proper noun. Population, 1,834,500 in 1969, most of whom are Basques.
BOPB = Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque Looking for general definition of BOPB?
In particular in common usage the French term Pays Basque ("Basque Country"), in the absence of further qualification, refers either to the whole Basque Country ("Euskal Herria" in Basque), or not infrequently to the northern (or "French") Basque Country specifically. Synonyms for Pays basque in French including definitions, and related words.
In the late 20th century probably about 850,000 true Basques lived in Spain and 130,000 in France; as many as 170,000 Basques may live in emigrant communities outside … Despite depleted deposits and diminishing yields, the Basque country (province of Vizcaya) produces more than one-fourth of the total iron ore output in Spain (1.7 million tons in 1963).
The Basque country is located in the western Pyrenees, straddling the border between France and Spain on the coast of the Bay of Biscay.
Euskal Herria is the oldest documented Basque name for the area they inhabit, dating from the 16th century. royaume, domaine, alleu, héritage, bien, enclos, aire, fiefNEI, nouvelles économies industrielles, NPI, nouveaux pays industriels, pays émergents, pays nouvellement industrialisés, PNIEurope de Maastricht, pays de l'UE, pays de la CEE, pays de la Communauté économique européenne, pays de la Communauté européennepays en voie de développement, tiers-monde, pays moins développé, pays sous-développés, PVD, régions sous-développées, tiers mondepays en développement, pays du tiers-monde, pays sous-développés, PVD, régions sous-développées, tiers-monde, tiers mondepays les moins développés, pays les plus défavorisés, PMA, quart mondebloc soviétique, états communistes, états socialistes, pays communistes, pays du rideau de fer, pays satellites soviétiques, satellites soviétiquespays en développement, pays en voie de développementrégion considérée d'un point de vue géographique, économique, etc.les personnes habitant cette région (le pays n'aspirait qu'à la paix)personne originaire d'une même région, d'une même villerégion située dans les terres, par rapport à la côterégion précédant un pays montagneux, à l'opposé de l'arrière-payspays imaginaire où tout est abondant, où l'argent se gagne facilement mot-valise formé à partir de "Africain" et "Européen"une guerre mondiale est une guerre dans laquelle les phénomène caractéristique de tendances dans la vie sociale d'un
Other industries include chemicals (production of acids and fertilizers, plastics, coke by-products), paper (approximately one-fourth of the total output in Spain), cement, and food. Pronunciation . The farmhouses are loosely grouped into villages or are scattered over the lower slopes.
We are proud to list acronym of BOPB in the largest database of abbreviations and acronyms.
Pays basque. The French Basque Country, or Northern Basque Country (Basque: Iparralde (i.e.
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
It was an autonomous region in Spain in 1936–37. PB abbreviation stands for Pays Basque. It was the Basques, not the Moors, as the After the death of Franco and especially after the establishment of the liberal Spanish monarchy in 1975, the Basques engaged in vigorous demonstrations for local autonomy, which the Spanish government granted in some measure in 1978–79. This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. The fishing industry is centered at the port of Pasajes. Basques played a leading part in the colonization of the New World, sailing with the conquistadors and being among the first to exploit the whaling grounds of the Bay of Biscay and the cod fisheries off Newfoundland. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML.Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata.
The increased freedoms and home rule, however, did not satisfy the more militant separatists, such as the hard-line “military” wing of the Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna ( Check out Britannica's new site for parents!
The following image shows one of the definitions of BOPB in English: Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque. Proposer une autre traduction/définition
By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Under Spain's present constitution, Navarre (Nafarroa in present-day Basque, Navarra historically in Spanish) constitutes a separate entity, called …
What does PB stand for? Viticulture and wine making are carried on in all areas. Area, 7,260 sq km.
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