He had a fake ending; said goodnight and thank you for coming, and 5 minutes later came back out and sang some of his expletive songs.
Acheter des billets pour le prochain concert de Bruno Major près de chez toi. Did you know in Honolulu Hawaii where 'Bruno' was born as 'Peter Gene Bayot Hernandez'? La chaîne YouTube « Bruno - Un Nouveau Message » propose un nouveau concept audiovisuel : délivrer des messages bouleversants de l’au-delà et empreints de bienveillance, à travers des rencontres sous forme de balades dans les rues de Paris et en région.À travers Bruno, les participants, anonymes ou connus, entrent en contact avec leurs proches disparus et reçoivent des messages de leur part.Trois ans après la sortie de la chaîne, les candidats se bousculent pour participer à cette expérience qui changera définitivement leur vision de la vie ...C est pourquoi, Bruno vient lui même à la rencontre des internautes !Au programme : Vous pourrez poser toutes vos questions à Bruno concernant son travail, sa chaîne. That takes creativity, showmanship, planning beyond belief I imagineOnce in a lifetime display of talent and technology.The demographics of who attends ranges for a six year old to 80 year old grandma and grandpa's. Donc, si ton artiste préféré n'a pas de concerts prochains en ce moment, joindre Songkick pour suivre Bruno Mars et recevoir des notifications instantanées lorsqu'un concert se passe près de chez toi, comme 3214519 autres fans de Bruno Mars. Overall I loved this concert, and I highly recommend you go too!There is no doubt that Bruno Mars is one of the top male singers today.
!Overall, it was the best concert of my life, even though we could have been in better seats, and I even got a souvenir t-shirt!!!
Songkick est le premier à découvrir nouveaux concerts. !It was an absolutely amazing night! You'll dance, you'll laugh, and hey, you might even cry during the ballads. The dancing was fantastic, his stage presence and how he played with the crowd (mostly the ladies) was FUN!!!! There are lots of suprizes during the whole concert and it really keeps you on your feet. He made the audience feel like he was glad to be there and was having a good time with us. The repetoire of songs, the dancing and the rapport with the public.
I will never forget this night!Bebe Rexha was there and Nick Jonas and who we were all waiting for BRUNO MARSSSS!! AWESOME!!! Don't get me wrong, I was entertained, but I went to see Bruno Mars because I wanted to be blown away. He did reggae, his slow songs, his faster songs (like Natalie, Gorilla, etc). If you go to the concert you will not regret or forget it.
There just doesn’t seem to be any way of stopping this once in a generation talent, and he’s still yet to reach his prime, either on record or in his blistering live shows. I saw Jimmie Hendrix in concert, Moody Blues, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Cream, Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Jason Aldean, Siberian Orchestra, Johnny Mathis and many many more artists and this concert ranked in the top 5. His band is amazing too, they were dancing with him! The merchandise were cool, though it was very expensive (but what else do you expect at a concert?). His live performances are extremely entertaining.Many people don't realise that he's more than just a singer: his dance moves are smooth, and when he plays a drum solo, the girls cannot stop screaming! There was singing, fire, glitter confetti, dancing, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans... What else could you want? He did a variety of different songs. Malheureusement il n'y a pas de concerts prochains pour Bruno Mars en 2020. !He sang all of my favorite songssss and ne sang UPTOWN FUNK!!!! But she didn't. He is the greatestand I cannot eait until the next time. BRUNO " Un … IT SUCKED!! “Grenade”? He even added some comedy in there, and he was putting his absolute all you could see by the sweat on his body. The show was a little delayed because it didn't start until like 15 after 8. He's so so so good live. His dance sequences were spot on, he is a mix of James Brown, Prince, Morris Day and the Time.
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