Saltos da ponte D. Luis I - Duration: 0:43. A competition was initiated in November 1880, in order to construct a double-deck metal bridge, which included projects by Compagnie de Fives-Lille, Cail & C., Schneider & Co., Gustave Eiffel, Lecoq & Co., Société de Braine-le-Comte, Société des Batignolles (which submitted two ideas), Andrew Handyside & Co., Société de Construction de Willebroek (also two projects) and John Dixon.By 26 May 1886, the first weight experiments began, with the transport of a 2,000 kilograms (4,400 lb) per metre.By the turn of the century (1908) electric carriages were installed in the city centre, extending to the bridge.On 1 January 1944, the toll system was extinguished and the bridge began to function as free infrastructure of the municipal authority of Porto.In 1982, the bridge was designated a cultural heritage On 27 June 2003, the upper deck was closed to motor traffic in order to adapt the structure for the metro system. BBC Recommended for you por ponto de vista / by point of view . Le Pont Dom Luis I (Ponte Luis I) est un pont en structure métallique construit entre 1881 et 1888, reliant les villes de Porto et Vila Nova de Gaia séparées par le fleuve Douro. Débuté en 1881 et achevé en 1886 par un étudiant de Gustave Eiffel, le pont Dom-Luís (ou Ponte Luís I) possède deux étages : le pont supérieur est maintenant réservé aux piétons ainsi qu’à l’une des lignes de métro de la ville (ligne D); le pont inférieur est destiné à la circulation routière, et comporte également des allées piétonnes sur le côté. Dom Luís I Bridge is a tramway, light or metro rail bridge, road bridge, truss arch bridge, deck arch bridge, through arch bridge and iron bridge that was built from 1881 … Ponte Dom Luís I (it); pont Dom-Luís (fr); Don Luis I.a zubia (eu); Pont de Lluís I (ca); Ponte Dom Luís I (de); Ponte de D. Luís (pt); Мост дона Луіша (be); Dom Luis I-brug (af); Luišo Pirmojo tiltas (lt); Podul Dom Luís I (ro); ドン・ルイス1世橋 (ja); Понти-ди-Дон-Луиш I (ru); puente Don Luis I (es); Ponte Dom Luís I (pl); Міст Дона Луїша I (uk); Dom Luis I-brug (nl); 路易一世大橋 (zh-hant); 路易一世大橋 (zh-hk); Dom Luís I Bridge (en); 동 루이스 다리 (ko); Ponte Don Luís I (gl); Ponto Don Luis la 1-a (eo); 路易一世大桥 (zh-hans); 路易一世大橋 (zh) ponte portoghese (it); ponte no Porto (pt); jembatan di Portugal (id); bridge in Porto (en); мосту в Порту (ru); boogbrug met dek boven boog in Porto, Portugal (nl) Ponte Luís I (it); Pont Dom-Luis, Ponte Luís I, Pont Luis I, Ponte Luiz I (fr); Dom Luis 1, Dom Luis 1 Brug, Dom Luis I Brug, Ponte Dom Luiz I (nl); Понте-де-Дон-Луиш (ru); Ponte Luiz I, Dom-Luís-Brücke (de); Ponte Luís I, Ponte de D. Luis I, Ponte Dom Luís I, Ponte de D. Luís I (pt); Dom Luis Bridge (en); Ponte Luís I, Puente Luis I, Ponte Luis I, Ponte Luiz I, Puente Luís I (es); Dom Luiso Pirmojo tiltas (lt)vistas desde a muralha Fernandina / views from city wallsvistas desde a muralha Fernandina / views from city walls
Ponte de D. Luís Ponte de D. Luís is a bridge in Vila Nova de Gaia. 2004 manutençao reconversão /maintenance reconversion Le pont a été inauguré le 31 octobre 1886 par le roi Louis Ier de Portugal (Dom Luís I). Main category: Dom Luis I bridge at night. 1:56. The bridge is situated in an isolated, urban area over the River Douro between the granite banks, where the The iron bridge has two decks, of differing heights and widths, between which develop a large 172.5 metres (566 ft) diameter, central arch supporting these upper and lower decks.The bridge has an asphalt pavement for vehicular traffic, separated by cast iron guards, that limit the pedestrian sidewalks, that develop laterally. reflexos de luzes / reflections of lights . vistas desde a muralha Fernandina / views from city walls . English:Dom Luis I bridge over the Douro river connecting Vila Nova de Gaia and Porto, in Portugal. Il remplace un pont suspendu à câbles (1843), dont les pylônes ont été conservés sur la rive nord, succédant lui-même à un ancien pont de bateaux, Pont de barques, de 1806. The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs a dam | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox - BBC - Duration: 3:53. Main category: Water reflections of lights in Portugal. The Dom Luís I Bridge (Portuguese: Ponte de Dom Luís I), or Luís I Bridge, is a double-deck metal arch bridge that spans the River Douro between the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia in Portugal. At its construction, its 172 metres (564 ft) span was the longest of its type in the world. Desafiando limites - Duration: 1:56. Côté Porto, il donne accès au célèbre centre historique de Porto, le quartier de la Ribeira ! AFP Português Recommended for you. Ponte de D. Luís is situated in Ribeira, close to Ponte Dom Luís I. Diversos / Miscellaneous . Ricardo Rocha 597 views. 0:43.
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