Île-de-France tramway Line 1 (usually called simply T1) is part of the modern tram network of the Île-de-France region of France.
They are operated by the RATP (Régie autonome des transports parisiens) and divided into two sections called T3a and T3b.The line is also known as the Tramway des Maréchaux because it follows the Boulevards of the Marshals, a series of boulevards …
The line has a length of 6.6 km (4.1 mi) and 16 stations. The line was extended in December 2003 and November 2012. Île-de-France tramway Lines 3a and 3b are the first modern tramway in Paris proper, since the 1937 closure of the previous comparable system. First envisioned during the 1990s as a means of providing better public transportation through Line T5 was designed with the stated aim of providing superior public transportation services in the northern suburbs of Notably, Line 5 is unlike any previous tramways in the region in that it was designed to be a During November 2006, STIF issued its approval of the route's preliminary draft.During January 2008, work commenced upon preliminary construction of Line 5; during this phase, it was necessary to relocate numerous residents, pedestrian footpaths and bus stops along the route ahead of the actual construction activity.During the final months of 2009, civil engineering works commenced simultaneously in the Val d’Oise and Seine-Saint-Denis districts.Reportedly, Line 5 had been constructed at an estimated cost of €163.13 million.The tram vehicle possesses a relatively small axial radius of 10.5 metres, which is a favourable quality for the T5 line, which has been considered to be somewhat curvy and have sharp bends present along its route. The project, re-estimated to cost 520 million francs (about 79.3 million euro or 103.5 million US dollars), received 50% of its funding from the state, 42.8% from the region and 7.2% from the The last tramway had operated in Paris proper in 1937, and the last tramline in the region operated to Versailles until 1957.Jean Tricoire, "Le Tramway à Paris et en Île-de-France", 2007, p. 65-66.Jean Tricoire, "Le Tramway à Paris et en Île-de-France", 2007, p. 67Jean Tricoire, "Le Tramway à Paris et en Île-de-France", 2007, p. 68 The line has a length of 17 km (11 mi) and 36 stations. The cost of building the infrastructure was estimated on 1 January 1983 to be 470 million francs (about 71.65 million euro or 93.5 million US dollars) and the cost of the train equipment to be 135 million francs (about 20.58 million euro or 26.87 million US dollars).Funding was provided with the regional planning contract of 1984. Île-de-France tramway Line 4, also called the T4, is an 8-kilometre (5 mi) long tram-train line operated by the SNCF.It was inaugurated 20 November 2006, and runs between Aulnay-sous-Bois, Bondy and Montfermeil in the Seine-Saint-Denis department of Île-de-France..
La ligne 1 du tramway d'Île-de-France, plus simplement nommée T1, est une ligne du tramway d'Île-de-France exploitée par la Régie autonome des transports parisiens (RATP) qui est mise en service en 1992 entre Bobigny et Saint-Denis, marquant le grand retour de ce mode de transport dans la région Île-de-France après trente-cinq ans d'absence. The Seine-Saint-Denis General Council argued strongly in favour of the project especially since the national political shift towards the Left in May 1981 favoured such an outcome.A comparison was then given between three different solutions: a tramway, an The expected ridership was 55,000 passengers per day on average, or an annual ridership of 15 million passengers, with a minimum frequency of one train every four minutes during rush hour and an expected average speed of 19 kilometres per hour (12 mph). Île-de-France tramway Line 1 marked the return to this type of transportation, having been absent in the region since 1957,In 1980, the IAURIF studied more specifically the connection between Saint-Denis and Bobigny, the first section of the ring in partnership with the RATP which still had some reservations about using this mode of transportation since the expected ridership seemed like it might not be sufficient to ensure the profitability of a tramway. Line T1 connects Noisy-le-Sec station and Les Courtilles with a suburban alignment running in parallel to the Northern city limits of Paris. Île-de-France tramway Line 5 (usually called simply T5) is part of the modern tram network of the Île-de-France region of France.Line T5 connects the centre of Saint-Denis (Marché de Saint-Denis) and Garges - Sarcelles station, in the Northern suburbs of Paris.Line T5 was Île-de-France's first rubber-tyred tramway line.
Île-de-France tramway Line 8 (usually called simply T8, also known as Tram'y in project phase) is part of the modern tram network of the Île-de-France region of France.Line T8 connects Saint-Denis – Porte de Paris Paris Métro station in Saint-Denis and two branches terminating at Villetaneuse-Université station and Épinay-Orgemont, in the Northern suburbs of Paris. It opened in 1992 as the first modern tram line in the Paris region.
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