I want to share it with those I love. I wanted a NEW WAY TO LIVE & ENJOY LIFE. I have arthritis in both my hips, neck and cannot close one of my hands properly. Dr. Boz Ratio=genius!) I have been overweight all my life and have tried everything. I am finally on the right path to find healthy me! All you need to do to raise your Omega-3 Index is modify your diet to include more EPA and DHA, whether from fatty fish like salmon or omega-3 supplements. - It really felt good. Work through the Keto Continuum workbook and you will get more out of the class when it's offered again. The book totally turned us around- we began to test glucose, urine ketones, and are awaiting our ketone monitor to calculate the Dr. Boz ratio. Until I got a devastating life changing diagnosis did I realize I need to get serious about getting healthy. I was the leader of our local support group Keto Krushers in Wilmington, DE until the pandemic hit. I thought I knew a little (or more!) This course, researched, created and presented by Dr. Annette Bosworth, lovingly known as Dr. Boz, is brilliant! Prove to yourself (and your doctor) that you modified your lifestyle enough to make ketones. F. Last List Price. I am so glad I purchased this course and yes I am co-leader of a class, this has not only encouraged me to be consistent in my journey but given me a voice for encouraging others to get keto and get healthier. I came across Dr Boz's course just as the world shut down with the pandemic. Will use this will our newbies over and over again. What a motivator! God Bless you Dr Boz. As I recently began my journey on the keto continuum primarily to address many health issues and surrounded by loved ones with similar issues and worse, like addiction and mental health crisis, this course is a must! There's nothing fancy to this index, it is just a ratio of blood glucose levels to blood ketone levels. She speaks from experience both personal and professional. Personally, I used this approach for over six months before I splurged on a blood ketone testing kit. But more importantly the brain fog and ringing in my ears are minimal and I fit back into my clothes. Every single day, I learned something new and when I put those new things into practice, they worked! This course was just what I needed to get going on the right path to blood sugar control. Sorry is it. She and her staff go above and beyond to make this course the best experience the students could have hoped for, answer their questions and help solve their medical dilemma's. She would always say to remember when you are not motivated to continue eating keto, what is your why? This course was worth the price tag, and will change the trajectory of my life forever. I am grateful to Dr. Bosworth for her dedication and hard work to help people and communities live better. Dr. Boz RATIO LESS THAN 80 [ comparable to a GKI of 4:1] = This is the weight loss zone. Thank you Dr. Annette Bosworth for making this course. I really got talked into the course by reading the reviews. In 2008 I did the "alternate day dieting". John, Dear Dr Boz, Thanks to your medical understanding professionalism, and (more importantly) your ketogenic discipline and practice in your life, and your Moms, I have found your course to be thorough and helpful and complete, in building a bridge of understanding, to my slow but steady grappling of understanding, this topic of the keto diet and lifestyle. I have been a Dr Boz follower for a couple of years. I also now have children in my life and I feel I owe it to them to give them a better chance at success in life than I gave myself. I told my, Both my intuition and trust in Dr. Bozworth, played a big part in my taking this course, at this time. Women: 655.1 + (4.35 weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) (4.7 age in years) Next, you should multiply this number by an activity factor, which accounts for how active you are each day. I feel very blessed to have found her for, I had been surfing Youtube to learn about the Keto Diet. Please let me know if you have any issues, or need me to resend it. Finding the answer to a better quality of life feels like I've hit the jackpot. Today, I begin to see the futility and errors I was making. Dr. Boz is a wonderful educator. But what I hadnt counted on was to see how powerful it was when Dr Boz discussed case studies and you can see yourself depicted in the behavior of the patient studied. Thank you so much for providing all of this instruction. This was really amazing. I wish I had learned this so many years ago. Amazed at how easily and clearly Dr. Boz presents the information. I started using the Foracare tool and that led me to the best results in weight loss and an A1c of 4.7. That said, if you are really bored, you can read on for more of my story. Thankfully, you dont need to go to a lab or hospital to measure BHB. I learned a lot from the videos especially the ones that explained mitochondria. Had gastric bypass 11/1982 at 315#. After a half century struggling with alcohol abuse, and its effects on my brain, for the first time in my life I am in control, because I understand the science. But always eventually gained back more. With an average A1C that high, you cannot reverse the problem. I think its great at first to NOT mind your calories at all, just to get used to the way of eating, and some people will lose weight all the same but after about a month and not seeing weightloss it is a bit of a hard truth that you have to start counting