In a post-apocalyptic world where cities ride on wheels and consume each other to survive, two people meet in London and try to stop a conspiracy. 4 8 'The job of the actor is to play someone who they are not,' Shearer said 5 Cast: Hera Hilmar, Hugo Weaving, Robert Sheehan; In a post-apocalyptic future, entire cities have gone mobile and ingest smaller cities, stripping them of resources. 10 6 Posted 6 m minutes ago. 6 With Hugo Weaving, Don Hany, Xavier Samuel, Mark Leonard Winter. 5 5 4 Hugo Wallace Weaving AO (born 4 April 1960) is a British actor resident in Australia.He is best known for playing Agent Smith in The Matrix trilogy (1999–2003), Elrond in The Lord of the Rings (2001–2003) and The Hobbit (2012–2014) film trilogies, V in V for Vendetta (2005), and Red Skull in the movie Captain America: The First Avenger (2011). Now audiences can see him in powerful new drama, ‘ Hearts and Bones ,’ which has been released direct to digital after coronavirus forced the closure of cinemas. Photo Credits: Netflix; Pop TV; Robert Viglasky, Hartswood Films; Fred Hayes/Disney+, Fox, PopTV; Bettina Strauss/Netflix; Nicole Rivelli/Amazon, Netflix, Frank Masi/Apple, Disney, Jasper Savage/Hulu; Diyah Pera/CW 10 5 Hugo Weaving Active - 1983 - 2019 | Born - Apr 4, 1960 in Ibadan, Nigeria | Genres - Drama , Comedy , Science Fiction , Romance , Thriller Overview ↓ 6 7 Hugo Wallace Weaving was born on April 4, 1960 in Nigeria, to English parents Anne (Lennard), a tour guide and teacher, and Wallace Weaving, a seismologist. ABC Arts / By Jason Di Rosso for The Screen Show. 5
7 Hugo Weaving full list of movies and tv shows in theaters, in production and upcoming films. This Ryan Murphy show is definitely not for the squeamish 5
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