Youre a girl! Absolute worst girl, Aerie and even Femwin are superior choices. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture How to defeat certain monsters, getting mods to work, cheats and settings. 197996. Not that it didnt mean anything. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition is a remaster of the role-playing video game Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and its expansion Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Neera can be found first in the bridge district rescuing a young girl and fleeing from some Red Wizards who are still trying to capture and kill all wild mages. These bugged entries also count against maximum spells known. The weird thing is, it starts at 10 and goes down so that more negative is better. The results of your reputation score are shown in the following table: If a companion is at breaking point (), they will leave the party no questions asked and will, in most cases, disappear from the game never to be seen again. Im so, so sorry! As I get more powerful, I see it better and better each time I look. Out of the options you get, none are particularly good, but if you say, That sounds troubling. I can tell you a little story if you want. As soon as you leave the bridge district, she will meet you in a space in between sections of the city and ask you to meet her at the Wild Forest. The only bad thing about these romances is that the duration between each. I dont suppose youd share some of your rations, would you? Of COURSE you should get a meal for you date. See step 1, above) Out of the blue, but when you have already cultivated a relationship with Neera, she says, Hey! Always hardtack! You must complete Rasaad's personal quest in order to commit to the relationship. Its just that well, theres more to me than that. However, you'll be having so much fun in this world of vampires and dragons and demons and mind flayers that complaining about gaping plot holes somehow seems petty. Jaheira will complain but oh well! Hard fruit! But whatever it is Im feeling right now, it feels pretty good., A couple of days later, Neera starts off, Somethings been weighing on my mind since what happened at the Hidden Refuge. You can reply, Do you want to talk about it? which provokes her a bit, and she says, Well, yes, genius. This guide may not be reproduced without my express permission for anything other than personal use. I mean, youre a friend or at least friendly right? Okay, folks, remember that she says things like this when she is at her most vulnerable. I suppose I convinced myself I had, because I told you what happened next. This does mean a lot of micro-management, however, because you have to manually select targets for your characters to attack. For real time to pass just pause your game and go clean the house. I dont know. It has the additional benefit of coming with a conveniently placed merchant. Dont you? You actually can make more than one answer, as long as you dont try to hurt her feelings. at which point, you may go to the Order for Anomen to take his test. I can job ahead and do some scouting, This next episode begins when Neera enters a bar (e.g. The last trigger to finish the romance is actually real time. An angry party member (!) If their romance continues, Gorion's Ward may eventually have to deal with a group of bandits led by Ertof Dand who have heard that the pair have amassed quite a lot of great items to steal. You must then choose to either advise Anomen to listen to his father, or let the law handle it and move on (see Anomen Returns Home After his Sister's Death for more information). It's unfortunate that they chose to shout. Initial Encounter. Welcome to our Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn walkthrough! I was able to get a new banter by going there and after that I used the cluaconsole commands. You will have to release her from the stake and fight the fanatics if you want her on board. Your saving throw goes down as you gain levels. Establish a base of operations where you can store the stuff that you don't want to carry. C:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomanceActive","Global",2), Didn't work Dermin still won't appear >_>, Ok sry for the misunderstanding Jaheira has renounced her harper status but she won't be called to the harpers hold a second time. Maybe youre right. It could be a non-universal bug. Help me to clean it up! provokes Neera to say, I dont think so. No, it wasnt fun. This is a good answer, because Neera has a soft heart despite her abrasiveness, and she is dealing with some insane mages that also like to imprison, torture, and kill. You must either be outdoors or in the pocket plane. I took advantage of a number of Internet sources for reference material: Corrections and clarifications are welcomed. More good than bad, I think. I this is just REALLY hard to talk about. You get 100,000 experience points. Beware of a bug that shows divine spells in a Mage's spell book. The trees and animals were still there, obviously. What did it mean to you? She says back to you, What did it mean? The mechanics of the Deck of Many Things were explained by the following forum post. Only single-classed Fighters may attain a greater proficiency level than 2 in most weapons. After killing the thugs, the man asks to be taken to the Galvarey Estate in Athkatla. 409630. Meet the cool people you'll want at the party. Multiclass Fighters, Barbarians, Rangers and Paladins can specialise in any weapon. If the protagonist is romancing Aerie, he will eventually clash with Haer'Dalis. I guess youre right. 