It is much more comfortable to have a routine and a set of instructions that allow certain outcomes than it is to challenge our own minds, they like to make sense of the world. 3. A community is a group of people who share something in common. Describe the community you live in. It is evident that my mother has many identities and may act different for each of the identities with different people. to remain available. These may also encompass community theater and music companies run and staffed by community volunteer boards and performers. Being able to talk convincingly with the media about the community. Sustainable Measuresprovides a searchable database of indicators by broad topics (health, housing) and keywords (AIDS, access to care, birth weight, etc.) The three types of communities are rural, urban, and suburban. M3F is a calling card for community support. It has enhanced my community, as diverse qualities have come together and created something new. Here she introduces the problem. Work one-on-one with experienced college counselors and essay specialists. Once you've explored the relevant areas of the community, you'll have the information to create a community description. When I tell a story, I can shape the world I live in and share my deepest emotions with the audience. Distrust or actual discrimination aimed at particular groups -- based on race, class, economics, or all three -- may be glossed over or never mentioned. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, Section 15. They cover the spectrum of community life, including: The groups and organizations that exist in the community, and their relative prestige and importance in community life, can convey valuable clues to the community's assumptions and attitudes. They were treated as second class citizens and white people were hostile towards them. Consumer Investigator Caresse Jackman explains how you can spot scammers and avoid a second disaster. You just don't get such lush, delicious parks anywhere else. Such meetings will be announced in the local paper. It may save you many hours of effort. People can also become a bit lazy and not make the effort to change their outlooks. Rural Rural communities are placed where the houses are spread very far apart. Having multiple identities for my father means that it is possible to be seen in many different lights, and it is possible for him to be discriminated against for each of those multiple identities. What is the general policy about services to rural and/or poor populations? We took daring adventures and explored far away lands. (If the community isn't defined by geography, note and observe the areas where its members live, work, and gather.) The author makes another uncommon connection in her conclusion with the unexpected idea that the pumpkin challenged [her]. She then uses beautiful language to reflect on the lessons she learned: theres a bit of magic in growing something from a seed and tending it in public.. TheU.S. National Institute of Mental Healthprovides statistics and educational information for the public as well as information for researchers. Others cross health boundaries, such as theCenters for Disease Control, which maintains national health statistics. Roads and bridges may be impassable at certain (or most) times of year, phone service and TV reception nonexistent, Internet access a distant dream. Acommunity description of Nashua, New Hampshire. Communities reinvent themselves constantly, as new buildings and developments are put up and old ones torn down, as businesses move in and out, as populations shift -- both within the community and as people and groups move in and out -- and as economic, social, and political conditions change. A community description can be as creative as you're capable of making it. However, it is also possible to be discriminated against for other identities that she may have as well. It can be written as a story, can incorporate photos and commentary from community residents (see Photovoice), can be done online and include audio and video, etc. Qualitative Methods to Assess Community Issues, Section 16. 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM. Describing the neighborhoods response offers a vivid example of what makes for a great community. There are a number of ways to learn about the structure and operation of local government: In most of the U.S., these meetings are public by state law, and must be announced in specific ways at least two days ahead. Watch the lessons on your own or via the live option. 1. Whether you connect with the people around you is a . Community involvement examples include engaging with, volunteering for or donating to local schools, neighborhood associations, government, and/or nonprofit organizations. Come, enjoy. Creating and Using Community Report Cards, Section 19. Explain and give examples of how an individual can identify themselves as belonging to a number of different groups. When you're new to a community and want to be well informed before beginning your work. Your contribution can help change lives. Whichever community defines your work, you will want to get to know it well. Instead my interests have become reading books and spending time trying to achieve personal goals. When people learn to appreciate diversity it develops a greater understanding and respect for peoples differences. I would not consider myself as being very religious however; being a part of the Church of England it is important to me to live by the guidelines of the church. There are differing values within these people due to age, as well as culture as there are people from different backgrounds. All Rights Reserved. writing your own paper, but remember to 13. Get a map of the community and drive and/or walk around. A good way to accomplish that is to create a community description -- a record of your exploration and findings. Community institutions, unless they are dysfunctional, can generally be viewed as assets. Now let's consider what you might examine to understand and describe the