calories. I leave the course with a wealth of science fact based information that I can pass on to many - family members and dear close friends. He stayed patient and informative throughout the sessions. Not to mention the lack of supportive "support" groups. They have no carbs and fill you up with great nutrition. Take a look at this chart and keep reading. Dr Boz is saying to divide the Blood Sugar result by the Blood Ketone result to arrive at a ratio that gives clues about the level of autophagy you have reached. But our bodies respond directly resulting in different outcomes. The course was fantastic! Thank you Dr. Boz for filling in all the blanks I need to stay "consistently keto. It was well worth the investment of time and money. I thought the final section on the city council piece was particularly helpful. Dr Boz is a natural born teacher!!! I know what to do, I've been on Keto for 3 yearscould this class really help & be worth it? I have taken the Brains course and in September of 2022, I took the first 21 DMKS class. I started keto in September of 2018 after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It'll require a good, day-long fast and a 5 p.m. medication three days in a row. 5.1 Overview of Fasting Cycles 143. William, Because the culture surrounding food and celebrations are shared. I joined Dr. Boz's Consistently Keto course in early summer of 2021 after reading her book, Anyway I can. Thank you Dr Boz!! Click calculate for the formula to run and display your glucose ketone index result. I'd had enough of a mediocre life!!! Thank you Dr. Boz! She needs to start slow and stick with it. It's little habits that over time make a big difference in not just how you look but how you feel and how you engage with others in your life. I have been Dr Boz keto since spring of 2020. She explains in lay persons terms why our bodies do what they do after eating the standard American diet for years and why we've gotten sick. Everything is based on science and chemistry but explained in every day language. I am returning to the course to determine if I missed any nuances and to prepare to share with my kids and grandkids. Thank you so much to Dr Boz her dedication to heal us through her knowledge, her spiritual heart and her grace! I am now in the "pre-diabetic" range. Without the supplies, patients cant study themselves. If we change the fabric of the communities in which we live, these methods will become the new norm in all of our circles. Dr Boz, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I was very hesitant to sign up for this course, I never expected the result that I got after the 21 days! Measure your blood ketones by pricking your finger again ( ouch). Most Americans havent produced ketones in a long time. Warm regards! Urine, blood, or breath? With two serious, even potentially debilitating autoimmune diseases, I want to improve my health to extend my life and avoid wheelchairs and frailty. After only a few weeks, he is solidly on board! I had previously been able to lower my DBR in the past with fasting, but during this class, I lowered my DBR from 9-67 for 13 days straight! I needed help to know is there ANYTHING I can do or implement to help them repair/heal/function as normally as possible. I had no idea what to expect. The book totally turned us around- we began to test glucose, urine ketones, and are awaiting our ketone monitor to calculate the Dr. Boz ratio. Dr. Bozworth then adds modules that cover the various addictions and their treatment. This is going to save my life. I didn't want a diet! Thank you, Dr. Boz for all the work you do and all the content you produce so that those of us who would never otherwise have a chance are able to learn the deeper truth around how to care for our brains and not just our "health. Who thought going back to school would be so fun?? That said, having some experience would be better- just my experience. She passed away in 2016 right before my birthday and I had a renewed sense of urgency to really get serious about my own health. like Dr. Boz! She explains her Keto Continuum and why she has it set up the way she does. A born ability to teach. Thank you for an excellent education surrounding the Keto Diet and its effects on my health. I love listening to her voice, enthousiasm, stories, conversations with her kids, jokes, I wasnt disappointed. The procedure to use the ratio calculator is as follows: Step 1: Enter the x and y value in the respective input field. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 45, (63 now) I always felt I could control it with diet but year after year my struggle became almost impossible. I knew nothing much about it but I knew things were not right with my body. 20 lbs after about 2 mos. I started the Ketogenic diet in the summer of 2018, and thats when I started following Dr. Boz. I did enrol in the 11th hour. I thank Dr. Boz so much for explaining this all so thoroughly, and the Keto Continuum "map" is SO helpful. Each week when I learned about how and what can be repaired neurologically, another person, I knew, went on my help list. I have followed Dr Boz for several years, I have been off the wagon and back on again several times. Im a keto success story! I'm 54. I discovered Dr. Boz's videos and quickly developed a trust in what I was hearing. I know what to do, I've been on Keto for 3 yearscould this class really help & be worth it? I check my numbers. My husband has been treated for cancer that is somewhat controlled. The book