Musical precedents. Doo-wop's style is a mixture of precedents in composition, orchestration, and vocals that figured in American popular music created by song writers and vocal groups, both black and white, from the 1930s to the 1940s.Doo-wop's characteristic vocal style was influenced by groups such as the Mills Brothers,Gribin and Schiff identify 5 features of doo-wop music: 1) it is vocal music made by groups; 2) it features a wide range of vocal parts, "usually from bass to falsetto"; 3) it includes nonsense syllables; 4) there is a simple beat and low key instrumentals; and 5) it has simple words and music.Although the musical style originated in the late 1940s and was very popular in the 1950s, the term "doo-wop" itself did not appear in print until 1961, in The vocal harmony group tradition that developed in the United States post-World War II was the most popular form of rhythm and blues music among black teenagers, especially those living in the large urban centers of the eastern coast, in Chicago, and in Detroit. The white power structure in American society and some executives in the corporately controlled entertainment industry saw rhythm and blues, rooted in black culture, as obscene,Doo-wop groups achieved 1951 R&B chart hits with songs such as "Doo-wop groups played a significant role in ushering in the The peak of doo-wop might have been in the late 1950s; in the early 1960s the most notable hits were Although the ultimate longevity of doo-wop has been disputed.Over the years other groups have had doo-wop or doo-wop-influenced hits, such as The formation of the hip-hop scene beginning in the late 1970s strongly parallels the rise of the doo-wop scene of the 1950s, particularly mirroring it in the emergence of the urban street culture of the 1990s. They used to go out and play at night and kids would be out there dancing. Doo-wop has complex musical, social, and commercial origins. Same identical thing that started it – the doowop groups down the street, in hallways, in alleys and on the corner. In the summertime, they'd have these little parties in the park. All of a sudden, everywhere you turned you'd hear kids rapping. You'd hear it everywhere. Among the first groups to perform songs in the vocal harmony group tradition were Teenagers who could not afford musical instruments formed groups that sang songs Particularly productive doo-wop groups were formed by young By the late 1950s and early 1960s, many Italian-American groups had national hits: Female doo-wop singers were unusual in the early days. According to Bobby Robinson, a well-known producer of the period: In 1949, One style of rhythm and blues was mostly vocal, with instrumental backing that ranged from a full orchestra to none. Doo-wop has complex musical, social, and commercial origins. Doo-wop's style is a mixture of precedents in composition, orchestration, and vocals that figured in American popular music created by song writers and vocal groups, both black and white, from the 1930s to the 1940s. All of a sudden, all you could hear was, hip hop hit the top don't stop. It was most often performed by a group, frequently a quartet, as in the black gospel tradition; utilizing close harmonies, this style was nearly always performed in a slow to medium tempo. It's kids - to a great extent mixed-up and confused - reaching out to express themselves. Doo-wop originally started out as the black teenage expression of the '50s and rap emerged as the black teenage ghetto expression of the '70s. They were forcefully trying to express themselves and they made up in fantasy what they missed in reality.Whitburn, Joel, Joel Whitburn’s Top Pop Records: 1940-1955, Record Research, Menomanee, Wisconsin, 1973 p.37Gribin, Dr. Anthony j., and Dr. Matthew M. Schiff, They'd gather anywhere and, you know, doo-wop doowah da dadada. The lead voice, usually one in the upper register, often sang over the driving, wordless chords of the other singers or interacted with them in a Black and white young people both wanted to see popular doo-wop acts perform, and racially mixed groups of youths would stand on inner city street corners and sing doo-wop songs The development of rhythm and blues coincided with the issue of racial segregation becoming more socially contentious in American society, while the black leadership increasingly challenged the old social order. So the same thing started with rap groups around '76 or so. By 1948, RCA Victor was marketing black music under the name "Blues and Rhythm". Well everybody sing this song all the DooDah day (hey) Hit the floor, now don't be shy, flip flop until you die Then give me all your ba bababa, do your thing, say DooDahDah The synthesis of music styles that evolved into what is now called rhythm and blues, previously labeled "race music" by the record companies, found a broad youth audience in the postwar years and helped to catalyze changes in racial relations in American society.
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