Le BNPA publié par Société Générale est déterminé selon les règles définies par la norme IAS 33 (Cf. Active in the real economy for over 150 years, with a solid position in Europe and connected to the rest of the world, Societe Generale has over 138,000 members of staff in 62 countries and supports on a daily basis 29 million individual clients, businesses and institutional investors around the world by offering a wide range of advisory services and tailored financial solutions. During H1 20, Societe Generale demonstrated its ability to absorb the impacts of the crisis due to the quality of its asset portfolio and the robustness of its balance sheet with, in particular, a capital level of 12.5%, or 350 basis points above the regulatory requirement.Drawing on this solid base, the Group will continue to adapt its activities to the new post-COVID crisis environment, particularly in structured products, as well as its efforts to reduce costs in 2020 and in the medium term, through structural initiatives.Finally, Societe Generale is already preparing its 2021-2023 strategic plan based around its three priority objectives:It may be necessary for the Group to present underlying indicators in order to facilitate the understanding of its actual performance.
The cost to income ratio stood at 55.9% in Q2 20 and 57.2% in H1 20. FORTE BAISSE DES COÛTS ... Société Générale • 2020; Tous les sites du groupe Société Générale; Lyxor’s assets under management totalled EUR 132 billion at end-June 2020, an increase of +5.1% vs. March 2020. Le BNPA publié par Société Générale est déterminé selon les règles définies par la norme IAS 33 (Cf. Document d’enregistrement universel, document de référence, Pilier 3 et Rapport sur les Politiques de rémunérationInformations relatives aux implantations et activitésLoi Eckert : comptes inactifs, coffres-forts inactifsSynthèse des principaux facteurs de risques extra-financiers Gestion de patrimoine. 4 - … Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth.
The cost of risk of International Retail Banking & Financial Services and Global Banking & Investor Solutions came to 125 basis points and 95 basis points respectively.The commercial cost of risk stood at 81 basis points in H1 20 and is expected to be at the bottom of the range of between 70 to 100 basis points for 2020.The gross doubtful outstandings ratio amounted to 3.2%The Group recorded two non-cash exceptional items due to the review of the financial trajectory of Global Markets & Investor Services: a EUR -684 million expense in respect of the goodwill impairment of the Global Markets & Investor Services CGU and a EUR -650 million expense in respect of the impairment of deferred tax assets.Earnings per share is negative and amounts to EUR -2.25 in H1 20 (EUR 1.69 in H1 19). Outstanding deposits were up +5.4%* (-10.0% at current structure and exchange rates), with a healthy momentum in the Czech Republic (+6.7%*, +1.5%) and Romania (+4.9%*, +2.6%).In Russia, outstanding loans rose +1.6%* at constant exchange rates (-7.1% at current exchange rates) while outstanding deposits climbed +11.3%* (+3.5% at current exchange rates). Société Générale : le résultat net part du groupe sous-jacent ressort à 875 ME (+8,7%) au T4 Claude Leguilloux , publié le 06/02/2020 à 07h27
Find all the financial results publications from the Société Générale Group. Assets under management increased by +2.4% vs. March 2020, to EUR 114 billion.Lyxor posted a performance down -21.6% in Q2 20, impacted by the challenging market conditions. La banque de détail en France voit son résultat net chuter de 8,6 %, à 1,1 milliard d'euros. As of July 244. INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICESFor the Europe scope, outstanding loans were up +3.2%* vs. Q2 19, at EUR 53.6 billion (-9.2% at current structure and exchange rates), driven by Western Europe (+3.7%) and the Czech Republic (+3.4%*, -1.6%). page 47 du Document d’enregistrement universel 2020 de Société Générale). Outstanding loans rose +4.0%* (or +1.5%) vs. Q2 19. The transition from published data to underlying data is obtained by restating published data for exceptional items and the IFRIC 21 adjustment. Paris, le 8 juillet 2020. In a crisis environment, the commercial momentum remained robust. The Societe Generale Annual General Meeting of 19 May, 2020 will be held at 4.00pm CET without the physical presence of its shareholders given the measures limiting public gatherings due to the health situation in France.
La banque de la Défense a vu son résultat net chuter de 21 % en 2019, à 3,25 milliards d'euros, la marque de son vaste programme de restructurations. Rapport intégré 2019-2020 Assemblée générale Document d’enregistrement universel, document de référence, Pilier 3 et Rapport sur les Politiques de rémunération Eclairez votre réflexion avec des points de vue, des idées et des contributions de tous horizons.Reprenez un temps d’avance avec Les Echos. The corrections made to Group net income in order to calculate EPS correspond to the restatements carried out for the calculation of ROE and ROTE. / CA 2020
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