go off on how he hasnt proven James Whites innocence. WHY DONT YOU ALLOW COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOG LIKE JIMMY? No one is doing him any favors, when they refuse him the loan of a bathrobe & slippers.But then, the Catholics he so despises have made the offer; he was too busy to notice. I follow the Bishops, because they are the successors to the Apostles (IOW, I believe in Apostolic succession, which, BTW, is in the Bible). Phoenix, Arizona. Jimmys post spoke a good bit about the pictures. That is not in the interest of Catholic Answers, unless you think they are a bunch of very stupid people. For what its worth, is registered to an anonymous user of, as of 6 days ago. Mt 13:15: In which case, Im sorry I mistook you for a reasonable person. We are now praying for your conversion to the fullness of the faith. There comes a time when the best thing is to simply not engage with the other person and only respond to correct any inaccuracies. Mary Kay, Therefore: I dont have to post a point-by-point case on James Whites innocence in the Beckwith debate because that has absolutely nothing to do with Jimmy Akin and 20 Roman Catholic fanbois getting their toes stepped on via a couple of pictures that accurately display their childish, hypocritical attitudes. As for your second, some other day perhaps you can tell me what you think should means. If so, why??? Only the King James Bible hasn't been tampered with! He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. w00t! Luther? The word hypocrisy comes to mind with this double standard (to put it mildly). If were going to play that game though, please prove to me James White was aware that the pictures would yield said results and that he didnt post them in jest, as on that premise rests all the argument of your wolf criers and alarm monkies. What name-calling did Jimmy Akin resort to? Can you get off this tangent and actually make a point? Yet you characterize this as measured and fair, and mockery of it as sophmoric. Thus, he is merely ASSUMING James White innocence on the basis of this one red herring alone rather than the subject debate. Bartholomew the disciple came to me in a vision and revealed to me a secret special knowledge: Q reads too many Ehrman and Pagels books. Mary, Does the Bible Restrict Marriage To A Man and a Woman? It was silly and unworthy to posit White as some goofball imam. Perhaps you should consider these verses: Tech Street1:P.O. But its *not* a big deal! taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised Lynch, there are several holes in your post. To the first he gave the name "RCfatwa" (i.e., Roman Catholic fatwa): To the second he gave the name "RCcharity" (i.e., "Roman Catholic charity"depicting the attitude of the man in the picture as the kind of charity that Catholics display): Toward the end of his post, White seeks to blunt criticism of these pictures (or appears to do so) by saying: Now, I have obviously attempted to insert a bit of levity, and a bit of humorous sarcasm here, for the simple reason that Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. Ohh, again AVOIDING the question! And now White & Co. has become the new cartoonists to the riots of people on this forum. as being authors of particular books? Dean. Sippos response We began listening to the 1993 San Diego debate on sola scriptura with Roman Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid today. No, sorry, that doesnt work. Mary Kay, Donald Casadonte. White, J. R. Scripture Alone, Bethany House Publishers, Bloomington, MN, p.100-103. Russian Orthodox? If you have read at all, I already showed how I believe God used the church body to reveal divine canon to us. Chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White, Id agree. My choice is to accept or reject that grace. While I dont wish to hurt your arguement against Esau, I wasnt refering to Catholics when I said enjoy the freakshow. Please dont post anonymously. I should add that the result of the six-step progression I just documented is that so-call apologetics becomes an exercise in arguing about who is more offensive than whom. Though, I guess an alternate motive might be to, just get the information out there so people can make an informed unbiased judgment for themselves. When was it gathered? Has the Quran Been Accurately Transmitted? Whites parting shots are: There also may grounds for losing ones salvation by conversion and I guess the exact nature of this belief varies according to the individual believer. 1. Its out to confuse you! The issues deserve to be considered on their own grounds, but this reprehensible action and even his bad debating skills should be mentioned when it rises to so inexcusable a level, remembering to do so with charity and perspective and an attempt at understanding of course. Pity Reno, The End of Interpretation: Reclaiming the Priority of Ecclesial Exegesis. If you have questions about Catholicism, just ask them. Tell me did James White even deal with the issues? translations from Hell. Any more conspiracy theories you want to lay down on us, or is the cannabis plant calling? honestly, if your going to be consistant, you need to consistently apply that category error to Edward too, lest your obsession for White be found out. Foxfier, Over time, different kinds of new designs have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos. Jesus or Paul? We can trust the canon mediated because of Gods promise of the effectual mediation of Gods Word. Does anyone else remember that saying: This may be overstepping a line also, and if it is Im sure youll tell me. I spent a good many years of my youth living with Evangelicals, and none of them would defend this. Rebuking the sinner! Finally, I would like to make some comments regarding James Whites supposed openness to the truth. James White and Jimmy Akin have met on numerous occasions in a variety of formats and frankly it is White who ends up tossing red herrings to avoid dealing with the truth. Like a crazed archer scattering firebrands and deadly arrows Thank you for your kind sentiments and defending me against the false witness of that Bear-ish brood. He purposely used these terms to refer to those who share Akins opinion IN SPITE OF the fact that there are actually PROTESTANTS who have voiced similar opinions about James White and share the same disgust over Whites behaviour. That some people behave badly is not a reflection on Christianity or Catholicism itself. Care to address my point or hide behind post counts? Minor arguments would have been resolved by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to the true Canon, and history would witness to the fact that most Christians just spontaneously/miraculously agreed on the texts of the scriptures themselves. Not. Before that time I was not really acquainted with any of the apologetics blogs on either side. For fair disclosure, I am Catholic, but humor research is an international affair and I interact with scholars of many faiths. 34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? The first problem being that it is a point-scoring debate, not a search for truth. So my point is simply this: If White is such an idiot then be prepared to throw about 8 well known Catholic apologists as even bigger idiots than White. I asked for your explanation of Whites quote, which I cant make heads or tails of. Mark Shea has a whole blogging category, Because Rome Does Not Issue Fatwas, ridiculing such facile and paranoid comparisons. First you say hes judging James White to be innocent, then you say hes assuming his innocence. That would be nice. Tech Phone:+1.9512424988 I have a question Matthew, if the Catholic church is salvation through Christ, why must one confess to a Catholic priest to recieve absolution? First, this goes far beyond being sometimes offensive. This is a basic inability to conform to moral principles and standards of argumentation, which even Dawkins and Hitchens manage to do despite substantive incompetence. Your original claim was that the Apostles were empowered. . Someone wanted trouble, and they were TRYING to make this web site be found. Its not squabbling. [9], White served as an elder of Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona, from 1998 until 2018. Westcott and The second hole is that your comment was in no way a response to mine. Tech Name:to attn. That is why Inocencio wants to buy his action figure with a Cowboy hat! Why would I ignore this way to know that my sins are forgiven? good nite all. Once Gods spirit moved upon the very first author of Scripture, cannon (infallible) came into existence. Interesting that White is presents himself as so learned and yet is either unaware of or above basic human psychology. Call it a red herring, jumping the shark, ad hominum (where the hominum is the Body of Christ), or what have you. 2. Anonymous who I gather is Eric, Do You Really Believe and Practice Sola Scriptura? 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