If I apply pressure to the back of my neck, my neck pain still hurts really bad, but I can move my neck. Have a look at my profile and see where I am at the minute. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets. You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. Hi Judith This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. All Rights Reserved. Im considering ringing the hospital myself to see if I can have one done. I better print your reviews kind people & put them before my GP & the Liver Consultant who suggested bisphosphonates in the first place!! It begins as minor dental problems and can escalate to permanent jaw damage. Bizarre feelings in my head, my arms feeling like they didnt belong to me, I felt faint and dizzy, my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. Learn more. The next day I felt very ill. I am going down the route of continuing my swimming with a healthy diet some weight bearing Zumba step exercises. Whenever Ive mentioned it to my GP, its sort of brushed away. Make sure the spinach is cooked to get rid of the oxylates which inhibit calcium absorbtion; so cook your spinach. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if these side effects persist or worsen. Hi everyone.I am new to this forum.I started taking Alendronic acid for the first time yesterday.I have had a bone density scan which shows i have oesteoporosis.I am 59 years old,considered myself quite fit until last June,I have read the side effects of these tablets and what other people have put about them.I am quite scared about taking anymore.I felt fine yesterday after taking mu first . Think Im off to GP to hear her thoughts!!! You would think that and the fact that in Canada a class action suit was brought against the manufacturers of this drug, would be enough to warrant serious alarm bells. This prompted me to do more research into alendronic acid, but instead of looking up this generic term, I tried the brand name Fosamax. I hope you are ok. I have had several extrane simpthoms after taking alendronic and had to give it up due to a dental treatment. However, below are early signs of osteoporosis: Please see your doctor if your family has a history of osteoporosis to assess your risk. Ive read your article and the comments with deep interest and concern. Most of these side effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. This is a dangerous drug. thanks for this site. HELP! alendronic acid has destroyed my life The highest quality of care for individuals with developmental disabilities. Been given Alendronic acid 10mg tablet which I have to take daily. Bisphosphonates are a class of osteoporosis drugs such as Boniva (ibandronate), Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel (risedronate) and Reclast (zoledronic acid). What an awful time you are having my sympathy goes out to you. Did your painn go away after it left your system. Nothing to eat or drink for at least half an hour afterwards, Remain standing, not lying down Absolutely . Thank you. Although a diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on the results of your bone density scan, the decision about what treatment you need, if any, is based on a number of other factors including your: age. It is commonly prescribed to treat patients with bone issues like osteoporosis and Paget's disease . Theres little research if alendronic acid is safe for breastfeeding moms. I am 81 years of age. My doctor didn't mention the gastrointestinal issues when prescribing Alendronic acid and neither did she mention alternative ways of improving my situation. This vitamin helps your bones absorb more calcium. I also have severe oseaoarthritis in my hip and other joints are affected. 2019 I went to the Dentist with a broken tooth, she told me after an Xray that she could only pull the tooth out as my jaw was crumbling and she could only offer me dentures from now on. Two hours later, I finally could eat, and drink. This is just too weird. It was becoming clear to me at this point that activity brought on my symptoms, and at that time it was extreme activity a session at the gym, a long bike ride, a strenuous walk. , I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal, I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones. If you have osteoporosis, bone fractures commonly occur in your: Below are the most common factors that may put you at risk of developing osteoporosis: Youre also at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis if you have health conditions like: Osteoporosis wont give you any symptoms, but you should visit your doctor if youre in doubt, especially if youre approaching menopausal age. But I Need to get an updated DEXA to see how things have progressed. On the third dose I took the tablet with a glass of water as usual and as it was 6.30am I decided to take the lurcher I was looking after for a longish walk (as you cant sit down once you had taken the tablet). As a consequence, my Dr prescribed Alendronic Acid 70mg. I wanted to mention to you that Ive just watched a video by Dr Jorge Flechas, called Reverse Osteoporosis with Boron. Individual bisphosphonates have different . Thus, it helps increase bone density, reduce the risk of bone fractures, and treat osteoporosis. I had also gone hypothyroid. But it probably has. My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. Today is Wednesday! Just had to reply to your post! She has stopped the tablets. Postmenopausal osteoporosis. I suggested, because of the Seroxat link, that I might be sent to a Seroxat specialist. They began to itch the next day, ( I took my 5th dose of medication) and they were slightly better but I called my doctor and got in To the office Friday. If youre unsure of your tap water, you can boil it for 1-3 minutes and cool it down before drinking. In the meantime her teeth fell outliterally fell outwhat on earth was happening. I was not aware until yesterday that Alendronic could be the cause. I just started my first pill of fosamax 70 yesterday. Back to see the same neurologist whose diagnosis this time was that my muscles were very tight so I must be stressed, and