The two men had been convicted of the murder of David Wilkie, a taxi driver, by throwing a block of concrete from a bridge onto his car. After the Miners were beaten into submission in 1984and the rest of uscheated and swindled by that government and successive government afterwards. It's easy to mock Arthur Scargill. However, we have to be careful when using this source as evidence as Scargill may have been trying to justify his actions to save himself criticism. Page 39. This is given credence by the fact that Scargill authorised these violent tactics, which decreased public sympathy for the Miners which was actually their greatest asset[10]. Page 342. Scargill led the union in the 19841985 miners' strike. The editor of the Daily Mirror at the time, Roy Greenslade, wrote an article in The Guardian in May 2002 to apologise to Scargill for the false claims about paying off the mortgage and for putting too much trust in Roger Windsor, who at the time had still not repaid the 29,500 that he had taken from the Miners' Welfare Fund and that the Lightman Report had asked that he repay. One of the main planks of his platform was to give more power to union conferences than to executive meetings, on the grounds that the former were more democratic. In conclusion to my little rant, unions were formed for the betterment of its members, not to be used as a personal vehicle for selfish political dogma. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. After the miners' strike in 1984, there were accusations that Arthur Scargill had misappropriated National Union of Mineworkers funds and that money which sh. I really do not care what you think of Mr Scargill today, where elseis a man supposed to go after he was betrayed by the system and vilified by the media to agullible population, a media that was run by the government of the day. The Making of Neil Kinnock. March 10, 2004. I could write a million words and not be able to adequately describe the misery,hardship and dispare these leaders bought upon the people of this nation. 11: Britains Longest-serving Cabinet Member Recalls the Triumphs and Disappointments of the Thatcher Era. Thatcher, herself, advances this view in her memoirs The Downing Street Years and echoed by many other Thatcherites such as Nigel Lawson, Shirley Letwin and historians such as John Campbell. However, many people argue that there was a lot of support for the strike so therefore it couldnt have been such an important factor in its failure in 1985. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue. The appointment of Ian McGregor as head of the NCB can be seen as a failure on Thatchers behalf showing that the governments preparations were insufficient to cause the strike to fail. Arthur Scargill is a British trade unionist who was the president of the National Union of Mineworkers. [31] Campbell, John. Happily, his saintly wife spent her time, during his period of madness, doing all she could to bring practical help and comfort to the hardest hit families. Arthur Scargill (born January 11, 1938) is a British trade unionist. In stories told since the strike, the president of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Arthur Scargill, is strangely absent. First shown: 06/. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. Letwins Thatcherite view is also discredited by Tony Benn who says The issue of a national ballot was really irrelevant. [7], Scargill became involved in the Yorkshire Left, a group of left-wing activists involved in the Yorkshire region of the NUM, its largest region. This was to begin the argument of whether the actions of Thatcher and the state during the strike led to its failure. Some historians have provided interpretations and explanations of the defeat. The students, lesbian and gay rights movements also supported the miners as they could relate to their struggle. Somerset: Routledge, 2018. UK | Politics | Head to Head: The Miners Strike. BBC News. Scargill, along with veteran left-wing Labour MP Tony Benn, campaigned to free strikers Russell Shankland and Dean Hancock from prison. In 1961, Scargill was elected a member of the Woolley NUM Branch Committee. Therefore, Thatcher and her governments actions could have caused the failure of the strike but to what extent these actions can be justified is still widely argued. Page 70. When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered. It was alleged that, of the money donated from Libya, Scargill took 29,000 for his own bridging loan and 25,000 for his home in Yorkshire, but gave only 10,000 to the striking Nottinghamshire miners. Arthur Scargill (born 11 January 1938)[1] is a British trade unionist who was President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1982 to 2002. Therefore, Milnes interpretation is supported by Ridleys in the fact that government preparations led to the downfall of the miners. The names of all incoming telephone callers are recorded on a central log. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again. The Enemy Within: M15, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair. The myth of workers' control: We are fighting for the survival of our culture: Selected Co-authors Countries and Regions of . Therefore, the argument that Scargills leadership could have been one of the reasons that the miners strike failed is partly true as we know that due to Scargills decision to not call a national ballot he ended up losing key supporters such as the Labour party and many members of the public who couldnt support the strike as it was unofficial and didnt favour Scargills violent tactics. She even admitted to appointing Peter Walker as Secretary of State for Energy because of his negotiating skills and said he was also a skilled communicator, something in which I knew would be important if we were to retain public support in the coal strike[29]. The union is known for leading the longest as well as the most violent miners` strike in the history of British history. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly. The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. However, Margaret Thatchers intentions in this source have to be questioned as this book was published in 1993 after Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister in 1990, therefore she may have been trying to justify her actions and downplay the use of police in the miners strike. The Alliance for Workers' Liberty is an organisation fighting as part of the labour movement for a socialist alternative to both capitalism and Stalinism, based on common ownership and democracy. This article about a political figure is a stub. In March 2014, ex-miner John Cunningham attended the memorial meeting for the two Yorkshire miners killed in the strike, Davy Jones and Joe Green. However, Letwin also blames Scargill for the timing of the strike; Scargill, for his part, had timed his attack poorly, attacking in the spring when the demand for coal was decreasing. Right click on the X and choose Properties. Just click. Page 340. [53] Following Margaret Thatcher's death in April 2013, ITN made Scargill several offers for a five-minute interview, with the final offer reaching 16,000, but Scargill refused all the offers and did not speak to any media organisation. In 1990, Scargill was accused in a series of Daily Mirror articles of mishandling money donated for the striking miners during the 19841985 strike, with many of the sources being those who had previously worked with him in the NUM such as Kim Howells, Jim Parker and Roger Windsor. He had a powerful speaking capability which garnered much passionate support from those who watched or saw his speeches. [51] Scargill criticised Poland's Solidarity calling it an "anti-socialist organisation which desires the overthrow of a socialist state", which Scargill saw as deformed but reformable. Page 317. [19] Morgan, Kenneth O.Britain since 1945: The Peoples Peace. Downing Street Years. Therefore, we must conclude that whilst Arthur Scargills leadership was an important factor in the failure of the strike, it would be wrong to assume that this was the main reason as without the lack of support, especially from the Nottinghamshire miners, as well as the governments preparations, such as the stockpiling of coal, the miners strike might not have failed. March 07, 2009. London: Vintage, 2008. However, Lawson then goes on to say The violent tactics used by the NUM pickets reopened the issue of Who governs Britain?. However, it can be argued that the government limited its role in upholding law and order in a dispute between the NUM and the NCB. The strict trade union laws have also been credited for the failure of the strike with Norman Tebbit, who introduced the trade union law reforms, saying because of my reforms, if these other unions had joined an illegal strike, the Coal Board could have asked the court to confiscate their funds[23]. All work is written to order. the myth of workers' control arthur scargill the myth of workers' control arthur scargill on October 1, 2021 on October 1, 2021 *You can also browse our support articles here >. His nationalist backwardness on Brexit (and immigration, to judge by a letter published in the Guardian on 29 August 2017) cannot be forgiven. London: Fontana, 1992. By 1984 however the police were ready and neutralized the tactic with superior force. [35] Negotiations between Scargill and the NUM took place in France. After the miners' strike, Scargill was elected to lifetime presidency of the NUM by an overwhelming national majority, in a controversial election in which some[who?] Accessed October 10, 2018. the Miners Strike could have won. In the 1997 general election, he ran against Alan Howarth, a defector from the Conservative Party to Labour, who had been given the safe seat of Newport East to contest. Regardless, we have to be careful when using Arthur Wakefield as a source as his diary entries will reflect his heightened emotions after a day of striking that may not truly reflect the real situation. However, if it had gone the other way the Yorkshire area would have come out and other areas would have to decide whether to give support. Page 343-344. They were released from prison in November 1989. Ian White talks exclusively to Arthur Scargill, 84, on 50th anniversary of the Battle of Saltley Gate in Birmingham [37] The prosecution brought by the Certification Officer was rejected in July 1991 on the grounds that it would be inappropriate to use the material provided in confidence to Lightman's enquiry. Arrow, 1994. He claimed that the government had a long-term strategy to destroy the industry by closing unprofitable pits, and that it listed pits it wanted to close each year. In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/. (The Yorkshire Left had already decided to stand him as their candidate even before the strike.) We always have to be aware of the enemy within, which is much more difficult to fight and more dangerous to liberty[28]. Still the Enemy Within (2014). IMDb. [49], After stepping down from leadership of the NUM, Scargill became active in the UK's Stalin Society[50] saying that the "ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin explain the real world". Page 341. March 07, 2009. [42] Evans, Eric J. Thatcher and Thatcherism. Are you using WordPress? This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab. RewriteEngine On Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world . Arrow, 1994. He is best known for leading the UK miners' strike (1984-85), a major event in the history of the British labour movement. I think if it had been made public before then there'd have been a huge outcry. Peter, Gibbon. