Lucy radios Morgan and says they found the weapons. She was responsible for water treatment in the Gonzalez Dam and water distribution throughout the city and its environs. After heading inside Travis' house, they are attacked by an undead Peter Dawson. Adams tells him more about his experience with the infected and how he still hears the screams of those in the arena. This article is about the Fear character. Network (s): AMC ( US) Run time: 60 min. The angry mob hits Lola on the head, and Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. they shout. Daniel rummages through luggage in search of antibiotics for Ofelia. In "Ofelia", Luciana believes that Daniel is the one person who can predict Strand's moves and stop him as Daniel has experience facing off against Strand that everyone else lacks. Lola questions whether or not he is going to go back with Madison to see Ofelia, Daniel vows to fulfill his promise to Lola by staying at the dam, he believes Ofelia is better off without him. Rollie claims they found the location of the bunker where the cult is holding Alicia, so the group can take shelter there. While fending off Walkers, Daniel falls into the sewers leading to the Gonzalez Dam, where he is spared death by Lola Guerrero, one of Dante's workers. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Daniel and Strand arrive at the hotel only to find the entrance abandoned. He is thinking about Ofelia but she tells him the world is gone in every direction. She has been running water to them from the dam. Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. Angered, Vida threatens to shoot Madison. And then that peace literally blows up around them as an explosion goes off at the edge of the community and Daniel discovers the weapons he confiscated earlier are missing, all of which leads him . The Gonzalez Dam has been taken over by less savory forces and Lola now finds herself caught between her allegiance to the people and her need to defend the reservoir. Just then, the group sees a helicopter landing, and rush over to meet it, although Wes stays behind to spray-paint a message. They hide as a vehicle of armed men drive by. Daniel explains it was about Liza and Griselda to which Daniel expresses sympathy to Travis stating what he did for Liza was merciful and that one day Chris will understand why he shot her. (S3E10). Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. and believes he is dead. They come across his holding cell, but he isn't there. Strand leads the walkers towards him, turns on the propellers, and watches as the walkers kill themselves until the plane engines stop. Lucy volunteers to scout the area with Wes, Alicia and Al. He insists when they find her, though, there will be nothing they can do. Daniel sends off Madison and Strand in a water tanker provided by Lola. Lola Guerrero Even though they first encounter each other in a scene Madison's living room that sees Daniel killing Peter Dawson, Madison is rather open to his ways quickly. Daniel joins the rest of the Tower residents and Morgan's Group in preparing to flee the area by raft as the Tower fire will release the radiation from the radioactive walkers into the air. Walker asks himself the same questions, saying he wasn't at the ranch when it got overrun. Daniel ultimately accepts Strand's offer. When the group returns with Charlie, she attempts to play some music for him. Later, Vida brings back a tied Madison to the group. . Daniel awakens as Lola is pulling out a knife. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. Daniel tells Nick he will leave the medicine up to him. Lola insists she has had enough trouble trying to trade with other communities. A truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. She hints at her disapproval of his water distribution system. Lola offers Madison a seat while the men in the room remain standing. He plans to use Travis' phone in their house so he can contact his cousin to pick them up tomorrow. Daniel makes it to the life raft and they make it back to the Abigail. Daniel quietly advises Efran against talking and offers to kill him quickly. Daniel finds Dante interrogating Efran. It's where Daniel got his water from Efran. Lola and Madison were both leaders and sometimes did not see eye to eye on each others views. Strand desperately explains people can change and gets Daniel to help him better tune the radio. Madison tells Daniel about what she saw outside the curfew zone. It's October 12 according to a calendar. Lola is present when Dante learns Daniel was part of Sombra Negra. Daniel then joins the group on their mission to help people to honor Ofelia's memory. She then spots a guitar and suggests they teach Charlie with it. Thank you. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. "I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure that serpent brain of yours is coiling around an idea," Daniel says. His training and survival skills have shaped him into a formidable combatant. Strand and Alicia implore Daniel to be the man that he wanted Ofelia to see and Daniel has several flashbacks of Ofelia, including embracing Ofelia after her death. She is infuriated. Daniel's past as a secret agent of the Salvadoran Junta and CIA has revealed him to be a highly trained killer, having directly killed over 100 people himself (with many more killed indirectly). Daniel, June, Luciana, and Wes arrive at the dam on horses. Later when the two board the Abigail, their trust was at an all time high when the two shared an immense amount of distrust in Victor Strand. He tells Daniel she is alive and holed up in a hotel down the coast. But when she leaves, Daniel tells Madison that he is going to torture him instead as he believes the army will not exchange and ignores her suggestion for a peaceful method. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. He screams in pain as Lola scrapes off the charred skin with a blade. Daniel treats the wound that Reed sustained from the crowbar. At the dam, Daniel and Lola discusses their plans now that Dante is dead. She encounters the Proctors executing her workers and opens fire on them, killing several Proctors. The next day, Daniel secretly sharpens a razor blade and pockets it, and he urges Strand not to bury Thomas in such an unholy place. Daniel is confident the group will survive just fine and that Strand's interference will only make the situation worse for them based on their past history with each other. She's seen his boxes and wants his help. As the confused Ranger questions Wes, Daniel comes up behind him and begins strangling the man with his handcuffs. Morgan shows up on horseback and reveals to the rangers that Dakota killed Cameron and that Virginia covered it up. Daniel unlocks the weapons depot and discovers that someone took all the weapons during the explosion. When Lola saw this, she then started cooperating with street vagabond Efran Morales and supplying water to the people secretly at 5 p.m. on every Tuesday. Two dam workers, Pablito and Everardo, discover Daniel while cleaning out litter from a sewage pipe. Then, Daniel informs Madison that Nick has arrived at the dam. Liza has trouble answering, and Daniel realizes that Griselda is dead. However, Luciana soon after manipulates him, telling Daniel that Ofelia is in Strand's Tower because they need his help to take down Strand even though Daniel warns her that it could break him for good if she's wrong. The Infected attack Strand. Upon seeing Luis, he aims him and orders to drop his gun though Nick tells him that he's a friend of Strand. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. Strand guns them down. Madison asks Vida if the baby is moving. Strand aims his gun while Daniel orders he hand over the gun. With that, they drive off towards the marked destination. The tape concludes with everyone pleading with future survivors to help others. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. They continue to search for Nick, until they discover him trapped behind some locked doors, trying to get away from incoming infected. Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA . Starting out in Los Angeles in season 1 and then quickly moving to Mexico in season 2, Fear the Walking Dead 's core group has been on quite the journey over the years. When the National Guard arrives at the neighborhood, Daniel peers out a window and says that "it's already too late". Daniel Salazar was born and raised in 1943 in the war-ridden El Salvador. Daniel tells his interrogator that anyone could have been a traitor. When everyone doubts Alicia's claims about seeing a little girl and needing to go back to the Tower for her, Daniel is the first to jump to his friend's defense, remembering how awful it had felt when people had doubted him. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. Daniel agrees to let Chris stand outside Reed's door, explaining to Ofelia that its better than leaving Chris alone to think dark thoughts. While on patrol, Daniel is armed and watching the door. Lola is appalled by his decision, and is infuriated. He adds a few more to the list when he . Daniel covers him with a blanket and leaves on the rainy night. At a pit stop on the way to the Rosarito Beach Hotel, Strand questions how Daniel survived the fire. Daniel steals his gun and shoots him, quickly tossing him over the edge. We just walk in circles." Daniel sees people nearby as the truck plows through a door and into a seemingly abandoned mall. Ofelia's most notorious trait is . The next day, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. Brown After Celia leaves, Griselda's ghost appears before him. After Victor shot Daniel, Madison asked about Lola. Al tells the group that she would have come herself, but they're low on fuel. Morgan suggests he talk to someone. . Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. Daniel stabs Reed and pins him to a wall, leaving him alive. He kneels before her, asking forgiveness, and she extends her hand to help him up. Daniel wants to kill Andrew, but Travis talks him out of it and convinces him to take Andrew with them instead, pointing out that he will be helpful in finding Griselda's exact location. Alicia weakly calls out to Daniel to stop, suggesting that Daniel can do for Charlie what he couldn't for Ofelia and be there for her. Charlie then hugs him and Daniel explains that he has finally been able to make peace with the loss of Ofelia. I want to believe this, but my mind is not clear. People are heard chanting at the dam as they approach. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. Daniel is knocked back, unconscious. Alicia and Christopher are there, but their car was taken away by a few soldiers in the meantime. The good news: Daniel Salazar . There's good news and bad news for Fear the Walking Dead fans. In Alicia's dream, she sees Daniel following her alongside the rest of Morgan's Group with Daniel standing in between Luciana and Sherry. Lola refuses to make a deal and orders Madison to leave the next morning. He is highly adept with firearms and hand to hand combat. Instead of seeing the infected, he hallucinates all of the people he has killed when Griselda emerges from the crowd and smiles. Finally snapped out of his fugue state, Daniel relents and lowers his gun. As they near Efran's fountain, Daniel realizes it is almost 5 PM. Walker lowers his first. The next day, Daniel arrives with the caravan at the mall. Daniel meekly apologizes to the others, as Riley chuckles that he told them there was no escaping it. She became the Chief Water Utility Officer of the local Gonzalez Dam in her adulthood, and was responsible for treating and distributing the water.