totally turned us around- we began to test glucose, urine ketones, and are awaiting our ketone monitor to calculate the Dr. Boz ratio. I never thought I would be able to do a fast. I had previously been able to lower my DBR in the past with fasting, but during this class, I lowered my DBR from 9-67 for 13 days straight! Read More, Dr. Boz Reverses Medical Problems with Healthy Keto Living, Use the Dr. Boz Spreadsheet to Calculate your. I discovered Dr. Boz's videos and quickly developed a trust in what I was hearing. I just knew I had to take it. This tool includes: The Patient Improvement Process: Keep track of your health numbers using the same techniques Dr. Boz uses with her most successful patients The Carb Calculator: Analyze your food and diet numbers all in one place and visualize your progress as your carbs dip lower and your energy and vitality grow Instant Autophagy: Just punch in your Glucose and Ketone numbers to get an . (What if they know what I know?) I got real good at fasting. Thank You Dr. Boz! It has been a privilege to meet other like-minded individuals with the same desire to improve their health as I have. We need SWS to repair the brain and requires 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Dr Boz, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Ask my husband I'm in a new body AND a new state of mind!! You don't need to be a "fasting star" to learn from this investment. The course will teach you how to invest in yourself and get you metabolically healthy. You won't be sorry! People close to me would argue that certain things were not harmful, while I intuitively had a sense they were not good for the human body, yet I had no words to explain why I was being cautionary. At the end of 2020, I found that I had gained 71 pounds and no longer fit in my clothes while still in ketosis. I cant count the number of times I have tested my blood only to get an ERROR message from the strip. I learned more about the importance of sleep, about meditation and even about a couple of very simple exercises that can help repair your brain. There are three ways to check if youre producing ketones: blood, urine, and breath. I really loved the course! I first discovered Dr Boz on YouTube in October 2019 through my interest in the keto diet. I just ordered the paper copy workbook, and am excited to get. People fail when changing habits without accurate, real-time feedback. In this course she builds on her other teachings and laid a foundation to find my health! I have arthritis in my knees especially. The only way you will lower your A1C is by consuming less . So grateful to have learned all of this from dr Boz her teaching is top notch her heart for what she does shines through as always. December, 2017 I started my keto journey. One weekend at a conference without keto food and I didn't think to pack a lunch, was the starting of eating carbs again. Last month I weighed under 300 lbs for the 1st time in years currently 283. Dr. Bosworths online course offers a community of caring and intelligent people on their own ketogenic paths. You leave feeling empowered and able to do something impactful. I dont use that terminology very often, for the word Amazing reminds me of The Creator God Who is more than we could imagine. I continue to identify groups that would find this I learned to be allow my metabolism time to adjust to changes and how to make changes like "land and squeeze" as well as incorporating 36-48-72 hour fasts into my normal routine. I reviewed my Pella, IA experience, with Dr. Boz in teaching in person, in an earlier review. There isn't anything else out there like what this course offers. givers, nursing facility administration, coworkers, my son's college The only downfall is that my 81-year-old husband is in love with her! I purchased Any Way You Can Books for family, friends, and local libraries. Tomorrow 2/10/23 is our last day of the program but our coach-Angie and our group of 7 are continuing on to meet once a week to help and support each other through this new lifestyle change. Dr Boz gave me the tools to track my progress and gave me the insight to understand what is actually going on inside my body so I can make the changes necessary to stay on a path of health. Then I experienced a stall that lasted for the next year so I had some cheat days, a couple of cheat vacations, but nothing too terrible. I knew at 67 I needed to get healthy and enjoy my granddaughters as they were growing up. Dr. Boz, thank you so much for thinking outside of the box and empowering all of us to help you change the health of the world. Its what separates this lifestyle from the last fifteen attempts you had to improve your health. ), a plan to follow, excellent leadership, accountability, and most importantly, support from peers with similar goals and challenges. You dont accidentally start making ketones. Politicians, counselors, medical students, nurses, and family members who want to help must take this course. Our GP is willing to monitor but needs more info I wish I would have had this knowledge when she was alive. This is something that should be taught in schools worldwide! Over the years I tried all kinds of stuff low fat, Atkins, etc all with moderate success - at one point even lost 110 lbs on weight watchers. Her excitement is contagious! My family recognized a problem long before I would admit it. I signed up just one day before the registration closed! This Course has been life changing. Ive listened to podcasts, read