Il sert aussi de jeu de cartes auto-correctif en découpant les cartes de chaque mois et en les numérotant à l’arrière.
Enter one choice per line, then choose the correct answers below.Enter one choice per line on the left and its corresponding match on the right.Enter the sentence below. Make your own!Lorem ipsum dolor amet semiotics disrupt venmo succulents.Give this quiz a title and specify its difficulty. Don't see the perfect quiz for your students?
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docx, 337 KB. Live Settings. EduLulu is listening! To sign up, enter your email address and password, or connect via Facebook, Google, or Twitter. About this resource. Students use a join code to watch this video live in class on their devices. Afin d’apprendre aux enfants à se repérer dans le temps, voici un nouvel atelier des mots pour apprendre à écrire le nom de chaque jour de la semaine et de chaque mois de l’année.. Un petit calendrier en haut à gauche, permet aux enfants de facilement identifier ces nouvelles fiches concernant les jours et les mois.
Word 1, Word 2, Word 3 Comment apprendre les mois de l'année aux enfants en s'amusant? Join EduLulu's team and be a part of app evaluations.We'd love to hear your questions and comments. Feel free to submit. Months / Mois . Je n’ai pas de maternelle cette année (en tout cas pas pour l’instant) mais j’espère bien que ça pourra servir à … TandLGuru KS2 French Knowledge Organisers Bundle! Created: Mar 7, 2016.
Toggle this if you'd like this video to be private. I did like the little talking mascots that followed me along through the app. preventing us from loading this video. Les-mois-de-l'ann-e-2. Novice Low; A1. FREE (9) frederiquerobert Directions and places in town. Toggle this if you'd like to require that students log in with their accounts (instead of anonymously).Toggle this if you'd like to enable the video on student devices.Toggle this if you'd like this video muted on the students' devices. Les-mois-de-l'ann-e-3. docx, 44 KB. All comments are moderated on EduLulu's website. Je les avais construites petit à petit au fil de l’année 2014/2015 mais je ne les avais publiées que partiellement sur mon ancien blog, je souhaitais remettre le fichier entier à jour ici. Get this resource as part of a … FREE (3) Popular paid resources. Add brackets to words which will need to be filled in.You can provide an optional explanation for expected response to this question.
Grâce à ce petit clic illustré votre enfant pourra apprendre en français les mois suivant: Janvier, Février, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre ***** RETROUVEZ-MOI ***** Tous les … laprofdefrancais KS3 to GCSE- Transition/ Revision lessons- French GCSE £ 3.50 (3) cgazzal French – Conversation Cards – Questions and Answers.
FluentKey Official August 20, 2019.
Migas ethical squid, selvage man bun small batch taiyaki vexillologist beard jean shorts.Students are assigned to watch the video and also answer questions as they watch.Students are assigned to watch the entire video from start to finish.Watch and listen carefully as the media progresses.Watch and listen carefully as the media progresses. Report a problem. Average Points Après avoir découpé les mois, ils doivent les placer dans le bon ordre sur la feuille.
[wp-svg-icons icon="spinner-3" wrap="i"] Just a sec... [wp-svg-icons icon="spinner-3" wrap="i"]Preparing preview. To log in, use your email address and password, or sign in via Facebook or Google. Référentiel des mois en lettres scriptes et capitales. Les-mois-de-l'ann-e-2. Use an existing quiz or create your own.
Students use a join code to watch this video live in class on their devices. £ 4.25 15% off.
docx, 44 KB .
Upgrade to Pro for translations. »You have a critical mind and love the digital world? docx, 337 KB. Students use a join code to watch this video live in class on their devices.Students use a join code to watch this video live in class on their devices.Choose a comprehension quiz to assign, or make your own.Themes allow you to specify what the video is about. Your network administrator may have content restrictions in place that are Show all files. LES-MOIS-DE-L'ANN-E-worksheet-PR-2016. podium.It looks like we can't reach YouTube. You can add more than one theme.Difficulty levels range from Novice Low to Advanced High and allow users to gauge how challenging your video is.Deleting this content will permanently remove it from FluentKey.You can trim this video if you'd only like to use a part of it.Invert this trim if you'd like to use the beginning and or end.Lorem ipsum dolor amet semiotics disrupt venmo succulents.
Quizzes allow you to gauge your students' comprehension of the video. Il existe en 3 versions… illustrations des mois simples, celle de Toute l’année avec le loup et celle du loup qui ne voulait plus marcher . This app offers games that help children learn the days of the week and the months of the year to get them to better understand the concept of time.« I found that this app, available in many languages, tries to do too much all at once: it aims to teach months, their abbreviation (which, in French at least, didnât quite match with those used in Canada) and their place-number in the year. « I found that this app, available in many languages, tries to do too much all at once: it aims to teach months, their abbreviation (which, in French at least, didn’t quite match with those used in Canada) and their place-number in the year.
Cette semaine nous retravaillons les mois de l’année voici des liens : comptine : la ronde des mois à construire : petite évaluation : fiche : fiche 2 : fiche 3 : fiche 4 : jeu de cartes sur… This cute video introduces the French words for the months of the year.
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