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found. "Goodbye to all that? An example of this is the NACODs strike whereby Ian McGregor ordered colliery overmen to cross violent picket lines if they were to get paid. Lawson also takes the mainstream media view that everything Thatcher did during the strike was to maintain law and order. He was succeeded by Ian Lavery. Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales. Arrow, 1994. [21] Many politicians, including the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock, believed Scargill had made a huge mistake in calling the strike in the summer rather than in the winter. [55], In 2017, Scargill spoke at an event in Cardiff setting out how British manufacturing could be rebuilt after Britain had left the European Union. A History of Modern Britain. The strike of 1984 was covered in detail by the press. He says Support for the strike was virtually solid not only in old militant areasbut also (at first) in traditionally moderate Lancashire, Durham and Northumberland[19]. [58][59] Scargill's appearance on the picket line was alluded to by Prime Minister Boris Johnson the next day at Prime Minister's Questions, accusing the Labour Party of "literally holding hands with Arthur Scargill". [35] The Truth of Nacods Shameful Sell-out. The Guardian. London: Vintage, 2008. Because of Scargills actions, the strike was illegal, poorly supported and doomed to failure given the level of government preparations. However, Evans fails to mention how campaigning in Nottinghamshire was successful and how the pickets won over many workers until the police eventually intervened. He is best known for leading the UK miners' strike (198485), a major event in the history of the British labour movement. Yet Arthur Scargill clearly sees class struggle as just British workers versus British bosses. [36] In September 1990, the Certification Officer brought criminal charges against Scargill and Heathfield for wilfully neglecting to perform the union's duty to keep proper accounting records. Arrow, 1994. Beyond Service: State Workers, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Tous les rsultats Google Recherche de Livres». By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. London: Verso, 2014. [14] The section under "staff procedures" details how Scargill monitored head office staff: Mr. Scargill's vendetta against Head Office staff has at times descended to the most puerile and paranoic [sic] levels. Therefore government preparations was definitely a factor in the failure of the miners strike but to what extent, can be argued. Scargills first mistake was refusing to call a National Ballot after the strike started to gain support. Airport staff at Leeds-Bradford Airport identified Scargill attempting to travel under a false name (Arthur Fenn) wearing a disguise on 20 July, and turned him away to purchase a genuine ticket with his true identity. Arthur Scargill and Peggy Kahn. Shirley Letwin takes the mainstream media view that Arthur Scargills incompetence as a leader caused the miners strike to fail. However, it can be argued that government preparations werent sufficient enough in order to bring down the miners. If like me you lived through that period of the early seventies, constant strike action, the mid seventies when Britain effectively went bust aided by constant strikes and was branded sick man of Europe going through the winter of discontent where it seemed everybody was on strike, building up to the miners strike in 84/85, you look back and struggle to convince even yourself that we allowed such selfish destructive idealism to ruin the lives of so many in this country. I was for the EU then, and was critical of this stance, but I I then came to the out view, albeit for different reasons.l, and was fully behind Brexit. [18], Miners were split between those who supported the strike and those who opposed it (see Union of Democratic Mineworkers). (1988), Trade unions and politics : thatchers assault on the unions ; the unions response, Kahn, Peggy, (1998), The third way : the promise of industrial democracy, Lawrence, Dennis, These days he only gets to speak at the crankiest of Stalinist events. A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request. My father was a Communist. National Archives: Margaret Thatcher Wanted to Crush Power of Trade Unions.. Margaret Thatcher: From Grocers Daughter to Iron Lady. Scargill had condemned the killing at the time. Exciting, witty Arthur Scargill brought coalmining to a close in Britain far faster than would have happened had the NUM been led by some prevaricating, dreary old-style union hack. [45], For years the NUM had been paying 34,000 annual rent for the flat on Scargill's instructions, without the knowledge of NUM members or many senior officials; Scargill claimed the NUM should continue funding his flat for the rest of his life, and thereafter for any widow who survived him. Page 341. [14] Benn, Tony. Page 317. Yet he still gives credit to Thatcher and her government for their actions during the strike which legitimises his view. Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Downing Street Years. Scargill also cleverly manipulated the NUM rule book creating a serious constitutional debate. London: Vintage Books, 2008. That is what we need to remember these days when we think of Scargill. [17], The government announced on 6 March 1984 its intention to close 20 coal mines, revealing as well the plan in the long-term to close over 70 pits. [57] Scargill supported the 2022 United Kingdom railway strike, joining an RMT picket line in Wakefield on 21 June 2022. Riddled with Stalinist politics and practice and some of the worst sectarianism imaginable, it has no meaningful existence today. This is portrayed by Kenneth OMorgan, who takes a clear mainstream media view. The strike became a symbolic struggle, as the NUM was one of the strongest unions in the country, viewed by many, including Conservatives in power, as having brought down the Heath government in the union's 1974 strike. Their support would have been vital if they were to win the strike; this is presented by Cabinet minutes which show that Thatchers priority was to settle the dock strike as quickly as possible in order to allow the government to concentrate on winning the miners strike[15]. //--> The Myth of Control: Created by Mikail Chowdhury, Sana Soni. [45] Milne, Seumas. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. The strike gained momentum quickly and calling a ballot may have broken down this early support. If being ignored is the ultimate retribution forscargill, then he is a lucky man, for if he had espoused his views in some of the countrieswith which he wanted to align us, his best outcome would have been breaking rocks but more likely he would have disappeared never to be heard of again. The Anatomy of Thatcherism. I then thought of things rather differently. He stepped down from leadership of the NUM at the end of July 2002, to become the honorary president. Woods, Alan. On the 20th of July 1984, Thatcher gave a speech to the 1922 committee where she deemed the miners as the enemy within going on to say We had to fight the enemy without, in the Falklands. His father, Harold, was a miner and a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Seumas Milne portrays the Marxist view that the government went over the top with the preparations in order to see the miners strike fail and bring down the unions altogether. Accessed October 10, 2018. the Miners Strike could have won. The Myth of Workers' Control Issue 5 of Occasional papers in industrial relations Author Arthur Scargill Publisher University of Leeds, 1980 Original from Cornell University Digitized Apr. "[40] Scargill complained to the Advertising Standards Authority who criticised the advertisement as "highly distasteful". So that was my initial introduction into socialism and into political militancy. (2004) "Al Richardson (19412003): An Appreciation", David Howell, et al. of Leeds [u.a.] We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Thats why he can write one third of the worlds workers those who live in the Stalinist states out of the class struggle, allotting them no role but to support their socialist rulers. He cannot resist pointing out parallels in all times and places. The myth of workers' control The myth of workers' control by Arthur Scargill, Peggy- Kahn Filter Results Shipping Eligible for Free Shipping Expedited Shipping Available Item Condition Seller Rating Other Options Change Currency + Add to Wishlist All All Copies ( 0 ) Currently there are no copies available. Page 473. An article published in The Times in August 2015 stated that Scargill had spoken to the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union conference in June 2015, and that he was due to appear alongside Jeremy Corbyn at the Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign in September 2015. . [16] One branch of the NUM, at Annesley in Nottinghamshire, put forward a vote of no confidence in Scargill in autumn 1983 following his comments on these matters, but Scargill defeated this at a December meeting and won a vote of confidence instead. Page 13. Accessed January 06, 2019. Accessed January 06, 2019. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. "Analysing the British miners' strike of 19845.". This shows that even someone who takes the traditional mainstream media view, that because of Scargills actions the strike was poorly supported and doomed to fail, you cant deny the amount of support that the miners had. April 23, 2022 the myth of workers' control arthur scargill . Scargill has so burnt his bridges with the NUM and the broad left of the labour movement that his name is never mentioned at Durham miners' gala or at other miners' strike commemorations. Scargill had the ability to do great things; Pity he got in the way of his own opportunities, and could not see Communism as a failed ideology that blighted every country in which it held sway. Margaret Thatcher began a media campaign in order to win over the public and demonise the miners. "Scargill" redirects here. Arthur Scargill. This is unfair as after the NCB accidently announced pit closures, the strike gained momentum very quickly forcing Scargill to just go along with it. The strike was called under Rule 41 of the NUM rule book, which said that local strikes can be made official by the National Executive without a ballot. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Another controversial action that Thatcher took was giving the police ultimate power during the strike. Page 317. