From this experience, Jefferson decidedly changes his mind and accepts the Queen's deal. ("Heartless"), Seeing Snow's misery over David's current state, Regina almost goes to confront the Queen herself, but Emma convinces her it won't do any good and that she needs to be there for Henry. Terrified at her mother's magic, Regina promises to be good, to which Cora finally lets her go. He then tells her it should serve as a reminder that, in this realm, stories are written in blood and tears. Regina lets Emma know what happened, to which Emma tries to drive her parents out of town, in fear the Count will find them. However, Weaver is not there, though Roni takes the opportunity to suggest to Rogers that he shouldn't be so hard on Tilly, Weaver's street informant, because she only played the part of a pawn in lying about Eloise's death because she had nothing else to live for. Though Mr. Gold is willing to try, Regina stays firm to her previous stance. With plans for her happy ending, Regina then kidnaps Isaac and takes the quill from Mr. Gold. Cinderella discloses her painful past with her stepmother, which began when her stepsister Anastasia died because of her, and now Tremaine wishes to use magical means to revive her daughter. Recalling her mother's fondness for ripping out hearts, Regina takes out her heart and buries it in the woods. She annoys Emma by tearing down Henry's playground, to which they get into an argument about. As Charon's arrival draws near, everyone who was branded is brought to the lake, where the portal to the Underworld is. Roni persuades Kelly's daughter Margot that going to college is a waste of time and instead hires her to work at the pub, in addition to later providing her with a ticket to Amsterdam. He awakens from a nightmare and tells her about his recurring dreams featuring a wolf, Mary Margaret and a forest. She praises Gretel for her strong heart and even considers how she was like Gretel at her age. . Mary Margaret and David, both of whom regained their memories with the help of a pixie flower, form a plan to distract Regina so they can find and reunite with their daughter Emma. She goads Moe into stealing some of Mr. Gold's things as payback. This customer, while inebriated, talks about how he will be making lots of money soon once he helps Victoria with a certain favor, and that he is meeting with her in the afternoon at Hyperion Plaza. She skips out on a scheduled magic lesson, to which Rumplestiltskin shows up at her castle. Emma tries to defuse the tense situation by swearing the vision isn't her subconscious at work, but Regina lets the subject drop and decides to work on another spell to find Aladdin. With plans of stealing the page, Maleficent puts the town to sleep as Regina misleads them to look for the illustration at the apartment. She tries to give the wand to Emma to allow her to banish the Black Fairy, but Emma divulges that Mr. Gold is actually the Savior meant for the job as it is his destiny to kill his own mother. Evil self: Regina, having had the experience of changing into a better person because of maternal love, has hopes Zelena's love for her own child can do the same. Even so, Regina refuses to own up to her own emotions and calls Tinker Bell a horrible fairy. This is a fanfic about that ship. Mary Margaret is sorry for doubting Emma's decision to allow Devin's heart to be ripped out as she knows how easy it is to give into darkness. Regina attests to doing cruel and horrible things, but regrets nothing since each one of those deeds led her to Henry. When the Chernabog attacks, Regina and Emma temporarily stun it with magic. After David and Arthur go off to retrieve it, Regina reaches a dead end in her research, and to calm her nerves, Robin offers to get tea for her. After she tells them about Maleficent's big reveal, Emma insists on being nearby, in case something goes wrong, when the heist is carried out. Completed. Briefly, she talks to Emma about sensing the Evil Queen in her dream was protecting Robin from something. Regina Mills, formerly known as the Evil Queen and Roni, also known as the Good Queen,[2] and briefly as Wilma,[3] Ursula[4] and the Eighth Witch,[5] is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Hook recalls Neal, in the Enchanted Forest, expressing an interest in finding a way to bring his father back in the hopes of returning to Emma and Henry. Unknown to Regina, Tinker Bell gives Henry information about Cupid's arrow, which can lead his daughter to the person she loves most: the man with the lion tattoo. From this, Emma explains how she came to the decision of inviting her to the party because Archie said Regina is doing well in therapy and improving for Henry's sake. Regina brings up how she once preserved the body of her true love, Daniel, hoping he can be resurrected. After being hit, he shares one last look with Regina before collapsing and dying. ("The Guardian") ("The Guardian"), Directly after the curse is broken, Roni wakes up to reunite with Henry before conjuring up a fireball to throw at Gothel, but her magic is no match for the latter's. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. Later, Regina is present as Emma uses a fairy crystal to restart Mother Superior's heart. Regina attests that Rumplestiltskin won't be able to stop the Count, whom she has protected with the same spell that he used on Snow and Charming. Regina begins walks away, but Mary Margaret asks her if John Doe's identity has been found or where his family might be. ("The Price"), As the war continues, the Queen's allies, King George's army, is defeated. In defense, Regina claims Tinker Bell was the one who wrongly interfered in her life. Lana Parrilla (adult)Ava Acres (young) ("The Stable Boy"), As the wedding day approaches, Regina desperately tries to flee on horseback, only to be stopped ruthlessly by Cora. The women think Regina's gone soft until she suggests they stir up trouble elsewhere, and the foursome spend the night drinking and trashing public property. While alone at the diner, she is joined by Emma as they share drinks. She runs. ("Fall"), Under the curse, Regina does not recall locking herself in the vault. Rather than fight her stepdaughter, the Queen decides to retreat, as she is feeling generous on her birthday. Four months have passed since the events of the Underworld, and Storybrooke is still holding its breath; still in shock. On May 5 of a certain year, Regina had just turned 16. See "Family" And then She meets her english professor, Regina Mills. Regrouping outside the pawnshop, Mr. Gold quickly deducts, after a spare glance, that the page is a forgery. Once the spell is cast, Regina becomes a peasant to the outside world, but to herself, she looks the same. When she was a child, Regina had a doll that she named, The doll's name is the same first name as, Initially, Regina retained a small amount of, Regina's phone number in Storybrooke is (. Shortly after, King Arthur and his knights approach, stating the newcomers have been prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. Edmond walks in on her winning the duel, in which she gleefully stabs and kills the knight. At one point, she lures Emma into saying that Henry is "crazy" right when the boy overhears her. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Lana Parrilla and guest star Ava Acres. He invites Roni to come with him, but she has unfinished business with Kelly and urges him to go back without her. Kurt, overhearing her, attempts to leave, before Graham wrestles him to the desk, which knocks the box with the heart to the ground. It starts out after they managed to locate Peter Pan. ("The Dark Swan"), At the castle, King Arthur introduces the group to his Queen, Guinevere, and he announces there will be a ball held in their honor. She sees a familiar face on the street, a man named Blacktooth, whom she killed long ago in the Enchanted Forest. At Daniel's grave, Regina finds a yellow rose left by none other than Cora. As she considers her next move, her father Henry asks her not to overreact, especially since he knows today is Daniel's anniversary. Shortly after this, the Queen goes into the woods with the Huntsman to seek out a wolf pack, whose help she desires for hunting down Snow White. Before Regina departs with Henry, Emma cautions that there's a problem in town that only a savior can fix. Black Fairy/Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Regina's Father | Henry Mills Sr. Once Regina, Emma and Mary Margaret get there, they are ensnared by tree vines. ("Child of the Moon"), Both Regina and David awaken to Henry's screams. Frustrated with Weaver's noncompliance, Roni drops the subject and states she'll get help somewhere else. She only says it's a "complicated history" and all the better if they don't meet again. Ultimate Comics Wolverine: Legacies Paperback, Lana Parrilla Talks About The Hit ABC Series "Once Upon A Time", Cars & TV Evil Drives a Mercedes Automotive Views, Once Upon a Time - Regina / Ursula Hero Knife (0338), Once Upon A Time How much fun is it to dress up in those amazing costumes? ("The Final Battle Part 1"), Returned to Storybrooke, Regina and her allies learn from Henry that the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. Realizing she can provide the needed tear, Regina uses the dreamcatcher to relive the memory of Cora killing Daniel. This doubt is settled when the Black Fairy shows up to demand the wand from them, to which Hook gives it to Regina, who challenges Fiona to a fight. Instead of David going with Ruby to Oz, where he'll make the journey home to Storybrooke, he forfeits his freedom so Snow can go instead. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. While Cora is furious her daughter is giving up everything for a mere stable-boy, Regina attests he makes her truly happy. A broken Regina retreats in a cloud of smoke and later tearfully watches from a distance as Emma breaks the news to Henry. Seeing as Arthur helped remove Zelena's cuff, Regina prepares for battle by conjuring a flaming fireball to throw at her sister, but she promptly dissolves it, after Robin protests that the baby might be hurt by magic. She has more centric episodes than any character in the entire, The casting call for her younger self describes her as, "Latina. Soon after, Drizella is thwarted by the heroes as she is turned into a statue, although she promises to be back in eight years' time. Noticing the name "Rumplestiltskin" is fading from the dagger, Cora realizes Mr. Gold is actually dying and she decides to kill him and steal his powers in order to become the next Dark One. The foundation gives way, and she begins falling to her death but is rescued by a fairy's magic and lifted to safety. "Yes." "Then it's time to destroy the Darkness, once and for all," Merlin said as he opened the lid of the box that stored the spark. Alive Cora admits to framing her for Archie's death and expresses remorse for all the things she forced Regina to do in the past. Belle believes her and rushes back to turn him back into a normal man. Struck by deja vu, she wonders if they met before, but Robin is certain that's not the case since he wouldn't forget someone like her. Emma is pregnant with Regina's child but before she gets a chance to tell her, Regina decides she needs to give Robin one more chance. The child of good; created in evil, the child of true love. In an investigation, Zelena is discovered missing from the jail cell. This greatly influences the townspeople's opinion of Emma for the election; annoying Regina. Problem is, she has no clue how to run a ranch. In preparation for the upcoming storm in town, Regina accompanies Kathryn at the drugstore as she shops for items. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Mills," Emma said once released from the tight embrace. Unapologetic, Zelena reasons that Regina means to take away her baby, who could be her only chance at happiness. Mary Margaret bumps into Kathryn, spilling all her things on the ground, and happens to see one of the items is a pregnancy test. Thank you, lord, for predes, Letter To My Pregnant Daughter . Margot and Tilly drop by with Sabine's beignets, which Roni asks Remy to take to the back room. From Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. Aligning as allies, she and Hook take the library elevator down to the tunnels so they can retrieve the trigger. The Queen hinders Prince Charming's efforts by entrapping him in the Infinite Forest. However, Zelena has nothing else to offer, except that she is Hades' only known weakness. As soon as Regina enters the mayoral office, the Queen teleports Robin away and then uses the shears on herself and Regina, which severs their link to each other. Emma forget that she is a wizard and all about hogwarts. Before responding to them, Regina asks Henry to wait at the mayoral office, and after he leaves, she warns the women from speaking about her past in front of her son. Roni is briefly irritated that Weaver played dumb when she asked for his help, but Weaver explains that he was forced to due to his alliance with Victoria. Seeing a man on horseback, Regina hitches a getaway ride. With Emma, Regina goes into the mines to begin the trigger slowdown. Comfortingly, they share a kiss and hug each other. After Margot goes to freshen up with a shower, Kelly tells Roni how difficult it is to lie to her daughter about who they really are. Suspecting Belle was trusted with the dagger's location, Regina goes to question her at the hospital, though the girl proves to be completely amnesiac. This is a story about Emma, regina, and Henry the swan/mills family. He tells that she must use the heart of the thing she loves most for the curse to be enacted, which angers the Queen as the person she loves most is long dead due to Snow White's past mistake. ("Page 23"), To help Emma as she copes with Hook leaving her, Regina takes a break from researching how to break the sleeping curse and invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow at a new pub called Aesop's Tables. Regina denies her request, stating that Henry doesn't want to see her, before closing the door. Birthdate: Kelly believes they should pretend to play along with Gothel's game, which Roni agrees with, suggesting they locate the amulet first and find a way to use it without paying the price of its magic. Mr. Gold prepares to leave town with Belle, but he asks Regina to pass on his goodbyes to Henry, and he implies his grandson was snooping the pawnshop for something. With Edmond now employed as Snow and Charming's new wine steward, the Queen gives him a vial of poison from Agrabahn Vipers to murder the couple. She is a quick learner and has strange and powerful magic. Roni tells him about Ivy and the mystery person she left with, whom Weaver suspects is Samdi before questioning when she was going to tell him that the man is after his dagger. With David and Mary Margaret, Regina goes to confront Emma, who promises that they'll be thanking her after she is done with Zelena, and then stabs Excalibur into the ground, triggering a magical barrier that touches everyone who is present. This time, however, Regina owns up to the situation being entirely her fault because of her bad decisions in choosing to rip away her darker self and bringing Robin to Storybrooke. When Zelena still refuses to give up on her mission, Regina tosses her into a wall, which triggers a quake that seals them in. After cornering him in the hopes of asking some questions, Mr. Gold repeatedly dodges Regina with a well-placed "please", an enchantment that forces her to obey him. While she is making a town hall announcement electing Sidney, Emma intervenes to bring up the town charter rules, which state a mayor can support a candidate, but cannot instate one. Weaver and Roni eventually find both girls at Victoria's old office in Belfrey Towers, where the sisters have since reconciled with each other after thwarting Gothel's attempt to manipulate Anastasia into killing Ivy. ("Last Rites"), At Robin's wake, Regina is still in a daze over her lover's demise. ("New York City Serenade"), As the group departs for Sherwood Forest, Regina proposes to Prince Charming and Snow White that she break into the palace by using the underground tunnels, which are not protected by the spell, and afterward, lower the shield so everyone can lead an army in. With Marian unfrozen, Regina restores her heart. If the noises are ac, Taylor Swift Pregnant? ("Kansas"), After regaining her heart, Regina and Robin spend some time at her house. Regina continues to sift through spell books when Henry approaches with an idea to find more information on "Operation Mongoose", in which he will go undercover at the pawnshop in the hopes Mr. Gold holds the answers to the book's Author. Emma gets put in jail, unknowing of her pregnancy and finds out while she's in jail. Seeing as David's efforts to hit the creatures with ammunition isn't working fast enough, Regina scares off the vast majority by conjuring and throwing fireballs. English professor, Regina takes out her heart, Regina is still in shock a getaway.! Hades ' only known weakness even considers how she once preserved the body of her true love her happy... Entrapping him once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Lana and... Playground, to which Cora finally lets once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma go good ; created in Evil, child... 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