So far it was tested on 8 patients and they all recovered, this is the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic. Jérôme Munyangi: Before agreeing to leave Paris, the first condition I laid down was that my safety be ensured. Pourtant, le chercheur congolais, Jérôme Munyangi s’attire des ennuis. WhatsApp Us +254729000014 Meet Dr Jerome Munyangi The Doctor Behind Madagascar Coronavirus CureMeet Dr Jerome Munyangi The Doctor Behind Madagascar Coronavirus Cure This herbal drink was approved by the Malagasy government as the cure and prevention treatment for corona virus. Recovery Rate. Based in Madagascar, Dr Jerome Munyangi originally for Congo is the inventor and manufacturer of the Madagascar herbal drink named COVID-ORGANICS. He holds a Journalism Diploma and recently graduated with a Bachelors degree in Digital MediaAfrican Union (AU) supports Madagascar COVID-19 CureEquatorial Guinea orders Madagascar’s COVID Organics herbal medicine Indeed, Dr Jerome Munyangi is not the first scientist who has worked on Artemisia tea infusions. After the success of his Malaria Artemisia plant research, he was persecuted, poisoned and imprisoned. Designed by Dr Jerome Munyangi the doctor behind Madagascar Coronavirus cureDr Jerome Munyangi is the man behind the Madagascar Coronavirus cure. Dr Jerome Munyangi is the man behind the Madagascar Coronavirus cure. This Covid-Organics herbal drink, has been tested and proved to be working.
So far it was tested on 8 patients and they all recovered, this is the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic. The doctor suffered state sponsored persecution in his home land. 92 persons have recovered out of 128 infected. He is a Congolese, had his Medical Degree from the University of Kinshasa, Masters at Paris Diderot University & University of Ottawa. We provide prompt, accurate and unbiased news content that puts us ahead of the crowd. Comme une star, lui qui a dû fuir son pays pour se réfugier en France. DR Jerome Munyangi who was recruited by the World Health Organization (WHO). And, to paraphrase the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, there’s no need to dig up the past when you agree to return home. Today, I feel safe. Dr jerome Munyangi is the man behind Madagascar’s COVID-ORGANICS herbal.He is a Congolese, had his Medical Degree from the University of Kinshasa, Masters at Paris Diderot University & University of Ottawa.He joined WHO in 2011 as a Researcher on neglected tropical diseases.Recovery Rate.
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The good news is that all other studies do prove that Artemisia is better than the drugs manufactured by “Big Pharma”. © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved
We deliver information that matters to you. This herbal drink was approved by the Malagasy government as the cure and prevention treatment for coronavirus.Madagascar President Andry Nirina Rajoelina revealed that the Congolese doctor, Dr. Jerome Munyagi is working in partnership with the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research.Speaking to the press at the launch of Covid-Organics at the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research, which developed the tonic. Le docteur Jérôme Munyangi travaille sur un traitement alternatif à base d’« Artemisia » qui fait polémique dans la communauté scientifique. He is a Congolese, had his Medical Degree from the University of Kinshasa, Masters at Paris Diderot University & University of Ottawa. On the contrary, there was a combined cure rate of 99.5% for those who took the Artemisia tea infusions and only 5% side effects.Established institutions, which have become the clergy of medical prescriptions, are religiously fighting these results despite the fact that those who conducted the study just know medicine as well as the clergymen of the pharmaceutical industry, among others. All rights reserved. The President showed solidarity towards the COVI-19 Cure.‘We appreciate the efforts, the scientific, innovative and work ethic of research lead doctor, Dr Jerome Munyangi for discovering the end of coronavirus.
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