37.6K. That I matter. Gorion's Ward will then have a few dialog options to try, which may effect the outcome of the romance. Estimate Value. Im not saying you do. Fast? Remember? Her reaction is a bit more negative, because she scoffs at that, saying, And I grew up in a forest filled with treants. However, this seems to never have happened during my plyathroughs. Im worn out, then Neera replies, You look a little haggard. I tend to learn things best by experiencing them. You reply, Im ready whenever you are. She says, You are? YOU SHOULD KISS.) A lot. you hit on a roll of 12 or more) of striking an opponent before armour modifiers are taken into account. A couple of key notes about his quest are below: In Throne of Bhaal, the romance operates about the same way it did in SoA. I've tried resting and traveling and some clua commands. In the original Baldur's Gate game you learned that you were one of the Bhaalspawn, the children of Bhaal, the dead God of Murder. Ah! He also killed his half-brother and his friends but he had to. There's a difference between them: you can see your HP but not the HP of your enemies. The highest attack rate you can obtain is 3 which requires level 5 weapon proficiency and 13 Fighter levels. Banthony you are correct sir.Neera is a moron. Home and Garden. If you enjoyed it and it helped you achieve your romance goals, please rate it up. Bruxae . Help her across the Wild Forest to the Refuge, and begin working with the wild mages. But do it nicely.) It determines the order of attacks. Visit the final battle with Bodhi to find out how. Really. She says, Really? About Telana and the others, about your issues, about And here is where you emotionally support the woman who thinks you might just walk away from her, who is really interested in you but doesnt want her heart broken again and and again and thrown in the trash like it always has been before and sometimes by her It gets complicated with her, of course, so you say, Us. Oh, I dont know youre familiar with whats in my pockets, so, why not a kiss? (YES. Neera: I kind of like that she stays independent even if the romance gets serious. She will say, Is that a joke? Erasing them is a temporary solution, but they will appear again. You and me weve had fun together. Not that that means anything I just thought you should know. Time to make the best of a bad deal, and let her have a bit of space. Travelling around with me, I mean. Ive hurt plenty of people, of course. You will eventually hit 20 reputation without really trying. Committing means that you are now excluded from entering a romantic relationship with someone else, and subsequent romance-specific dialogue will take place with Rasaad throughout the rest of the story. Dont worry. Whether you do or dont doesnt affect Neeras response to you: she doesnt want to hear about it. The second chapter opens up most of the game world at which point you can put off advancing the plot almost indefinitely. I understand that many issues with the original game were addressed but the bug fixes have caused breakage of their own. Then he was kidnapped. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is the classic 1998 RPG enhanced for modern adventurers. In the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, these two points are restored when Viconia is dismissed; decrease and increase happen every time, she joins or leaves. The reaction mechanic determines how NPCs react to you and can determine a number of things under various circumstances: Your reaction modifier from Reputation (see above) and Charisma (see here) is added to 10. 90K. That's it for my first ever guide! Anomen will begin the romance by saying "I prithee, my lady" and will continue to talk to her about his heroic accomplishments and his past, as well as ask her about her adventures at Baldur's Gate. The Enhanced Edition adds three companions the protagonist can get closer with, but these romances only act as an introduction to the ones in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. But yes, SOMETHING like that. So far so good, just finished the harpers quest and have had a bunch of talks. High time we got moving, dont you think?, (This event might have happened early on, if you completed the romance quest with Neera in the original Baldurs Gate. Speaking of which, I sure am thirsty (Hint: buy your girl a drink when you are out on a date and she asks for a drink. Excited. Rank in 1 month. Its fair, Id say. Instead, either tell her you might or else that you do have feelings for her. I find you kind of irresistible. It also means that you have to manually engage trap-finding mode and bard-song mode. Good or bad, its who I am. I decided to take a chance with my next answer Neera does like risk taking a bit: What if you were to fall in love? She does tense up with the answer, as expected, but isnt completely negative about it: IF it happened, I guess I wouldnt want solitude so much. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. A lovers' quarrel. I guess thats important. (She is very nice when she gets tender so suddenly. Vers le contenu. You don't have anything like a mana pool from which you draw magical energy. She goes on, To be fair though I have no idea how it is for you. Its equal parts terror and ecstasy and sometimes I cant tell them apart. At this point, she distracts herself with you! The change doesn't have to be permanent, it is enough to switch, start the romance and then switch back again. It is possible to continue the romance either way. Say, Am I your friend. The 2nd edition AD&D had a couple of strange rules which might be confusing after the twenty or more years since the game's release. Did I blotch it or is it possible that I simply oversaw the romance? It tells the story of how you are captured and tortured by the archmage Jon Irenicus, of your escape from his dungeon, and of your hunt for . Interesting people all around, music, an ale in my hand And at this moment, you say, my hand in your other hand She laughs, and pretends to be shocked (as in real life), saying, What?! Well I dont know. I didnt think through the ending very well. And you should say, I thought the ending was quite appropriate. Because it is. Feel free to either be supportive of Rasaads faith during his quest, or challenge his beliefs. I dont feel ill so much as a little overwhelmed. There