lots of books, and heard a ton of conflicting information about Keto in the past 3 months. My brain is clearer. about metabolism and what it takes to lose weight and get healthy. Second barrier passed and I gave my credit card for the course. Ive been telling other people about it, and I cannot say enough good about this course. KABOOM! Write down the number you got. She covered everything need and more on how to get to my goal of Keto for life. The story of David engages the reader as Dr. Boz weaves clever analogies and science-lessons into the book. I didn't realize how much impact they were making. A few days afterward, my glucose dropped to 65 and my DBR was consistently below 100, a goal I had been striving toward since 2018 when I first started living the ketogenic lifestyle. I encourage you to stay curious and strive for fact based knowlege. I love that we can reap the keto benefits together <3 In this short time of 21 days, I have witnessed strangers come together to form a tribe that cares. It is a gift that keeps on giving! I thought I knew a lot before, but no I really didn't. Having read the book, and listened to it at least once, the course was the thing that. Dr. Boz's 21-Day Metabolic Kick was a great course to take and I'd recommend it to anyone concerned about their health, whether they are in so-called good shape or not! She's brilliant, wise, and witty, the most winning combination any teacher can have. The course taught me why my husband is the way he is. Concise Teachable Manner to Stay Keto for Life! I started using the Foracare tool and that led me to the best results in weight loss and an A1c of 4.7. Linda (Lancy) Chandler December 2021 Class, I initially signed up for this course for myself alone. Along with her daily LIVE teachings and interactions with all of her students as well as her multiple live visits to your class and support from your coach and fellow classmates it would be nearly impossible to succeed in having an outstanding outcome to your numbers, your metabolism, your health, your brain and your weight. We laughed, we learned and we made connections. This review is for the BRAINS: Trauma to Repair Course that I attended in Pella, Iowa and purchased after the fact. It is made inside your liver cells mitochondria. My short term plan is to optimize my own brain & body health and then attempt to help my immediate family members that struggle with obesity, OCD, Bi-polar, ADHD and all types of addiction. RATIO Current Price By Lot Size: 116600.00000; Details provided by NTREIS and may not match the public record. Dr Boz put sugar in a context that I hadn't gotten before. Got married in 1975 had baby in Jan 1980. Dr. Boz RATIO LESS THAN 40 [ comparable to a GKI of 2:1] = This zone has strong benefits with deep tissue/organ inflammation and auto-immune problems. I've had several in my group start their own groups and will continue to encourage everyone to start groups in their towns as it becomes safer to do so. I had no idea how I was going to use this new knowledge. I was new to the Keto language, never used a glucose meter before, and felt like "A Stranger in a Strange Land." I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for over three years and have lost 40 pounds and kept it off. css calculate width based on another element; css calculate width based on another element css calculate width based on another element. Keto for a lifetime can be difficult, but. I just finished the course and I was inspired to start a support group. This course is truly amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with addiction in order to empower yourself to be able to pay it forward to those you love and also the unlovely. Amazed at how easily and clearly Dr. Boz presents the information. Every morning, I could not wait to watch Dr. Boz live class. Most imposrtantly I was trying to correct blood analysis results that first had about a dozen items in the Severe Risk readings to then be all in the normal readings a year later. Others who have suffered with Trauma will KNOW that it applies to them. Dr. Boz delivers easy to understand language to instruct, explain and guide in a user-friendly style. At that point in time I had been at a stall for about a year and a half, losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over. Everyone in our group has made tremendous results in this 21 day program. It helped me to understand more clearly the Keto Continuum book and workbook with hands on experience. we calculate that market competition in 75167, this home's neighborhood, is somewhat competitive. I never thought I could overcome the hunger and cravings that have plagued me my entire adult life. Your willingness to show us the ropes and help our group understand the ins and outs of our numbers was eye opening. (I am also sleeping well for the first time in decades. I actually just finished the workshop in time for the recent Q&A. Julie, Hi, My name is Julie Tastad and I live in North Central ND in a rural area. Thank you for making sense of all the science so that all I have to do is the simple stuffwork the continuum. This course has not only provided the guidance I needed but also the tribe to help in my success. It focused me on what I needed to do to lower my blood sugar ( being a 15 year diabetic and 78 years old). It's a bargain compared to all the money we waste on supplements which don't work, co-pays, lost productivity, very expensive specialty medications, etc., etc. One handful of popcorn