Site historique des Forges de Paimpont. The staff there are really helpful (speak good English) and will give you a map with the spots to visit.
Les site est fermé au public, aux individuels sans rendez-vous.Deux chasses au trésor (2 niveaux disponibles) pour les enfants.Découverte pédagogique de l’histoire des Forges en Brocéliande : près de 3 siècles de métallurgie, suivez notre petit Eloi !Pour les enfants et visiteurs individuels, la « Chasse au Trésor » (deux niveaux possibles).Pour les groupes de 10 personnes au plus et sur rendez vous, Visite commentée de nuit « la Montée au Gueulard ».Ouvert tous les jours de l’année aux groupes supérieur à 10 personnes, la visite est sur RDV, merci de nous contacter. 02 99 07 84 23 18 reviews. 15 reviews. Témoin exceptionnel de la deuxième révolution industrielle.La fonderie des Forges de Paimpont retenue dans la liste des 250 sites à préserver.le 31 mai 2018, Monsieur le Président de la République et Madame Brigitte Macron invitent les personnalités engagées pour le Patrimoine. This is the Hippie capital of Brittany we felt with many dreads, mohawks, and balloon style trouser folk! It is protected, so there are no snack bars and stalls selling greasy chips nor souvenir shops selling tasteless gadgets! Really consists of just one street. Incorrect data? The buildings, that ceased production at the end of the 19th century, are now open to the public. Just downstream from the lake there is a forge, that developed using local iron ore and wood from the surrounding forests and for several hundred years was the most important industry in Paimpont. Hotie de Viviane. Ferme Nordique. !If you're a first timer to the area go to the information centre in Paimpont BEFORE you walk/drive anywhere in the Broceliande Forest. Carte IGN touristique de Brocéliande + Coloriage géant de la forêt de Brocéliande + Topo-Guide® “Brocéliande… à pied” + About us. Site historique des Forges de Paimpont. This is the Hippie capital of Brittany we felt with many dreads, mohawks, and balloon style trouser folk! 235 reviews. 6 reviews.
Broceliande, La Porte Des Secrets. At the height of the iron and cast iron production, 250 people were working for the Forges. A few pictures. The Celts who settled in Brittany around 6000BC brought with them their amazing knowledge and mastery of iron and steel. Sights & Landmarks 9. Please notify us at Travel back in time to the origins of iron manufacturing at former industrial Site historique des Forges de Paimpont in the Paimpont forest. Please choose a different date.Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an Golden Trees, Merlin, Honorable Knights, Faries imprisoned in lakes - what's not to love? Les Forges de Paimpont vous accueillent au cœur de la forêt de Brocéliande sur un site classé patrimoine industriel de Bretagne du 17 e au 20 e siècle. les Forges de Paimpont 35380 PAIMPONT +33(2) 99 61 85 48 The forests around the area have some really beautiful Address: Les Forges, 35380 Paimpont. The Forges de Paimpont are nestled in the heart of the Forêt de Brocéliande.. Sights & Landmarks 10. Last check: July 2017. Nowadays, the historical and industrial site of the forges of Paimpont includes:foundry is on the list of 250 French sites entrusted to Stéphane BernBarely saved from disrepair, the site owes a lot to the energy of its owners: Patrick and Agnès de la Paumélière., they started major renovation works that lasted eight years.
Click here to book. Forges de Paimpont and Pont du Secret. The church of the Holy Grail + Rando entre Diable et Loup + The Ironfest + Our favourites. The beautiful rolling mill was restored and the place revealed its treasures: the workerss house, the two beautifully preserved blast furnaces… The restoration works were extensive but a lot remains to do… Long forgotten, the site is slowly regaining all of its beauty! Pour les groupes de 10 personnes au plus et sur rendez vous, Visite commentée de nuit « la Montée au Gueulard ». Forges de Paimpont, in the town of the same name, located 40 km west of Rennes, in Ille-et-Vilaine form a former industrial site in the heart of the forest called Brocéliande. Brocéliande Bike Tour. The lady of the lake who had kept Defeated by foreign competition, these two blast furnaces were permanently closed in 1884 but the foundry operations continued until 1954.In 2001, the Forges were referenced on the additional list of national Historic Monuments and thus benefit from conservation measures and a restoration programme. View a model of the blast furnace, the restored mill, the real blast furnaces, and the home of the master blacksmith. In 1656, when the Forges set up in the heart of the Paimpont / Brocéliande forest, three sources of wealth were available: a substantial iron ore deposit, an extensive hydraulic network and, for a while, plenty of charcoal made from the wood of the forest. Museums 8. Wish we hadn't wasted half a day of our precious holiday visiting it.La Forêt de Paimpont is also known as the forest of Brocéliande, where supposedly King Arthur at one time residedand where Merlin was supposedly buried. Paimpont itself is very small with a beautiful lake that you can walk along. Les Poupees Grand-Mere. They were built during the 17th century on the bank of a lake, since known as Etang des Forges.. Once more you are in the heart of the Arthurian Legend.. Outdoor Activities 12. View a model of the blast furnace, the restored mill, the real blast furnaces, and the home of the master blacksmith.
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