Sin embargo, después del Crac del 29 , el Distrito no pudo recaudar los fondos de construcción, por lo que presionaron para que se vendieran bonos por valor de 30 millones USD. %PDF-1.4 ��5x�%��[�P�i��:̬�?�� 2�8Wg���K�����SXy���n�~��y���ҢRhw؉���jt�3uY=���L,���]4h�f��穂�NpO��/�t&>��Vh�G�����O��,��@�-�퀒�A�����:����+z��8!��c3g�谞��{ z� x��Z[s����
The Golden Gate Bridge (B1) Some of the most important landmarks in the United States include feats of architecture and modern engineering. San Francisco, California, is a beautiful city on its own, but it is also home to The Golden Gate Bridge, a 1.7 mile suspension bridge connecting the San Francisco Peninsula to the Marin Headlands. endobj ; Non-service animals, including dogs and horses, which are being led, ridden, or driven. <> �淰�~��{�a[�yvh�Ů��aK�B������#6��قڅ�l3)k���W��Y����H����^�,�7m�u����H� ���-�46�F�p�D��� ;2@�����1��1P��ܐWq�-�^츃��tv���������^��M�5!� These devices may be pushed or ridden but must be in the power-off mode. Tras todos estos procesos de construcción, el 27 de mayo de 1937 se inauguró el Golden Gate y se abrió al público. x��=k�]�q����2�ZYϕ�\'V|�͞�ɶ���|I ��~j��E����:��� Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning across Golden Gate, the opening into the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean, shown in Fig. %�쏢 /Contents 4 0 R>> Small scooters when in the power-on mode. 4 0 obj Como ya hemos dicho, el Golden Gate costó unos 35 millones de dólares, pero además, …
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El Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District fue autorizado por un acto de la Legislatura de California en 1928 como la entidad oficial para diseñar, construir y financiar el puente Golden Gate. <>>><>>>] Contract 2016-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System and Wind Retrofit Request for Proposals (RFP) Notice Mandatory Pre-proposal conference: Wednesday, December 9, 2015, at 1:30 p.m. PEDESTRIANS BICYCLISTS. &����FQ�?�s(+DB{ �2�Om>���m�����]��}�ω�lt%F���J�{�oJ��m�M�����)g}8>�Q��.�㳛[�)���E�K�;����9 ��h^_ğ�8}|ys`#\�=�K�8������4�����k?oM_'v�_���� ����˛[�I���xqc`���2���wL)|ƞ2�f�;� 'V��-�C��S�����Bt��0� �M���u|�~��AY``-�跢�C>O?��u�VX� X�C.�0a�K�ڗ7H�:'-Y���)`qH�t�sH��u��q3���aa�Y #0>D�ӛ2�iXc
%PDF-1.3 The following devices are NOT permitted on Golden Gate Bridge sidewalks:. <> ; Persons on roller blades, skateboards, or roller skates. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. ��vf�uW_:��w�=�t���L_ۉ�8�ח�9�� A�r��z;��" � �`G��W�Ns���2y��T����)��5�A�f��'��ݨ�m:AG��s�9Ϥ��Qa�#K��Z]}*�$W�k;u�>��և�Nч)1 U�D:,��\}\�`���`��9=�1��������;����&L��_�뿈����� })Lg�&H�v����^"���4R$�C��юF��s+�x���}�t�H�\g��r���f�d �,����"�t c'VW��v_`e���|���f+HW�43��5�~Cs+���X� 3 0 obj 5 0 obj
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