at the movie theaters and my blood tests show it the next morning. I recommend this course to anyone who even thinks their brain could use some improvement. In 2008 I did the "alternate day dieting". I have been over weight my entire life. The failures were not because Dr Boz's Keto plan didn't work, it was because I couldn't stay the course. We can now help so many people in our communities. My family recognized a problem long before I would admit it. It begins with an understanding of how the brain actually cleans itself. I took her course and read, Dear Dr Boz, Use a glucose meter to measure your blood glucose levels. Here is a video that might help you get started. Ive been mostly successful with losing weight, getting my blood sugar down and eating under 20 carbs a day. I have also taken Dr. Bozs Keto Consistency and Brains course. For many, like me, their ketogenic journey is lonely, and they feel isolated living out this program when no one in their circle of family or friends is on board. But the missing piece was, how do I do this for the rest of my life? Thank you. I keep imagining how I am going to share it on a larger scale. Can this class really help me? Basically it's like the Keto Continuum on steroids. I have at least 2 pages full of notes including but not limited to be in ketosis, vitamin levels, forms of exercise, SLEEP and how important it is, stable routines, decrease blue light, etc. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. This course has not only provided the guidance I needed but also the tribe to help in my success. Within two weeks of taking the course, I exceeded both goals. Combine the previous benefits with the developer's in-depth understanding and humility, I found the course to be an inspiration and important educational experience for the reader. So Seyfried's Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) looks to be a factor 18.016 (Glucose to mol conversion) smaller than Dr. Boz Glucose Keto ratio. Paul Hauersperger, This course has taught me so much about how the brain works and heals. 1. The Dr. Boz channel was where I learned the method used to track the ratio between ketones and glucose in my blood. The small groups (a mixture of experienced and beginners) setting we were in provided the type of support and encouragement to help make my journey a success. I definitely dont want to follow the path of my family around me. I still have a little way to go, but have no doubt I will continue to improve one Ketone at a time! I still have a little way to go, but have no doubt I will. It has been transformational in changing the direction of my health, and my thinking, as far as what will help the brain to heal. Dr Boz has the science and data to back up her teachings. Which is the best way of measuring your ketones? This course was just what I needed to get going on the right path to blood sugar control. Adding a support group is going to be a challenge since there isnt one anywhere near me, but Im going to use the Neurons group for a while and gather my courage to start one if necessary. In 2020 I purchased the Keto Continuum Course, read "Anyway You Can" and the "Keto Continuum" book, I completed the "Keto Continuum Workbook" as well. For men, an acceptable TC/HDL ratio is less than 5.0 whilst for women is less than 4.5. Then calculate the GKI/Dr Boz ratio with the formulas below: GKI calculation formula: [glucose reading (mg/dL)18] ketone reading (mmol) Dr Boz ratio: glucose reading (mg/dL) ketone reading (mmol) Had gastric bypass 11/1982 at 315#. And finally I stepped on a scale bc my clothes were looserI lost weight!! These strips are cheap and portable. I am beginning to feel truly rested in the morning. In March of 2020 I got very sick with colitis and had to go to the ER with severe pain. After watching a few of Dr. Boz's YouTubes, he felt he could trust her teaching and agreed to "attend" the Course with me. This is it. I will keep sharing the information with friends/family. My short term plan is to optimize my own brain & body health and then attempt to help my immediate family members that struggle with obesity, OCD, Bi-polar, ADHD and all types of addiction. I struggled to make sense of all the literature and advertising around this new way, This is a awesome course on Ketos. I know my brain is in the process of being at its best, according to Dr. Boz's research. Dr Boz, this course has taught Val and me so much, thank you! Your the reason that I can stay on Keto. There is NO substitute to actually talking and listening to Dr. Boz in person! Thank you Dr. Boz, If a year ago you would have told me that I would eat 20 cabs a day, stay fasted for 16-20 hours a day and lead a support group, I would have laughed out loud at you. Thank you Dr. Boz for the detailed descriptions and animations that explained the chemistry of what is happening in our bodies. Between the daily classroom sessions with Dr. Boz and the daily small group coaching sessions, I can finally see clearly how to get to my end goal and continue to improve my overall health. I have progressed slowly as recommended to 23:1 and have just started alternate day fasting. Ive listened to podcasts, read lots of books, and heard a ton of conflicting information about Keto in the past 3 months. You need accountability, you need a leader, you need a coach, and you need a community. I applaud Dr Boz for her concern and. Thank you Dr. Boz, This is a awesome course on Ketos. 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