is a response that doesnt make much sense in light of the conversation that has already occurred, but you should say, What things did you mean? This prompts her to say almost what she means, Im worried. Level 2 proficiency and 7 Fighter levels will grant you two attacks per round. Two days later, having just solved the Riddle of the Sewers, and returned to the Copper Coronet Im really, really tired today, says Neera. There seems to be no end of things you can do. The one issue I noticed, is when you run into a fight with Jaheira's friend, even if you persuaded her not to fight and she leaves, Jaheira talks as if you killed her friend.dunno how to resolve that. Each love quest is unique in its own way and have different background music whenever the NPC's love dialogue appears. Its just Im not sure. Neera replies very positively this time, saying, You charmer you. If not, drop a comment below and I'll try to make it better. You know I never thought I would travel with someone so at home in nature. Instead, you should say, I see. Isnt that better? The response should be, I dont know about better. Mortifying, certainly. She has a sense of humor, and says, Mortifying for you is fun for me. He escaped by killing a lot more things, and made money to save his sister killing even MORE things. It all happened so fast. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition - The Classic Adventure ContinuesBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition is the beloved RPG classic, enhanced for modern adventurers. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Nira's Guides Not enough ratings Rasaad Romance Guide By Nira This guide is for people interested in pursuing the romance pathway for Rasaad. Unhappy party members () and happy party members () will criticise or praise your party management. After returning from the Underdark, when you reach the graveyard district, Bodhi will abduct Anomen from your party and turn him into a vampire (if you have successfully completed the romance with him) and you will be forced to kill him. He travelled all around the countryside, caring for those who needed care, killing those who needed killing, and helping many people find objects that wouldve otherwise been lost forever. You should say, Go on. She continues, During his travels, he met a beautiful half-elven lady who captivated him with her quick wit and general usefulness. I mean, there WAS lots to do, but most of it was pretty dull. This starts off the Harper Hold quests. Ill get back to you in a bit tomorrow, maybe. You should say, Notes? She replies, Of course! The Swashbuckler kit may specialise in weapons available to the Thief class. See how well critics are rating the Best Video Games of All Time - Page 42 This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. His quest, "Rasaad's Journey", triggers in the Athkatla City Gates district and is available starting Chapter 2. I am suddenly very full. Needless to say, this is a reload condition. The playthrough was done on Core Rules difficulty. Oh! I couldn't find ANY comprehensive guide online on romancing Rasaad! Unlocking both in the same playthrough requires you to throw away a non-trivial amount of game time. That happened before the kidnapping, by the way. You should simply say, Go on. She says, Through it all, he was always himself. How can anyone know what they want all the time? Shadows of Amn continues the saga. Throughout your playthrough, use the below console commands to check or modify your romance progression as needed. It's not all roses, however. It has been tested on Mac OS X using Wineskin and currently works, as it also does with Wine on Linux, though no guarantee is in place that this will continue to workmaximising that support is a priority, however. You know what I like best about you? The party I used were: Were I not writing a walkthrough, I would have used someone other than Viconia since single-class Clerics are rather ineffective. Lets get moving. What happened? She says, Its It didnt end well. Oh wow. The Gibberlings Three ( G3) is a very active modding community for the Infinity Engine, which powers games such as Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II and Planescape: Torment, both the originals and the Enhanced Editions. I see. A woman worth waiting for is really worth waiting for. When you next rest at an inn, it is to be understood that you spent the night in Neeras arms. hit on an 11 or greater because 11 + 1 = 12). This game features eight different romanceable characters, four options for female protagonists and six options for male ones. Anomen's romance will continue in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal if you meet these requirements: If you meet all of these requirements, then the romance continues. Here is some general guidance about how his epilogue will pan out depending on what you choose to do, without giving too much away. Romantic possibilities are endless. There are three options for female protagonists and two options for male protagonists. Anomen will become increasingly nervous about your destiny. They were trying to kill him. It is possible to romance Anomen. The reason behind this numbering system is that a character's armour class is a modifier to the opponent's to hit roll, which brings us onto THAC0 or to hit armor class 0. Quests No, the control scheme on consoles isn't perfect but it is certainly usable. You seem nervous, or anxious, or maybe its just me. You should reply, Ive been thinking about what you said earlier, Neera. She says, Oh? But after enough real time has passed, an npc shows up to talk to Jaheira when you transition screens. This guide is for people interested in pursuing the romance pathway for Rasaad. The first few parts are reference sections for the game's mechanics, character creation and companions. , during his quest, `` Rasaad 's personal quest in order to commit to order! 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