NOSTRADAMUS is said to have predicted in the 16th-century the rise of Adolf Hitler, global war and even the end of the world. Here is what Nostradamus predicted for 2020. Nostradamus quatrain doesn’t specify if Queen Elisabeth, the monarch with the longest reign, will die, or the reason why Great Britain will have a new king. Although Nostradamus lived in the 16th century, … A second major plague epidemic prompted Nostradamus to leave the university and to take steps to the areas affected by the terrible disease.For several months, he treated the plague sufferers without getting sick from the terrible disease. The next earthquake will measure between 7 and 7.4 grades on Richter’s magnitude scale, and it will happen in Turkey. Moreover, the surviving infants suffered from malnutrition, were weak, ill and few reached the age of one year.Nostradamus was a rare case of perfect birth, which is why those who are convinced of its prophetic powers believe that Nostradamus has been protected from the small and may even be guided by an invisible force.At the age of 14 he was admitted to the University of Avignon where he studied grammar, rhetoric, logic, geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy. Another prediction or Prophecies For 2020 that could be fulfilled within a few months is a sharp rise in sea level. A part of Nostradamus’s prophecies, the famous French doctor and alchemist from the 16th century, have come true.Nostradamus predicted the beginning of the Second World War, Hitler’s ascension, the fall of communism, President J. F. Kennedy’s assassination, India’s independence and the occurrence of Israel State on the world map, events confirmed by the passing of time, but also occurrences that go further in time.Beyond astrology, Nostradamus was a talented doctor, but also a controversial character, specialized in occultism.Everyone has heard of Nostradamus. By the age of 20, he knew and spoke several languages fluently. The year 2019 is near the end, 2020 is knocking on the door and Nostradamus has left scary predictions for this year. Starting from descriptions of the air battles and ending with the supposed flight of Adolf Hitler from Berlin, Nostradamus left us a very detailed picture of the events of that time.It is well known that Nostradamus suffered from gout, a condition that drastically limited his freedom of movement in recent years. The year 2020 marks a sacred moment, favorable and, at the same time, dangerous in the history of mankind, meant to bring both disasters and revelations. And the preceding years herald this terrible, yet wonderful potential. Nostradamus Prophecy regarding the invention of Immortality or Eternal Life In Century 2 of the Prophecies of Nostradamus is contained a Quatrain that predicts … He pointed out … At the end of June 1566, the Prophet called his lawyer who helped him in the making of a will. Impressive is the fact that most of his predictions are extremely clear (as opposed to those of other “prophets” who did nothing but throw a string of meaningless words in the hope that, in the future, an event will trigger something connection with what they prophesied).The prophecies related to the Second World War are perhaps among the most interesting and most accurate of Nostradamus. The critical year 2020 does not necessarily mean an end, but rather a … This is one of the major predictions of Nostradamus for 2020. Moreover, he was a controversial character. … “The young lion will overcome the older one, On the field of combat in a single … The French prophet had seen in one of his visions how people will walk on the streets with chips implanted in their bodies.
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