[1]. At that moment, Strand and Alicia arrive looking for Daniel's help to turn off the beacon, warning him that it's drawing a herd to the Tower who will kill everyone outside if they don't turn off the light. Daniel is also shown to be a skilled torturer with extensive knowledge of interrogation techniques and is willing, albeit reluctantly, to use this skill when he feel it is necessary to survive, as seen when he brutally tortured Andrew Adams. A beaten Efran is begged to confess. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Daniel looks at a clock and realizes it is almost 5 PM as the men walk away. A man named Efran pulls Daniel out and insists he calm down, getting a look at his burnt leg. Lola is next up to be executed. Daniel later reveals that his anger is not because he was shot in the face, but because Victor deceived him about Ofelia, preventing Daniel from finding her until it was too late and thus missing his chance to tell Ofelia what he wanted to say. While Fear the Walking Dead does kill off characters, apparently it also likes to bring characters back. Ofelia tries to talk Andrew out of shooting him, but he instead shoots her in the arm. Daniel continues to interrogate Nick, who is covering for Troy. Before The Fall Daniel lived quietly in the US, owning and running a barbershop, until the apocalypse. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. It is likely that this event led to his involvement with the Salvadoran junta. Lola and Efran are close friends and work together to provide water to the needy behind Dante's back. Daniel eventually attacks him and they fight for the gun. A diverse group of people come together as they realize that a reported virus is actually the start of the zombie apocalypse chronicled in The Walking Dead . As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. Daniel is still not trusting Strand as he promises to take them to the hotel. He says if they hand over his journal he'll help them find it. He watches as Travis' girlfriend Madison Clark is about to kill a zombified Susan Tran, but stops after Travis persuades her not to, and mutters that she is "weak" as a result. Daniel distracts J.C. from the fountain by directing him to Efran's hideout. Daniel and the rest of the group clear the tunnel for Alicia, but Josiah warns her that they can't be sure that the tunnel will be stable for long. Attention! Alicia orders the rest of the group to go back to the rafts and wait for her to radio them if she finds out where PADRE is, listing the various reasons that her friends can't risk their lives on this mission. Daniel exits Valley Town and finds that Morgan has returned and gunned down the walkers. Before she goes, Daniel gives her his gun and tells her they will escape together. At the facility, Daniel asked Liza where his wife was and got some bad news, but Liza tried to comfort him and Ofelia by assuring him that she was put in good hands and got the best medical care possible. Moments later, the rafts depart with everyone but Alicia who decides to stay behind. Daniel explains that Rollie was a cult member, and that this was how the cult found out they were coming to the sub. Daniel insists they are going to find Efran and Lola and kill them. He awakens and asks for help. Griselda asks. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. Daniel has released some two thousand undead, forcing the soldiers into defense and creating a distraction for his party. Alicia explains that Daniel isn't well and Strand orders Daniel taken to the basement, reassuring Alicia that if he was going to kill Daniel, he'd have had him taken to the roof instead of putting him "on a little time out." Upon the beginning of apocalypse, Lola stayed at her post and supported nearby communities as best as she could, providing medications and water to the needed. Fear the Walking Dead actor Daniel Sharman was cast in a new series set in Spain in the 1980s. Daniel Salazar is back in Fear The Walking Dead, as season 7's "Ofelia" picks up a tragedy-tinged storyline that had awaited resolution far too long.As a former CIA-trained operative in El Salvador, Daniel Salazar (played by the aptly-named Rubn Blades) went from cutting throats to cutting hair, and joined Fear The Walking Dead after the Clark family took refuge in his salon. Daniel asks Efran whether he used to be a priest. The group enters the two remaining vehicles and heads east, Daniel in the back of the truck with Liza and Ofelia. Aside from familial relationships, Madison and Daniel seemingly have the strongest relationship out of anyone in the main group. However, no one listens to Virginia and she orders her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. By the end of the first season, it appears as if Madison and Daniel have developed a sense of trust between each other. As she walks away, Daniel shoots Ofelia prevent her from reanimation. On the road, Daniel continues to lead the herd away as Sarah and Wendell arrive in Al's truck and release the machine gun lever but it doesn't shoot, so he hides underneath. It's revealed that his interrogator is June, and she is asking questions as part of a psychological evaluation. As of writing, it seems that early 2023 is the most likely possibility just because there are a lot of TWD spinoffs set to . Daniel asks Lola to be forgiven, then hands over his gun to her and kneels before her. Strand and Sherry's groups hand their weapons to Daniel at the weapons depot. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. Daniel treats Charlie like his own daughter. He tells Grace they need to talk, but Daniel picks up and says she has become terribly ill. Grace tells Morgan she hopes to see him again and watch him smile, but doesn't think there's much time left. They teeter on the dam bridge as water fills the valley. The fire the head, and Wes arrive at the ranch when it got overrun Madison a seat the. Is thinking about Ofelia but she tells him the world is gone in every direction for Ofelia at... Run time: 60 min it up Beach hotel, Strand questions how Daniel survived the fire the.... 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