community. Example 1: My mother is a parent in front of her children, she is also a wife to my father, and she used to be a daughter to her parents and is now a grandparent to my daughter. to help you write a unique paper. Times have changed since then, however there is still some hostility. If the community is one defined by its population, then its physical properties are also defined by the population: where they live, where they gather, the places that are important to them. This annual ritual became well known in the community and became the defining feature of our already quirky house. Jones, B. The Neighborhood Organizer's Handbook. Diversity is about recognising and valuing those differences. It captures data from more than 25,000 zip codes (those with populations over 500 people). You need a bunch of people who are alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or interpersonal connection. Chicago, IL: Planners Press, pp. Being able to share information with other organizations or coalitions that work in the community so that you can collaborate or so that everyone's work can benefit. For those of us who work in community health and development, it's important to understand community -- what a community is, and the specific nature of the communities we work in. This ambiguity, however, has granted me the opportunity to absorb the best of both worlds. The County Health Rankings model includes four types of health factors: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic, and the physical environment. (250 words), (Old) Brown University: Tell us about a place or community you call home. 6.) First to Review. The Tool Box needs your help There are many mother and baby groups, as well as fitness groups at the local church (Samba). Our community cares and works hard at creating a family friendly atmosphere. Shopping. Define prejudice and discrimination. for teaching core skills. Describe Your Neighborhood - There is and There are I live in a small town in Honduras, in my community, you can find all kind of places, for example, you can go to the swimming pool which is located near the park. The less comfortable parts of that history, especially recent history -- discrimination, conflict, economic and/or political domination by a small group -- are may not be included, and are more likely to be found by talking to activists, journalists, and others who are concerned with those issues. Knowing the character of various areas and the invisible borders that exist among various groups and neighborhoods can be extremely important for the physical safety of those working and living in the community. It's fairly easy to notice if one huge industrial plant dominates a community, for example, or if every third building appears to be a construction company. This structure works well for students who have faced a challenge in this community. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; You have to keep up with those changes, and that means updating your community description regularly. Cultural institutions. They dont try to understand or respect the persons unique qualities. Applying to College Abroad: A Guide for American Students, How to Research Colleges Without Visiting a Campus, Online Courses & Professional Development, How to Write the Community Essay: Complete Guide + Examples. The first step is to get a clear sense of the community, before more specifically assessing the area(s) you're interested in. us: [emailprotected]. They laws were against them and they wasnt even aloud to sit down on a bus. Stepping into a community with an intervention or initiative without understanding the dynamics of community history can be a recipe for failure. However, it is also possible to be discriminated against for other identities that he may have as well. Does the lay of the land make it difficult to get from one part of the community to another? Locating a social situation. This is another potential structure, often times great for essays that dont necessarily focus on a particular challenge. Would describe myself as not having many personal interests, I use to be someone who enjoyed sports and socializing, but becoming a mother has made those interests very difficult. It entails becoming part of another culture, both to keep people in it from being influenced by your presence and to understand it from the inside. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience. For example, the combination of different cooking styles, different language patterns and efferent musical forms can lead to something exciting and fresh. I live in a community of about 5000 people It has a lot of industry, is a transfer point for agriculture goods going out and everything else needed coming in.. Does not necessarily mean you have to live in that community. If you'd like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you've had to help us understand you betterperhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural backgroundwe encourage you to do so. Geographically I would describe myself as a Brume, a British citizen. An example of this could be, a homosexual male student aged 19 goes to university in Birmingham but is from Manchester. I have got to know people who are different to yeses e. G. People originating from many different countries from my own (within my community there are many people orientating from Poland, I have got to know them and their culture), ethnic backgrounds, people of different genders (l have got to know many men within my community), with different sexual preferences (within my community there are people who are homosexual and heterosexual and I have learnt not to judge), values , beliefs, interests and economic backgrounds, it has given me an insight into how others live or feel and has taught me to emphasis with others and to appreciate what I have. If you've just started working in a community -- even if it's work you've been doing for years -- you will probably find that taking the time to write a community description enriches your work. He is a manager to people lower than him at work, but also a colleague. Collecting Information About the Problem, Section 7. On many of these websites, notably the U.S. Census, various categories can be combined, so that you can, for example, find out the income levels in your community for African American women aged 25-34 with a high school education. Reading the newspaper every day is a good idea in general if you're trying to learn about the community. 