You can be granted a credit facility or overdraft facility. Kamerpower.
Ces cookies sont utilisés pour sécuriser votre connexion, faciliter votre navigation et permettre l'élaboration de statistiques. ! 30, August 2016. The english version of this text will be soon available Chères clientes/Chers clients,Dans notre souci constant de vous offrir un service de très haute qualité, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la mise en exploitation de notre nouvelle solution de Online Banking à partir de ce vendredi 20 décembre 2013.
Emploi au Cameroun 2020, concours, Universités, Resultats, Jobs, Stages, Conseils etc, The best Informative website in Cameroon. Accueil > Compte en ligne > Abonnement. BICEC Cameroun: A Bank not to be trusted. BICEC, the leading banking network in Cameroon » Discover our network. Access your accounts online, rapidly and in all security » Access to your accounts. Nous sommes constamment à la recherche de nouvelles façons de rendre la banque plus simple, plus intelligente et meilleure. BICEC changes its … : (237) 3342-7010 or 3342-7004 Fax: (237) 3342-8772; SGBC Bank Cameroon Wouri, Douala, Cameroon. SGBC Bank Cameroon (Rue Joss, Bonanjo Douala) Societe Generale de Banque au Cameroun (SGBC) 78, Rue Joss, P.O. Features ATM (VISA), Teller services, foreign currency exchanging, etc. Étiquettes : BICEC Cameroun recrutement. La BICEC est le premier réseau bancaire au Cameroun avec plus de 40 agences. PICTURE GALLERY. Access your accounts online, We mean to bring you transparency, competitiveness and responsivenessFrom December 16, 2019, BICEC changes its opening hours to fit the clients needs.On Friday November 15, 2019, BICEC carried out an evacuation exercise of the Head Office building at Bonanjo.An official ceremony was held at BICEC Head office in Douala-Bonanjo, at October 1, 2019Alongside the local authorities, Mr. Phillipe WATTECAMPS inaugurated the new building which houses the Nkongsamba branch.BICEC helps finance the construction of the hydroelectric dam NACHTIGALThe new Mbalmayo branch officially opened the doors On July 4, 2018.BICEC inaugurated its new PRIVILEGE space at Yaoundé La Vallée Branch. Trust is the only product we buy from a Bank when we decide to hand all our savings for SAVE keeping. Security; Subscription; Identification; HUMAN RESOURCES. Carry out day-to-day operations without moving! SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST. BICEC has taken all possible steps to enable you carry out your day-to day transactions via the internet without having to move! Bicec cameroon online banking : La BICEC Africa. LATEST NEWS. ADVANTAGES: Security: Your cash is safe from being stolen or lost Services: You receive a bank card, cheque book to facilitate your transactions or you can equally subscribe to BICEC info or to receive information on your account.
En poursuivant votre navigation sur notre site internet, vous acceptez que des cookies soient placés sur votre terminal. Follow-up the operations on your bank accounts in real time 24 hours a day. Availability: You can withdraw cash from ATMs at anytime. LIRE: Offre d’emploi à la BICEC Cameroun Banque Internationale recrutement. Sélectionnez le pays dans lequel se trouve votre banque. The Bank is indeed run by a mafia network firmly established within BICEC.The only product a Bank has is “Trust”! It has been revealed that highly placed officials of BICEC Bank Cameroun bought on paper over 450 service vehicles which were allocated to the Douala and Yaounde branches. All news. L'application BICEC - Mobile Banking, vous donne accès à tous vos comptes ouverts à la BICEC 24h/24 et 7j/7. The scandal of embezzling over 50 billion CFA francs has seen the arrest of four senior bankers currently detained at the New Bell Central prison in Douala. Filiale du Groupe BPCE, la BICEC place l’écoute, l’assistance et le conseil au centre de ses relations avec la clientèle. 1/ Une disponibilité totale L'application BICEC - Mobile Banking, vous donne accès à tous vos comptes ouverts à la BICEC 24h/24 et 7j/7. DEMANDE D'ABONNEMENT. BICEC Youth Days. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Our Careers; How to apply; Training; Spontaneous application; Internships; NETWORK. A Bank not to be trusted has no place in society! Les services bancaires en ligne de UBA vous offrent un accès illimité et sécurisé à votre compte, à tout moment, n’importe où, sur votre …
Lauching of our new solution for Online Banking . Abonnement-Formulaire Particuliers-Formulaire Entreprises. View your accounts, balances and transaction history in real time. Contact us at. BNC Youth Days. Le meilleur site informatif au Cameroun.Bicec cameroon online banking : La BICEC Africa. Family picture with the secondary schools Family picture with the primary schools The winner of the drawing competition presenting his work The winners of the drawing competition ( secondary schools) Prize award to a very deserving poet Prize award by renowned artist Max LYONGA A brief talk on BICEC’s offer for kids( BNC Junior) The cute little artist presents her work Picture with the TOP 10 poets (Primary schools) The teachers... their support system The kids… looking forward to a fun filled day! The famous bills which emanated from a car dealer located beside the head office in Douala were crudely crafted with some amounts not specified.
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