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. John Campbell argues that It was the job of the police to protect the freedom to work, and the job of the government to support the police[37]. Uncategorized > the myth of workers' control arthur scargill. Having read the above (barely, dont like reading lies) I felt the immediate need to respond, if anything to comfort myself. References to this book. [36] Thatcher, Margaret. Arthur Wakefield, a striking miner, presents the Marxist view that the failure of the strike couldnt have been down to the lack of support and instead must have been due to other factors. However, they have conflicting views on to what extent these preparations were made in order to bring down the unions. Accessed January 06, 2019. The most notable of these being the Women Against Pit Closures (WAPC) mainly made up of miners wives or women that grew up in mining communities. In his diary he documents the battle at Orgreave on Monday 18th of June, 1984; Ive never seen so many of our lads altogether, it brought tears to my eyes[16]. . He gained fame for using the tactic to win the Battle of Saltley Gate in 1972, and made it his main tactical device in the 1984 strike. (1983), Restructuring the employment relationship, Gallie, Duncan, According to the Morning Star Scargill said that every single MP who wants us to go back into Europe should be opposed. That would be the majority of Labour MPs, then, Arthur? [60][61], London Assembly elections (entire London city). Following these results, Thatcher urged Ian McGregor to fix the problem, she describes how time and time again he (Ian McGregor) and his colleagues were outmanoeuvred by Arthur Scargill and the NUM leadership[36]. Page 151. The Anatomy of Thatcherism. Margaret Thatcher. London: Corgi Books, 1993. Carrying the Fire in The Road T he dystopian world of Cormac McCarthy's The Road is best summarized by the following lines from the novella: "Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone before. The Enemy Within", Verso 2014. "Goodbye to all that? Clearly, Scargill did fall out of favour with the Socialist movement, perhaps because it became evident that he was only happy when he was in the limelight. }); In a 1975 interview with New Left Review Scargill said: I was in the Young Communist League for about six or seven years and I became a member of its National Executive Committee responsible for industrial work. S.l. The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. The issue of Scargills leadership is argued as the main reason that the miners strike failed. Many people also argue that the police werent as brutal as some other accounts made them out to be and that they were just doing their jobs in maintaining law and order. Yet he was a decisive figure in the great strike of 1984-85. If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog. The media characterised the strike as "Scargill's strike" and his critics accused him of looking for an excuse for industrial action since becoming union president. Page 57. jQuery(function() { Many people blame him for the failure of Miner's Strike due to his poor leadership skills and bad judgement. Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP. She makes some bold accusations about when Scargill and his cohorts were accused of serious irregularities in the handling of union funds but this is unconvincing as it has never been proven true. [12] Evans, Eric J. Thatcher and Thatcherism. Scargill's first mistake was refusing to call a National Ballot . Seumas Milne, who takes the Marxist view, supports Thatchers argument that government preparations werent sufficient enough to cause the failure of the strike. # End WordPress. RewriteBase / [5] Benn, Tony. Tony Benn. Wikipedia. Without them the power stations, even with the mix of nuclear and oil and the careful stockpiling, might have begun to run short and the government would have been in deep trouble[43] Therefore, showing that the lack of support from the Nottinghamshire miners was a more important factor in the failure of the Miners strike than government preparations. The movement faced a huge confrontation from the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, and the union was eventually defeated. Scargill admitted there was 'bad blood' between him and the NUM general secretary Chris Kitchen, who said, "I honestly do believe that Arthur, in his own world, believes that the NUM is here to afford him the lifestyle that he's become accustomed to. The View from No. The best work on Scargill was Michael Crick, Scargill and the Miners (1985). 100 0 _ a Arthur Scargill c British trade unionist (born 1938) 100 1 _ a Scargill, Arthur d (1938- ). Accessed October 11, 2018. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. McIlroy, J. [47], In 1996, Scargill founded the Socialist Labour Party after the Labour Party abandoned the original wording of Clause IV advocating the public democratic ownership[48] of key industries and utilities from their constitution. The easiest way to edit a .htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel. The failure of the miners strike in 1984 has been seen by many as the result of bad leadership of the head of the NUM, Arthur Scargill, the lack of support for the strike as well as giving credit to the governments preparations. A debate on workers' control. Put the custom structure back if you had one. : A Review of Literature on the 1984/5 Miners' Strike.". 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