4. Check out the latest free live events from the CEG Team. (Biking, or in some cases even walking, is difficult in San Francisco, for example, because of the length and steepness of the hills.) glass enclosure in a sloped wetroom instead of needing a shower curtain. (1977). I belong to a community of storytellers. This could include, being a Southampton supporter, lorry spotter or even being male, all at once. How has it shaped your perspective? To find out about various aspects of the community, you'll need a number of different methods of gathering information. I have learned that telling stories can be just as powerful as hearing them. For even more detail, you might compose a portrait in words of the community, using quotes from interviews and stories of community history to bring the description to life. Identifying Community Assets and Resources, Section 11. In the built environment, some things to pay attention to are: This is a topic that is ripe for examination. Enumerate five (5) changes that you observed in your community for the last five (5) years. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Museums, theaters, concert halls, etc. To tell our stories, we travel to elementary and middle schools performing plays that help educate younger students of the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and bullying. August-September). To write this essay, I recommend the uncommon connections exercise. ThisHuman Development Index Mapis a valuable tool fromMeasure of America: A Project of the Social Science Research Council. Your actions certainly may become part of this community essay as a way to demonstrate the ways in which you identify withand contribute tothis community. It could also be because they have been programmed into thinking that the stereotypes they are using or thinking are actually the truth, as it can be passed down from generation to generation. Describe the community where you live Advertisement Loved by our community 198 people found it helpful deluzdominguez In our community, all of us are helping each other while we're in this pandemic the way we help is to stay home and obey all the protocols. One year, we found our pumpkin splattered across the street. You can also talk about how you changed personally. I now have quite a diverse friendship group with people of all backgrounds. When people have a shared quality or characteristic this is a shared identity. Learn more. A Korean ballad streams from two tiny computer speakers. Clearly, that pumpkin enriched our life and the entire neighborhoods. Growing up, the pumpkin challenged me as I wasnt always comfortable being the center of attention. WHO, 1999. When family bring children up with set views the children can come to view or think of the ideas as facts and believe them to be true and therefore will not challenge them. Here is the exact wording from a few schools: University of Michigan: Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. I am from Birmingham and England and I share identities with other Christians, people in the same geographic locations and members of the IAMB. The next morning, our patch contained twelve new pumpkins. pumpkin on our doorstep. The country is now multicultural, with many languages, cultures, different food and services; it has provided a new and differently skilled work force and enhanced the economy. That something may be religion, culture, government or any combination of the three. This may be the most difficult aspect of the community to understand, since it incorporates most of the others we've discussed, and is usually unspoken. I love to perform with my theatre class to entertain and educate young audiences throughout my community. Section 2. This mlange of cultures in my East-meets-West room embodies the diversity that characterizes my international student life. It is a form of prejudice and discrimination, as labels determine how people are and will be treated within society. Depending on what issues and countries you're concerned with, some sources of information might be the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, similar websites in other countries, and the various agencies of the United Nations. Is there new development, and is the community attracting new business? Failing to understand it will deny you credibility and make it difficult for you both to connect with community members and to negotiate the twists and turns of starting and implementing a community initiative or intervention. That exercise asks: What did you actually do in that community? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Immediately around myself there are new build houses and apartments as it has been build on the old hospital grounds. The author touches on the values of family and ritual in the first few sentences. Kindness surprises people and is infectious. (250 words), Duke University: We seek a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. First: Use the Values Exercise at this link to brainstorm predictable values that other students might describe in their essay and then vow not to use those values. Defining your neighborhood. This is exactly why I love theatre so much. 8-11. My father is a parent to his children, a grandparent to my daughter, he is a husband to my mother, and he is also a heterosexual male. Key points: An ecological community consists of all the populations of all the different species that live together in a particular area. For example, there are now many healthcare professionals such as doctors whom have studied and worked in different countries and gained valuable experience with what would be rare illnesses or infections within the UK due to the Auks quite high standards of living compared to that within some of other countries. Anonymous neighbors left these, plus, a truly gigantic 200 lb. Much of your best and most interesting information may come from community members with no particular credentials except that they're part of the community. The Narrative Structure. Warren, R.B., Warren, D.I. Otherwise, the Montage Structure works well. 279. In this section, we'll discuss how you might approach examining the community in some detail and setting down your findings in a community description. In the second paragraph she mentions the value of connection. Communities are typically small enough to where most people in the community know. The community's physical characteristics. 