Hubert du Pontavice is on Facebook. Hubert du Pontavice, ESE, Ecology and Ecosystem Health, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France. Elle est originaire du Pontavice, situé dans la paroisse de La famille du Pontavice tire son nom de la seigneurie du Pontavice, que Guillaume du Pontavice, possédait au La famille du Pontavice a possédé les seigneuries suivantes : Le Pontavice, Montbaudry, La Hussonnais, La Lande, Les Préaux, Les Renardières, Saint-Pierre de Heussey, Saint-Laurent de Terregate, de Rouffigny, La Béchardière, La Chaudronneraie, Le Bas-Mesnil, La Mangeantière, La Bizolaye, La Cour-Henry, Le Vaugarny, Saint-Germain, etc.Parmi les fiefs de la famille du Pontavice, existe encore de nos jours le site exceptionnel des La famille du Pontavice s'est alliée aux familles suivantes: des Pins, de La Barre, de Poilley, d'Arconat, Vivien, Mariette, de Goué, Rogeroy, Taillefer, de Guitton, Larcher, Lusley, Fontaine, Lebasnier, Angot, Juin, de La Rocque, Poupin, Lasne, Pelet, Guitton, de Brégel, de Poilley, de Vallois de Villiers, d'Andigné, d'Héliand, Cazin d'Honincthun, de Malfilastre, de Coulanges, de Quenouart, Le Borgne de Coetivy, Guillard de Kersauzic, Romer, d'Ollone, Le Forestier, Tréhu de Monthierry, du Bourg du Bois Bide, de Malortie Campigny, de La Gorgue de Rosny, Falcon de Longevialle, du Verne, Baston de La Riboisière, de Lanreau, Le Chartier de Boisnay, Familles: Baconnière de Salverte, du Bouetiez de Kerorguen, de Bourgoing, de Cauvigny, Ouvrages de Gilles du Pontavice et/ou Martine Bleuzen du PontaviceOuvrages de Gilles du Pontavice et/ou Martine Bleuzen du Pontavice Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account.Enter your email address below and we will send you your usernameIf the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Using simulated changes in sea water temperature from three Earth system models, we project that the mean TTE in coastal waters would decrease from 7.7% to 7.2% between 2010 and 2100 under the ‘no effective mitigation’ representative concentration pathway (RCP8.5), while BRT between trophic levels 2 and 4 is projected to decrease from 2.7 to 2.3 years on average. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.The Nippon Foundation - University of British Columbia Desc: Marc du Pontavice is a French animator who is the producer of Oggy and the Cockroaches, The Magician, Space Goofs, Kaena: The Prophecy, Mr. Baby, Les Dalton, and Ratz.He was an executive producer from Gaumont, which is based in France. A new PLOS ONE paper investigates past changes in trophic functioning of marine ecosystems cause by human-induced changes in species assemblages by applying an ecosystem approach to fisheries. Lead author Hubert du Pontavice and co-authors Didier Gascuel, Gabriel Reygondeau, Aurore Maureaud, and William Cheung recently published an article in Global Change Biology – “Climate change undermines the global functioning of marine food webs”. The Nereus Program strives to explore a broad range of perspectives and scientific opinions on ocean sustainability, and to create an inclusive community of researchers and other marine professionals.
After leaving the company, he, along with Alix du Pontavice founded Xilam.
Hubert’s research focuses on the functioning of food webs induced by fisheries and climate change. Hubert Du Pontavice is a Ph.D. student at Agrocampus Ouest (France) and at the University of British Columbia. Visit to get more information about Nereus Program's activities. August 24, 2017 | Publication Highlights, Fisheries, Oceanography. Epub 2020 Jan 12.
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