The next morning, they sneak into the Max uses the photo to undo her decision and return to the present day, restoring Chloe's health.
Even if I never—even if we're moving for good... We're always together, okay?
David also refers to her as "sweetie", and she and Max had visited him sometime ago. Chloe is wearing her Ariel costume and she is frustrated with the fact that it's all theater.
Akcja Before the Storm osadzona jest na trzy lata przed wydarzeniami z Life is Strange. Chloe then proceeds to Rachel's room and comforts her. Max asks her about the students and Blackwell and Chloe becomes evasive, clearly bothered by something. She will ponder the events of the day, notably David moving in and her situation at school.
She approaches a dog and starts petting it. Sera begs Damon to stop but Damon hits her and tells her "to shut the fuck up". {"id":"788155","linkUrl":"/videogame/Life+is+Strange%3A+Before+the+Storm-2017-788155","alt":"Life is Strange: Before the Storm","imgUrl":""}Losy niezwykłej przyjaźni między szesnastoletnią buntowniczką Chloe Price a ambitną Rachel Amber. Chloe awakens to find herself in another nightmare. With Rhianna DeVries, Kylie Brown, Bootsie Park, Dan D.W. McCann. Chloe seems sympathetic. Chloe seems more upbeat and can spar with Drew over his pudding or play a tabletop game with Mikey. Chloe Elizabeth Price is a fictional character, serving as one of the protagonists in the video-games Life Is Strange and its prequel Life Is Strange: Before the Storm. Chloe then emerges from Rachel's room to find Eliot, who seems upset at having been stood up for the play the previous evening and probes into what happened. Właśnie został udostępniony epizod bonusowy. If Chloe asked for Rachel's bracelet in the previous episode, she can give it to Sera. She kicks David's car door shut and storms off, to Joyce's despair.
She pushes the empty dog kennel under the back door, climbs up on it, and opens the door. "Life is Strange: Before the Storm" nie jest może tak świeże jak oryginał, nie ma podróży w czasie czy wielkiego tornada, ale wciąż po skończeniu całości pozostawia ... Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Zwiastun Nr 6 - epizod bonusowy Myśleliście, że "Life is Strange: Before the Storm" się skończyło? Chloe begins smoking and slowly falls asleep. Chloe, Max, Joyce, and Max's parents attend William's funeral.
Chloe then lies next to Rachel and tries to comfort her, sharing personal thoughts about her father. Chloe is at the backstage when Mr. Keaton tells everyone that one of the actors, Rachel's mom asks Chloe about her classes and comments that she is welcome at the Amber house. They discover a hidden bunker containing pictures of Rachel and Max's classmate Kate tied up and intoxicated, with Rachel being buried at Chloe's secret hideout. Sera begs Chloe not to tell Rachel that James had Damon drug her, commenting that "if you love her, you'll lie to her". Chloe reveals that she turned up Marisa's Bunsen burner in science class because she "wouldn't leave [her] alone", and Max asks what Chloe means by that. Fue la mejor amiga de Max Caulfield hasta que despues, esta se mudo a Seattle después de la muerte del padre de Chloe. Stan Nowy Wersja gry cyfrowa Wersja językowa Angielska Tytuł Life is Strange: Before the Storm Classic Chloe Outfit Pack - KOD / KLUCZ PS4. Directed by William Beacham, Chris Floyd, Webb Pickersgill. Opcja 'backtalk' jest chyba czymś jeszcze lepszym niż ... Uwaga Spoiler! Chloe didn't want to talk about it because she wanted to enjoy the rest of their time together and not have it "hanging over [them] all day". Chloe weeps not only with grief for her father's death, but also for her best friend moving away from her. When Frank tries to calm Damon down, Chloe looks on as Rachel attacks Damon with a piece of wood. Chloe then leaves to go and get her father's tools from the garage, then proceeds to the junkyard. Chloe will flip the Principal off as she drives away. Rachel then leaves for her rehearsal and leaves a bag of clothes for Chloe. It reveals that they hid a "treasure" and to find it they'll need a map, telescope, and amulet. Chloe states that she wants to leave Arcadia Bay and Rachel understands, and they both agree to leave together. They later break into the principal's office that night to investigate and enter the school's pool for a swim before evading David Madsen, head of security at Blackwell and Chloe's stepfather, and fleeing back to Chloe's place. After the funeral, Chloe proceeds to her room and finds the tape recorder on the floor of her room.
All of a sudden, the two are ambushed by Max's teacher Mark Jefferson, who The next day, Chloe and Rachel are reprimanded by Principal Wells for ditching school. Rachel bursts into flames and the same truck from before crashes into the car. Chloe vows to find Rachel's mother for her. She then kicks the trashcan over and screams, causing the tree to be engulfed in flames. Sera then bids Chloe goodbye and leaves. She wears subtle, soft pink nail polish, which later transitions to blue in the epilogue. If she used the knife on him, he will threaten her to drug her. Regardless of what Chloe says or does, Damon slaps her and she falls to the ground. A cassette tape is already inserted into it and a sticky note lies on top of it, saying "I'm Sorry". If Chloe lies to her, Rachel will thank Chloe, commenting that "I really thought you'd find her". If Max tells Chloe the truth, she reveals that she knew the whole time, as she overheard Max's parents tell Joyce and William.
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