16-17. This label given by the English to the Scottish people may in fact upset the Scottish people and cause conflict between the two groups of people. They will experience these sews on a daily basis and it will stick with them and influence their views. It's important to know the community's size and the look and feel of its buildings, its topography (the lay of the land -- the hills, valleys, rivers, roads, and other features you'd find on a map), and each of its neighborhoods. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: Interests Beliefs Ages Lifestyles Personal, social and cultural identities. Some things you might like to know, besides the number of people in the community: In the U.S., most of this and other demographic information is available from the U.S. Census, from state and local government websites, or from other government agencies. There's no formal way to get this information. Mix in your likes and dislikes, HOA's, bitchin sandwich stand, bogus neighbors, whatever. There are positive impacts too such as kids being watched by their parents, families hanging out together, parents watching their kids, kids going and being picked up from school by their parents, kids playing at the Community Park and families communicating with one another. A cultural community is another type of community in which people may not necessarily live close to each other but through a shared heritage have many similarities. It might also be effective to elaborate on the shared cultural values of the people living in the community and what draws them to live amongst one another. This is not really separate from understanding the community: in the process of organizing and writing down your information, you'll be able to see better how it fits together, and can gain greater understanding. Communities are complicated, and figuring out the best way to improve the health of all residents in a particular place can be a daunting task. You might also gain information by reading between the lines of old newspaper articles and tracking down people who were part of past conflicts or events. Keep in mind that communities can be defined by Place: groups of people who live/work/play near one another, Action: groups of people who create change in the world by building, doing, or solving something together (Examples: Black Lives Matter, Girls Who Code, March for Our Lives), Interest: groups of people coming together based on shared interest, experience, or expertise, Circumstance: groups of people brought together either by chance or external events/situations. The candy packaging created with Girls on the Run has a new design featuring more than 200 . It was a ritual that I will never forget. Volunteering energy and skills to a local organization is a great way to give back to your community. Presidents or chairs of civic or service clubs -- Chamber of Commerce, veterans' organizations, Lions, Rotary, etc. It could be both positive and negative and may not be the truth. 9. In a typical community, they might include: To begin, let's look at some basic principles to keep in mind. Providing background and justification for grant proposals. Go to open meetings of the city council, town boards, board of selectmen, or other bodies, as well as to public forums on proposed actions, laws, and regulations. The Pumpkin House (Narrative + Montage Combo Structure). Diversity has enhanced my country as it has brought new ideas to the country, the way the country should be run, the laws and legislation that is required and has opened the people of the country eyes to the wider world. By having multiple characteristics, such as our interests, ideas, cultures, our relationships, genders, race etc it creates a unique individual with multiple identities all with the ability to be discriminated against. The audience can relate to the story in many of the same powerful ways that I do. She is a famous actress whom I have known as Lara Croft and I have watched all her movies. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus A person will have many characteristics that may be shared by others. 100%. That will give you and anyone else interested a reasonably clear and objective description of the community, as well as a sense of how you see it. Obviously, only in the first case is the public well served. Use four columns in your chart, like this. Implementing Photovoice in Your Community, Section 21. Describe an person you admire Beauty patience ambition and strength; these words come to mind when thinking of the ideal woman. The creamery has ice cream, coffee and bakery items, including breakfast . Something exciting and fresh that something may be religion, culture, government, and/or nonprofit organizations have... Known as Lara Croft and I have known as Lara Croft and I have learned that telling stories be. And discrimination, as labels determine how people are and will be treated society. Particular area theater and music companies run and staffed by community volunteer and... Bunch of people who share something in common services to rural and/or poor populations with! 'Ll need a number of different groups I wasnt always comfortable being the center of attention you. 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