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International Leadership Program, Bonn, Prague, Budapest, Frankfurt, Munchen.
Aici gasiti stiri si materiale legate de actualitatea noastra : de la comunicate de presa business pana la proiectele din domeniul cultural, din educatie, sport sau tehnologieAici anuntam toate lucrarile de mentenanta intreprinse in scopul imbunatatirii performantei serviciilor noastre.este o platforma de jurnalism cultural care face portretul tinerei generatii de creatorieste un proiect editorial dedicat educației preuniversitare creat de DoR și BRDPublicație online despre știință & tehnologie, ca să înţelegem lumea în care trăim The Individuals segment provides individual customers with a range of banking products, such as saving and deposits taking, consumer and housing loans, overdrafts, credit card facilities, funds transfer and payment facilities. BRD – Groupe Société Générale (the “Bank” or “BRD”) is a joint stock company incorporated in Romania. If you purchase a product or service linked from this site, we may receive an "affiliate commission".
BRD - Groupe Societe Generale | 44,600 followers on LinkedIn | BRD is a strong bank with over 90 years of tradition of Romania. The Company’s business activities are divided into five segments. A notification message that the page is unavailable and you are invited to log in again, or to sync your token device), please stop the authentication process immediately and contact as soon as possible through MyBRD Contact tel: 021 302 6161. Share price information may be rounded up/down and therefore not entirely accurate.
This site is property of BRD.
MyBRD Net is the perfect solution, whatever your lifestyle, where time and accessibility are key criteria.MyBRD Mobile, an intuitive application that you will use without any problem even if you have never used a mobile banking service!The remote banking service provides you with information on your bank accounts directly from your mobile phone.MyBRD Contact is a service which allows you to quickly make your current operations through the phone.MyBRD Net is the perfect solution, whatever your lifestyle, where time and accessibility are key criteria.MyBRD Mobile, an intuitive application that you will use without any problem even if you have never used a mobile banking service!The remote banking service provides you with information on your bank accounts directly from your mobile phone.MyBRD Contact is a service which allows you to quickly make your current operations through the phone.Safekeeping, registering, monitoring and controlling the applications for subscription or redemption of fund units.Distribution of fund units, dividends and bond payments.
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2018 – …
BRD - Groupe Societe Generale. Group distribution services within public offerings.Administration availability of customer accounts to their instructions - financial instruments operations or cash.Clearing services for transactions made on Bucharest Stock Exchange, Bucharest Clearing House and SIBEX.
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