They are used to start a sentence, to signal a proper noun, and to show the title of a work. Grammar test 1. Grammar explanation Capitalisation. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. This is a worksheet for students working on using capital letters for countries and nationalities. Proper use of capitalization is vital for students as they learn formal writing. Rules about the use of capital letters and an exercise. Add the correct punctuation and capital letters to the sentences in the worksheets - and you will be word perfect in no time! Explain that in the first sentence, the word "Pete," has to begin with an uppercase letter because it starts and sentence and because it is a proper noun: It names a specific character in a movie.
Helps students practice writing capital letters and lowercase letters. On this worksheet, students correct capitalization errors on sentences such as: "pete and i was the movie dinosaur on sunday." Capital letters at the start of sentences. Sue Watson is a developmental support counselor who has worked in public education since 1991, specializing in developmental services, behavioral work, and special education. I find it useful,and you...? Try this exercise to test your grammar.
Welcome to ESL Printables , the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Have fun using it in your classes. "On this worksheet, students correct capitalization errors on sentences such as: "pete and i was the movie dinosaur on sunday." [ More lessons & exercises from lili73 ] Click here to see the current stats of this English test online exercise to practice/revise the use of capital letters. Rather than just telling the students the answers, write the sentence on the board and see if they can tell you which letters need to be uppercase.This worksheet offers more challenging sentences that force students to analyze which letters actually need to be capitalized, such as: "i went on the maid of the mist boat when i visited niagara falls." ; Click Next to … Page two - gap-fill and page three question answering. This is the "I have, Who has" activity, using the capital letters of the alphabet.
Some of them are tricky! This worksheets outlines the rules of capitalisation in a simple dot points format. Click on the words in the sentence below that need to be capitalized. Capital letter for names Worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 Grammar worksheet: Capital letter for names Keywords: capital letters, capitalization, writing names, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet Created Date: 1/30/2019 8:42:51 AM This is a set of two capitalization practice worksheets. Good luck! Days, months and holidays Capital Letters Worksheet Number 2 .
Ss mostly practise writing skills while adding missing apostrophes and capital letters. Here is a full list of capital letters. It tells us when to take a breath, or highlights the importance of someone or something. This sentence provides a perfect opportunity to review several capitalization rules with students: The "D" in "Disneyland" must be uppercase because Disneyland is a specific place; the "F" in "Florida" must be capitalized because Florida is the name of a specific state, and the "M" in "My" has to be uppercase because it starts a sentence. Explain that while "games," by itself, is just a common noun (referring to any games), in the term "Olympic Games," both the "O" in "Olympic" and the "G" in "Games" must be capitalized, because the two words together refer to a specific event.On this worksheet, students will correct sentences such as: "my family wants to go to disneyland in florida for our next vacation." Looking for some capitalization practice? Tennis newspaper article. Enjoy!! Capital letters are used for two main purposes in English: to show the beginning of a sentence ; to show that a noun is a proper noun. Commas, apostrophe, capital letter and period are taught. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Page one - capital letters. An activity to practice adding punctuation to form sentences. They are suitable for different levels and each covers a different set of capitalization rules.
Below are worksheets that are free for you to use to help your student at home or in the classroom. Capitalization worksheets and teaching ideas for grades 2-4 By sariyse My secondary school students often find themselves struggling with the rules for capitalization in English, as these are rather different... 888 Downloads . Your student will have a capital time with this capitalization worksheet! Cut out the 27 cards and distribute around the class... A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Capital letters, shared by English language teachers. Flip books, task cards and great quizzes to learn about capital letter use. Using Capital Letters. The pronoun I is always capitalised. Good luck! Hopefully, after their practice on the previous printables, students will know that the "I" must be capitalized in each case because it is the pronoun "I" and the "N" in "Niagara" must be uppercase because the word names a specific place.However, in the term, "Maid of the Mist," only the "M" needs to be uppercase in "Maid" and "Mist" because smaller words, like "of" and "the" generally are not capitalized, even in a proper noun, such as the name of this boat. 2. In these worksheets, students put that capitalization rule to practice. The letter "I" needs to be capitalized, both because it is the pronoun "I" and because it is part of the title of a movie.The second sentence includes a term that might confuse students considering whether to capitalize it: "Olympic Games."
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