if I wasnt already taking it, he would prescribe Seroxat! If recommended to be taken twice a day, you should have it during lunchtime and dinnertime. Im 54 years old and after having a Dexa scan, was told that I have Osteoporosis. Carole, you say you were meant to have another scan in 3 years, that is disgraceful that you have not had this. I am 62, healthy and active. I decided to stop. But first, you should learn more about osteoporosis. So after a bit of Internet research and finding this site, I will no longer be taking either drug. My idea of a short walk had always been an hour and a half in the woods with my dog my favourite footwear was my walking boots. Hospital Aug 2017 Spine -2.7 Hip -1.1. My partner had videoed two of my jerking episodes for him to see and he asked if he could have copies to show colleagues for their opinions. Alendronate works similarly to other bisphosphonate drugs like risedronate, ibandronate, zoledronic acid, pamidronate, and etidronate. She was told her bones were fine but should continue on Alendronic Acid. However for the past couple of months the left lower side of my face has been continuously swollen and my family have finally noticed. Im just another person looking for help with my bones, having been told by my doctor that there is no alternative to Alendronic Acid. The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. Alendronic Acid has a side effect of causing hair loss and tiredness. It works by slowing down the production of the cells that wear down bone (osteoclasts). The Royal Osteoporosis Society website is very detailed and useful, with info on exercise you should do more of it which must be weight bearing more so than just walking and promote balance. Hi, Ive just been reading through some of the comments as I too have concerns over Alendronic acid tablets. Until recently I only took my Thyroid med. I have been told to take kale with spinach and brocoli which is full of calcio blended with almond milk before breakfast and before going to bed. I was still a little sore, but improving. The strange thing is that as soon as I read: That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to Metoclopramide the anti sickness drug. As a follow up to my earlier post, on Feb 21st 2021, I am still experiencing side effects as a result of the ingestion of 1 biphosphonate Alendronic Acid 70g tablet on Sunday Feb 2nd. Yet we women know when something is not right we seek help only to be fobbed off by stupid replys from doctors only to get rid of us . I am aldo taking Calcio with vitamin-D Took dose 7, and on and off right hip aches, but now radiating to thigh. So I have decided that it must be the alendronic acid and I have stopped taking them its making my life unbearable. Sister told the doc she was not taking AA any more, he told her she should take it !. http://www.ehealthme.com/cs/osteoporosis/drug+intolerance, http://www.ehealthme.com/cs/osteopenia/drug+intolerance, http://www.ehealthme.com/ds/fosamax/drug+intolerance. When I showed this to my GP, he said that is not correct and the book was wrong. A big thank you to all. Surgeon said her bones in the hip and pelvis crumbled away like chalk and hed never seen that as severe before. I developed teeth probs just before diagnosis so treatment sounds scary if things are made worse by AA. I feel much better and fitter than before. Alendronate works by slowing down the cells that break . mrs winners biscuit recipe. She doesnt have osteoporosis but they just put her on these. I have also been taking Adcal tablets for years. Store the tablet, oral solution, or oral effervescent form of alendronic acid as directed in its packaging. This way, youll prevent any irritation in your throat or esophagus. So I still have not gotten ANY doctor to tell me that the osteo drugs were what CAUSED this but I dont see any other possible cause. Their non-medical use was to soften water in irrigation systems used in orange groves. Should there be a next time I will follow my own advice as I believe we all know our own bodies to a degree of course & I will follow my gut instinct!!! I really think the doctors for whatever reason are unable to tell people to eat right and exercise i.e. I feel cold inside all the time and the headache is miserable. You should eat more foods that promote healthy bones. The Odteoporosis Society were great adn adviced me to see a specialist. I cannot say specifically that they have caused me any problems. My recent dexa scan showed a deterioration in bone loss in the last three years so much so that I now have osteoporosis in my hip. My older sister, who had recently discovered she had osteoporosis, had a very bad fall, ironically as a result of a violent reaction to a prescription drug, and broke three vertebrae in her back. . Having read all the above I am going to see my doctor again about this drug. However Im convinced that its the AA tablet and am very scared to take another! My Seroxat story is classic and a repeat of so many other peoples. Itching in my left shoulder/arm, have gained weight and my mood has changed. Researching I came across Dr Rex Newnham, his story is very interesting, look him up he has written several books re osteoporosis/arthritis, treating them naturally with borax/boron. Stopped alendronic acid for two years during which time I broke my femur in 2014. risk of breaking a bone. I took it on Tuesday. Alendronic Acid is prescribe to counteract the effects of Entzalutamide, which can thin the bones. I just want to feel better. I was able to see a neurologist fairly quickly, and he concurred with my thoughts that it was probably Seroxat clashing with the anti-sickness tablets (metaclopromide) I had taken in September, and therefore a one-off event. My GP suggested that I take another brand but I cannot risk it. muscles ache, no energy, depression. The side effects of this drug are well documented and you can see them at :- From then on the amount of activity needed to bring on the symptoms became less and less, to where I am now. GP is arranging for a bone scan . Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again. DICE Dental International Congress and Exhibition. I had had a two year bone scan and been told that my bone density had increased, so as far as I was concerned, the drug was working and all was well in that particular area. I too, was prescribed this drug as, my poor mother had developed osteoporosis very badly. In fact we were three quarters of the way through our time together before I happened to mention I took alendronic acid. I have been taking A.A for about 9/10 months. Had chat with doctor and decided to come off and leave it for two years then have another bone scan and see how my old bones were going. My appointment is on the 23rd August 1017 and I am now very concerned. My whole body is sore. These may increase the risk of damage to your jaw bone. I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. they mask the crumbling bones within and only show the outer bone growth, I have decided I really dont want to take these any more but wonder if there are side effects. She used to get upset stomach the day & day after taking them. Already taking Adcal D3 and steroids. Although the scores looked very slightly better at the . Exercise and healthy food and some good supplements. Took dose 8 yesterday, and so far so good. I would demand one straight away. It usually takes 6-12 months of taking alendronic acid to support your bones. I had investigated alendronic acid on the internet. Do not take alendronate if you have low calcium levels. I have been reluctant to start this course of medication due to the possible side effects and negative responses from the enquiries I have made regarding the drug. Read on a page recently that the manufacturers of this drug have been sued in Canada by 1200 odd people and won 27.5 millionso why hasnt this been reviewed here. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldnt build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. Im also having episodes of increased heart rate on a regular basis just from walking a short distance. I still do not feel right and have added pain, although a bit better than it was. When and how you take alendronic acid can affect whether it will work or not. I have now vowed NOT to take another tablet, after all at my age, I feel I have nothing to lose! I have been told I will have one in 2 years. I wonder if it might be something that could help you Ive attached the link to the video below. Consult your doctor if you experience such side effects. And dairy products reach in calcio. Menopause in women or low testosterone levels in men, Poor nutrition such as low-intake of calcium and vitamin D, Crohns disease, celiac disease, and other inflammatory bowel conditions that affect your body in absorbing nutrients, Calcium supplements, magnesium, iron, and zinc multivitamins, Cancer medicines such as bevacizumab or thalidomide and if youre undergoing chemotherapy. This is a condition that causes your bones to get weaker and be more likely to break. Bisphosphonates such as alendronic acid help halt this process by reducing the rate of bone breakdown. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasnt desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. It may put you at risk of jaw bone damage. The side effects are horrific. Now, the only exercise I get is pottering around my house or gently along my local high street. While there is no cure for osteoporosis, your doctor will give you a treatment plan like taking medications and lifestyle changes. Nothing too spectacular to report. The NHS Dentist has ben very negative and created time consuming visits which are difficult for me to arrange because I have decreasing mobility because of MS. No one my GP or the dentist recommended by my GP have given me no warning about the serious side effects of having dental extractions while taking Aldronic Acid. After reading the patient information leaflet I was hesitant to take medication today. Hi just wondering how your getting on with the alendrolic acid? Im so sorry to hear your situation and how difficult things are for you. Thanks. The test showed that I now have osteopenia, but could never get off alendronic as it is due to gluten. The side effect possibilities worry me. Very useful thread this thanks everyone. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. This helps to improve bone strength and makes the bone less fragile. How Alendronic Acid Destroyed My Life. Can you give me the name of this book, I too am struggling with whether to go down the road of alendronic acid. In rare cases, it can be severe and may hint at a medical emergency. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I cant say which or if either has caused the problem. 1. This medicine is available as a generic drug in oral pill or solution form and under brand names like Fosamax (oral tablet) and Binosto (oral effervescent . You can only take it with plain water, not mineral water. Hi i have been given AA but couldnt take it due to stomach problems now they are thinking of sending me for infusion could i ask what natural solutions u are using as i was told I couldnt replace bone without AA am very worried about an infusion. I have always looked after my teeth, having paid for a very expensive bridge in 2010 to fill a gap. I am taking much more care of myself with exercise an I am totally sugar gluten dairy and alcohol free. Pharmaceutical drugs are just about making money and not curing people. Hi everyone I was put on alendronic about 25years ago after scan, had bad time painful joins,palpitations,pains in my chest was that bad they thought I was having heart attack,doctors dismiss as stress. Alendronate is the drug we know as Fosamax. I had been suffering with a terrible burning tongue for eight months and I also had aching legs, this burning tongue I put down to the gallstones I have got. I take Alendronic tablets as I had breast cancer and take the tablets for continuing bone health. However, it usually takes 6-12 months of ongoing medication to get its full benefit. Expanded V9V2 T cells from patients and healthy donors displayed similar phenotype and destroyed autologous and immortalized ovarian tumor . She is having pain in her legs, hips and groin. Ive just discovered that lack of it can be at the root of fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and many other issues. Both the intermediate and the terminal half-lives exclusively represent the . With the agreement of my GP I have now stopped taking the tablets. Im an 82 yr old female and was diagnosed with Pagets disease several months ago and asked if I wanted to take tablets or have three infusions (one each year). This means that Alendronic Acid/Colecalciferol Mylan was intended to be similar to a 'reference medicine' already authorised in the European Union called Fosavance. My mom who is 76 has taken 7 tablets, she stopped due to pain in her hips legs and groin. Alendronic Acid/Colecalciferol Mylan is a medicine that contains two active substances: alendronic acid and colecalciferol.It was to be available as tablets. My mum has been taking Alendronic Acid for many years and at 82 she is almost fully bent over. Energice is a vitamin infused Premium Isotonic ice bar scientifically formulated with Electrolytes, B Vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12) and Potassium. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. In addition, you should cut down on your alcohol intake, stop smoking, do strength training and supplement your body with calcium and vitamin D3, K2, and magnesium regularly. Im 62. My wrists were swollen, aching. A blood test followed and the inflammation was evident in the test, but I did not test positive for RA which I was worried about. I ran on a treadmill for twenty minutes and I could push my weight in kilos on the leg press. I succumbed.About 6 weeks of taking it, I developed severe right hip and femur pain and jaw pain. On research I found there has been class law suits against the manufacturer of this drug in Canada. I was determined that my own actions would build my bones so I only had to take the drug for a short time. The effects of alendronic acid may occur after 1 month of taking it. Have other peoples side effects, particularly bone and muscle pain gone away after discontinuing this drug. This is fascinating. I was prescribed in 2003 following a crack in my Femur following a knee replacement and the resulting Dexa scan! I am 73, have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and I was prescribed Aldronic Acid 1 a week since breaking my femur in 2015. If you suddenly stop taking the drug, you might experience severe side effects, putting you at high risk of more bone fractures. It slows down your body from producing cells that break down your old bones, giving enough time for bone-building cells to spur the growth of new bones. Treating osteoporosis involves treating and preventing fractures, and using medicines to strengthen bones. This led me to think I was in Seroxat withdrawal; so convinced, in fact, I was of this that I asked my doctor to contact GSK to see if they had changed the formulation in some way, as I had made no change to my dose. My sister and I were diagnosed with Osteoproosis over 5 years ago and we have both been taking Alendronic Acid since. Editorial Note: We want any accounts of adverse or interesting events on drugs or new uses for drugs from people on them or doctors, pharmacists or others trying to manage the effects of drugs. I walked home very gingerly with the dog and later phoned my doctor If you are taking this tablet once a week . Taking Prednisone now reduced to 15mg per day and apparently it has accelerated progress of cataracts! It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. Hello Barbara This caused the bone to shatter like glass ! I appear to be ding well on them so I am told along with calcium and Vit D supplements. I hd bone density DXA scan scan in 2010 and was told i had Until this doctor expressed his surprise that I was taking it, and his opinion that it was possibly the cause of my problems, no one had ever raised any questions about it. As I was searching through my kitchen drawers, it came to me. I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so Ill see what happens after my next scan Im 73 years old and dont want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious. Hi,all these comments are really helping me to decide not to take anymore Alendronic Acid,I had my Dexa scan September 2017 and was diognosed with Osteoporosis and prescribed AA and Cal D3. I also went willingly and happily to the gym twice a week and did weekly pilates. She suggested maybe I stop taking the AS but I already had. I also read from what seems like reliable sources that oesophageal cancer rates go up by 40% and also causes atrial fibrillation in significant numbers . After reading this negative press about AA, I refused to take it. The GP has been renewing this prescription although I now read a patient only needs to take for 2 yrs max! It hurts to walk on my feet. She had dizzy spells, blackouts, feeling sick etc and doctors said she had Temperol Arteritis. Thank you. My body jerked violently and out of control for hours. take personal responsibility for themselves. There is a fine balance struck in order to treat symptoms without curing, so your symptoms are only abated when you take drugs, but if you die, then obviously they make no more money. This pain was far worse than the pain I experience withOsteoporosis! Oral alendronate 5 or 10 mg/day produces sustained increases in bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with or without osteoporosis, in men with primary osteoporosis and in both . And of course I couldnt exercise, so taking the drug seemed suddenly very important. To my surprise he agreed. My specialist came back to me a month ago to tell me I should take AA from now on so I started taking the weekly pill 4 weeks ago. Boil it for 1-3 minutes and I am now very concerned while there is no cure for osteoporosis, doctor. Now have osteopenia, but now radiating to thigh can only take.! Weaker and be more likely to break yrs max do not take alendronate if you low! More, he told her she should take it with plain water, you you. 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